[討論] 颶風Ida可能以C4颶風等級的威力登陸美國

看板TY_Research標題[討論] 颶風Ida可能以C4颶風等級的威力登陸美國作者
時間推噓32 推:32 噓:0 →:34









The upper-level outflow has expanded over all but the southwestern
portion of the circulation, and the upper-level wind pattern is
forecast to continue to improve overnight and early Saturday.
Once Ida moves past western Cuba and into the southeastern Gulf of
Mexico, it will be moving throu
gh a very favorable oceanic and
atmospheric environment consisting of high ocean heat content
waters, low vertical wind shear, and a moist low- to mid-level
atmosphere. These conditions are likely to result in a period
of rapid strengthening during the next 24 to 36 hours. In fact,
with the higher initial wind speed, the intensity guidance has
significantly increased this cycle, and the bulk of the guidance
now brings Ida to category 4 intensity. The NHC forecast explicitly
calls for rapid intensification during the next 24 to 36 hours,
which is supported by several of the dynamical models, the LGEM
model, and high probabilities of rapid intensification indicated
by the SHIPS and DTOPS RI guidance. The NHC forecast is near
the IVCN multi-model consensus aid, but is lower than HCCA and
LGEM. It should be noted that some fluctuations in intensity are
possible as Ida nears the northern Gulf coast due to possible
eyewall replacement cycles. In addition to the expected increase in
strength, the dynamical model guidance again calls for Ida's wind
field to expand while it moves over the Gulf of Mexico. As a
result, there is higher-than-normal confidence that a large and
powerful hurricane will impact portions of the northern Gulf coast
by late this weekend and early next week.


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killseven 08/27 19:10西太風季冷到去觀察北大了xd

aegis43210 08/27 19:1730日就登陸了,來期待飛機實測吧

keroromoa 08/27 22:13北大今年到目前為止還有點黯淡,雖然西太扣掉舒力基

keroromoa 08/27 22:13也差不多

※ 編輯: exempt ( 臺灣), 08/28/2021 09:15:58

aegis43210 08/28 09:18又是紐奧良,但強度應不會那麼強

Bustycat 08/28 13:14

exempt 08/28 21:54 輻散超猛

aegis43210 08/28 22:47EC和FV3一樣強度只報到90KT,HMON報到115KT

Eeli2008 08/29 06:41東太平洋那顆 沿著美國東岸掃上去?

Eeli2008 08/29 06:41說錯 西岸

kbty245 08/29 11:31開始爆發增強了,昨晚到現在中心氣壓已經下降超過20

kbty245 08/29 11:31百帕

kbty245 08/29 11:32

exempt 08/29 12:13最近6小時,風切都很友善。輻散也不錯~~

aegis43210 08/29 13:37FV3給巔峰95kt,955hpa,HMON給巔峰130Kt,940hpa

aegis43210 08/29 13:39預計台灣時間30日凌晨兩點登陸

kbty245 08/29 14:56上一次穿心結果115kts 949mb

kbty245 08/29 14:56增強速度快的嚇人,高空輻散條件太好了

aegis43210 08/29 15:14SHA也很棒,代表艾達颶風沒吸到任何冷水

aegis43210 08/29 15:30NHC給貓四了

kbty245 08/29 15:54原訂0530Z要進行的穿心偵查的TEAL 72似乎遇到問題返

kbty245 08/29 15:54航了,下一次穿心要等0830Z的TEAL 73

aegis43210 08/29 16:18因為不像Katrina一樣有經過眼牆置換,紐奧良的風險

aegis43210 08/29 16:18是小了些

jimmychung0708/29 17:39畢竟不是像臺灣東部的岩岸,風暴潮對美國來說還是

jimmychung0708/29 17:39威脅很大

exempt 08/29 17:5630度SST、10-15的風切、良好的輻散~~

kbty245 08/29 18:58最新一次的穿心 SFMR 131kts 氣壓936mb

kbty245 08/29 19:01緊接一架的穿心 SFMR 140kts 估計氣壓932.3mb

jasonccr 08/29 19:06140 kts!!!

killseven 08/29 19:12這可以稱為 猛爆性增強嗎?

exempt 08/29 19:27可以喊到C5了嗎???

aegis43210 08/29 19:27肯定是RI,一天內已經下降30mb了

aegis43210 08/29 19:29NHC給130kts了,STY

killseven 08/29 20:52而且也算近岸增強了吧

cheny10 08/29 21:06好猛

jimmychung0708/29 21:21

jimmychung0708/29 21:21路易斯安那州真的挫勒蛋啊

WeGoYuSheng 08/29 21:26

WeGoYuSheng 08/29 21:29路易斯安那州接近登陸點的Grand Isle ,房子墊這麼

WeGoYuSheng 08/29 21:29高,但不知是否真的有用?雖然會撤離,但暴潮一來、

WeGoYuSheng 08/29 21:29風摧下去 應該蠻大機率還是會被摧毀吧

jimmychung0708/29 21:32木頭…弱不禁風

exempt 08/29 21:44

kbty245 08/29 22:46結構逐漸轉差,實測氣壓有回升,風速也開始下降,巔

kbty245 08/29 22:46峰應該已經過了

aegis43210 08/29 23:09NHC的強度預測很準,不過要眼牆置換,對陸地威脅上

aegis43210 08/29 23:09升中

aegis43210 08/29 23:10大風場颶風最可怕

kbty245 08/29 23:14

kbty245 08/29 23:15風速實測沒出現明顯雙峰,應該還只是外眼形成前的雨

kbty245 08/29 23:15帶而已

aegis43210 08/29 23:57原來還只是雨帶,那對陸地是好消息

seancschang 08/30 00:03登陸地點實況風雨蠻驚人的

aegis43210 08/30 00:31半小時內即將登陸

jimmylily 08/30 00:53

jimmylily 08/30 00:54風雨感覺在增強

kbty245 08/30 01:02雨帶發展成雙眼牆了,風速實測出現明顯的雙峰

kbty245 08/30 01:03

aegis43210 08/30 01:10應該登陸了

jimmychung0708/30 01:11哇近岸的發展也是瞬息萬變

aegis43210 08/30 01:13是因為換置才減弱,雖然是可預期,但還是感到惆悵

jimmychung0708/30 01:15

jimmychung0708/30 01:15眼進一半還沒完全上陸

ohwahahaha 08/30 09:58電影龍捲風裡的F5龍捲風是不是叫Ada? 差一個字而已