[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 01/30-02/05

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 01/30-02/05作者
時間推噓 5 推:5 噓:0 →:0

This may be a week when you experience a wide range of emotions. From the peaks to the valleys, Taurus, you need to just ride with it. While there may be some difficult moments, there will also be some exhilarating moments, and that's what you have to hold on to. You are in a time of great change and perhaps upheaval, and you are certainly more emotional than usual. Just be cautious as you experience those ups and downs so that you don't alienate someone who cares about you and who may be battered around a bit by the waves of your feelings. This week could also hold a few surprises, such as an early resolution to a problem that has been festering and an answer you had hoped for with an application or an attempt to launch a new endeavor. There may be an encounter later in the week that is not all that pleasant, but what you can accomplish with this interaction will be decidedly positive, so hang in there and keep at it until you reach a good conclusion. Overall, you should come away at the end of this week with a great deal of pride and satisfaction.
upheaval 動亂;劇變
Alienate 疏遠;離間;挑撥
festering 化膿;引發怨恨


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