[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2023/06/03
Dear Taurus, with the Moon in Scorpio, today will be the day when you will make positive changes in your life. If you stick with the changes you make today, they will have a life-long impact, say Astroyogi astrologers. On the domestic front, if you have been feeling slightly irritated by the action of a familymember, today is the perfect day to talk and sort the problem out. If you wait too long, the issue will worsen, which will not be good for both of you. Your lucky hour for the day is between 8 am and 9 am. Rose pink will be your lucky color for the day.
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/02/18你可能會意識到,讓一個朋友或你的家庭成員把你拉進他們的問題中會讓你處於一個棘手 的位置。即便如此,你可能很容易會被他們誘導,阿牛。但在你接受這個問題之前,要先 想 清楚。你今天可能已經有很多自己的事要做了,而這個人想讓你處理的事可能會很麻煩。 所以今天可能會有兩個不同的走向,一個能讓你好好休息,一個則是可能沒有片刻安寧的12
[吃草] DailyHoroscope3/1若你今天對於一個正逐漸產生的問題沒有任何想法,或是莫名的厭世,那麼現在可能正是 積極尋求方向的好時機。 你可能從許多管道獲得靈感、方向,諸如:閱讀、看場電影、聽首音樂、或是找朋友談心 等等,都是方法之一。 不論你所用的管道為何,儘管實地去做就對了。11
[吃草] Daily Horoscope for 04/25&26有些在你生活中的人令你憤怒。儘管你可能愛著他們,但他們仍會使用一種別人不曾做過 的方式來影響你。在這些關係中產生怒火時,可能會讓你非常沮喪,並且讓你的一天蒙上 一層陰影。親愛的阿牛,如果你現在正在處理一個麻煩的人物,不需要跟他一般見識,只 要調整你的音量讓他漸漸消失就好。當你接受他的刺激時,只會讓事情變得更糟。因此你 要做的事就是給那個人時間反思自己的行為有什麼問題。8
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/27如果你覺得今天感到被召喚或被激勵要去做一些你今天通常不會做的事,那就去做吧,阿 牛。這可能是你的直覺在召喚你,讓你朝著一個為你準備好的方向前進。有時好運會用一 種微小的聲音呼喚你,當你利用它時,你會知道這是正確的事。今天有驚喜在等著你,這 能為你帶來幸運的時刻,但你必須仔細聆聽。如果你這麼做了,這將會是個神奇的一天。 ——6
[情報] 04/08 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 08 2022 魔魔,你期待今天的好日子嗎? 你有沒有看見自己享受在與別人良好的互動上, 並且你的所有努力都得到好的結果? 或你看見的是與難相處的人不愉快的互動,4
[情報] 10/20 Daily HoroscopeThe way things are going in our own lives often translates to the way we treat other people. If you are having a bad day, you might take it out on the people you deal with during that day. If you are having a great day, the same applies. Although it isn't good to allow our moods to dictate the way we treat others - or the way we treat ourselves - it takes recognition of this3
[情報] 07/11 the daily horoscopeIt is important for you to acknowledge today that it is not your role or your responsibility to make someone else happy. If you are trying to do this now, y ou also need to know that this is a power that someone only has for themselves . There are people in life who seem to enjoy dwelling on negative thoughts and problematic situations, but that is not a habit you can change for anyone but2
[情報] 06/05 the daily horoscopeSome aspect of your love life could take off in a positive new direction today if that's what you want and what you enable. You may sense that your partner wishes greater closeness if you are attached, and you can contribute to that i f you do so with tenderness and reassurance. Or, if you are single, today migh t be the day to get out there and send out those loving vibrations, asking the2
[情報] 17/03/2022 Daily Horoscope聽到的音樂、家裡牆壁上油漆的顏色、圍繞周遭的人、甚至可能使用的香水-所有這些東 西都會對人的情緒產生影響。 親愛的月之子,這對你來說更是如此,因為你是一個感官極其敏銳的生物。 而今天,你的感官得到了極大的增強,因此,相當強大。 今天要對你的環境和環境中的東西有很好的選擇。1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/26今天是你餘生的第一天嗎?當然是呀,阿牛。,不過,他是你一直以來等待已久,能夠使美夢成真及幫助你達到自我的期許的日子嗎?嗯,那就要看你怎麼去運用了。每一天都是新的開始,你應該把它記牢。你或許正等待著能夠扭轉命運的奇蹟發生。那是很有機會的,但是你必須先參與其中。如果你張大眼睛去注意,那個契機也許能引領著你前往新的開始。 Taurus horoscope for Saturday Jun 26 Is today the first day of the rest of your life? Of course it is, Taurus! But is it the day you have been waiting for - the one that brings to fruition certain dreams and visions you have had for yourself? Well, that depends on what you make of it. Every single day is a new beginning, and that's what you need to keep in mind right now. You may be waiting for some momentous event to take place that can change everything for the better. That can happen - but you have to be involved in making it happen. That clue should lead you to a new beginning if you are paying attention. --