[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2023/05/26
Dear Taurus, the Moon is making its presence felt in Cancer as it may leave some of you feeling anxious and stressed. You may confront a temporary phase ofinsecurity, but the best way to deal with it is to spend quality time in the company of the people who make you feel good, such as your family and friends.Astroyogi astrologers advise you to remember that this is just a small phase in life that will soon pass, and your normal, positive feelings towards life will be restored. Wait with patience and all will be well soon. Plan out important tasks or things between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. Wearing pink will prove to be lucky for you on this day.
[吃草] Daily Horoscope for 04/25&26有些在你生活中的人令你憤怒。儘管你可能愛著他們,但他們仍會使用一種別人不曾做過 的方式來影響你。在這些關係中產生怒火時,可能會讓你非常沮喪,並且讓你的一天蒙上 一層陰影。親愛的阿牛,如果你現在正在處理一個麻煩的人物,不需要跟他一般見識,只 要調整你的音量讓他漸漸消失就好。當你接受他的刺激時,只會讓事情變得更糟。因此你 要做的事就是給那個人時間反思自己的行為有什麼問題。8
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/30你現在應該感到精神振奮、樂觀且非常正面。如果沒有這種感覺的話,親愛的阿牛,那就 想辦法達到目的吧。雖然你目前可能正遭受挫折或困難,但你肯定能感受到正面的浪潮正 流經你的生活中,並向你提出不該拒絕的建議。利用這段時間讓自己置身其中、充滿希望 ,並決定自己的下一步將會是美好的。力量就掌握在你的手中。 ——7
[情報] 7/22 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 22 2021 Some of your memories are like dear old friends that you invite into your mind from time to time, and they bring you comfort, warmth, and pleasure. But certain of your memories are like old enemies, Capricorn - or perhaps even nemeses, that make you feel sad, regretful, or hopeless each time they enter3
[情報] Daily Horoscope 巨蟹座7月運勢看起來,在這個月初,你的周遭充滿了巨大的壓力。事情的走向一直讓你覺得沒有什麼事情是走在正軌的。家庭之間不和睦,太多的責任,還有一直以來害怕著你的安全感就要崩解的恐懼。然而,記住,親愛的月之子,這種感覺只是暫時的,它並不主宰著你。你必須用力尋找在恐懼和憂慮中喘息的機會,因為你有好多值得期待的事情,而且如果你不把籠罩在心頭上的想法撥開,怎麼看得到好事正在回流到你的生命裡呢?事情會演變成這種地步是因為輪到你的生日月了,混沌狀態正是因為你在重生。這代表新的開始,你完全想不到它會發生。事情塵埃落定前先在小確幸上找到 一點救贖,很快就結束了。七月的第二週,你甚至不會記得月初感覺是多糟糕。當好事明顯地開始在你身上發生時。過往的事蹟終於要開始得到回饋。如果情愛盤旋在你的心頭上,也會開始開花結果。任何曾生嫌隙又讓你受傷的關係會開始癒合。你終於感覺越來越像自己因為好久沒有這樣子了。這就是結蛹蛻變的過程,可以很痛苦,也可以去修復又使你大大地重生。 Cancer horoscope for July It may seem as though your entire orbit is filled with a tremendous amount of tension at the start of this month. Things have been getting to you to the point where it may feel that nothing is going right. There may be conflicts with family, responsibilities that are overwhelming, and the ever-present fear that your security is crumbling. But please remember, dear Moonchild, that this is only a temporary feeling, and it does not own you. You need to intentionally seek respite from any fears or worries, because you have so much to be hopeful about - and if you don't clear your mind of tumultuous thoughts, you won't even recognize all the good that is starting to flow into your life. Things are happening this way because this is the time of year of your birth, and there may be disarray in your life because another kind of birth is taking place for you now. This represents a new beginning - one that you may have come to think would never happen. Relax. Find comfort in the small things until this sense of3
[情報] 14/08/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期六 8月 14 Life has sad moments. There is no doubt about it. But it also has many very ha ppy moments as well. When you are going through something that tears your hear t up, you might have a tendency to forget about those happier times. Right now , you may be experiencing something that hurts, but you have to remember all o1
[情報] 24/06/2021Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期四 6月 24 You have deep feelings for someone in your life, but they may not be picking t hat up. Perhaps you have been guarded in expressing what you feel out of fear of being vulnerable, but by withholding your true feelings, you may be setting yourself up for disappointment. If you suspect that someone might need to kno1
[情報] 18/03/2022 Daily Horoscope『如果你總是說真話,那麼你就不需要為了記住謊言而擁有良好的記憶力。』 親愛的月之子,你可能已經聽說過這句話了。 當然,這不是針對你的。 雖然每個人都會偶爾撒謊,但在你身上很少,因為你和他們一樣誠實。 但是你生活中的某人可能在撒謊。- 親愛的螃蟹,如果你今天感覺有點焦頭爛額-這當然是很有可能的-那麼就找一個人、一個 地方或一項活動,讓你感到踏實和安全。 這可能意味著花時間與給你的生活帶來和諧的人在一起,在你最喜歡的房間裡尋找舒適的 椅子,或者甚至做一些創造性的事情,讓你表達自己。 無論它是什麼,使你感到安全和可靠,你需要認識到它總是在你身邊。
- A change you have made, or are making, in your life may have left you feeling out of sorts. Things just don't feel the same, dear Gemini, and you may be thi nking that it's because of this change, and wondering if it was a bad idea. Bu t whenever you alter something in your life that has been with you for a long time, it can leave you feeling a bit lost because part of your routine is not
- 巨蟹座4月18日星期二的星座運勢 親愛的月之子,你現在可能會感到感傷,腦海中浮現出許多令人難以忘懷的回憶。 你可能渴望過往更美好的時光,因為此時此刻的生活中並沒有令人溫馨舒適的部分。 你可能會懷念過去的人或經歷,但這會影響你現在的一切。 請試著想想現在對你非常特別的事物,意識到這些事物 - 包括某些人 - 也帶給你同樣的