[吃草] Daily Horoscope 8/26
Taurus horoscope for 星期三 8月 26
Taurus horoscope for 星期三 8月 26
If you were to jump into a pool and your weight carried you down to the
bottom, for a moment you would be suspended in an environment where you couldonly see water around you and light above you. And depending on how deep you
were, you might only hear very vague and distorted sounds. This immersion
does not allow you to see or hear anything clearly, Taurus. When you apply
this example to the way you may be feeling about a situation you've found
yourself in, you will understand that you don't have the needed clarity, and
you need to step away to gain it. Try that, and see how much clearer things
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/09/02是不是感到很懷念過去的時光和老朋友呀?如果有個很久不見的朋友,是你偶爾會想到的,那今天是很適合找他聊聊的日子唷。也許你對這個人持續的思念,是在告訴你你們應該重新聯絡並重新好好認識一下的徵象。找個時間來聯絡一下並看看未來能帶來什麼機會。這些過往的深度交往對你來說可以是很有益處的。 Taurus horoscope for Thursday Sep 2 You may be feeling nostalgic about old times and old friends. If there is someone who you have not seen in a long time - someone you think about occasionally - this would be a great day to reach out. Maybe your consistent thoughts about this individual are signs telling you you should get in touch again and reacquaint yourself. Take a moment to get back in touch and see what the future might hold. Those old connections with deep roots can be very good for you. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/05/27可能有件事情你不得不與某人提起,儘管你是百般的不願。也許是因為尷尬或讓人覺得不舒服,抑或是你知道它可能引起強烈反彈。但是拍一拍星星之火有可能強化其到燎原的程度。如果你能夠以較不助燃的方式去看待它,把它僅僅當作是一件需要認真看待並解決的事情,那麼它可能就不像你所想的那樣易燃,而你也會如釋重負。 Taurus horoscope for Thursday May 27 Taurus horoscope for Thursday May 27 There may be an issue you need to raise with someone, one that you don't really want to raise. That could be because it is awkward or uncomfortable, or because you know it will cause a strong reaction. But putting it off might only intensify the negative. But if you try to see it in a less combustible way - as simply a practical matter that needs to be addressed and resolved - and you don't think beyond that, Taurus, then it may not be as inflammatory as you fear, and you'll be greatly relieved. --4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/11當你在一大早剛起床時,可能會覺得有點頭暈目眩。對一隻「晚起的鳥兒」來說,這不是一個做出重要決定的好時機,也不太適合去回答重要的問題。經過慢慢地甦醒過來也喝了晨間的第一杯咖啡之後,眼前的事物將不再模糊不清。在新的歷險裡,你有著類似的心境,阿牛,才剛要開始適應光明的前景。在你做出任何決定之前,讓你自己習慣一下。很快就會上手的,而且如此一來,你會越來越有智慧。給自己一點時間順應,你可以的。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Jun 11 When you first wake up early in the morning, you might feel a bit groggy. For someone who is not a "morning person," this is not a good time of the day to make important decisions or answer important questions. But as you slowly awaken and have that first cup of coffee, things become clearer. You are now in a similar state in a new venture, Taurus. You are just beginning to adapt to a hopeful situation. Before you make any decisions, let yourself get used to it. You will learn quickly, and as you do, you'll grow wiser. Give yourself time to acclimate, and soon, you will. --3
[情報] 03/18 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期三 3月 18 Gemini horoscope for 星期三 3月 18 When you discover a problem, Gemini, you usually like to address it and resolv e it right away. That's because you tend to move through your daily checklist of things to do very quickly, and when you keep putting something off, it does2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/05或許你沒有辦法去採取所有你想採取的行動,來讓你生活中的某個條件變得更好。單就這個事實而言,它也許讓你完全停擺了。但是儘管去做你所能做的,你終能向理想境界更靠近一點,真的。莫將每一小步視為徒勞無功的,阿牛,這並不無意義。就算你只能效法愚公移山,一步一步慢慢地,情況還是能有所改善,畢竟有志者事竟成。 Taurus horoscope for Saturday Jun 5 You may not be able to do everything you would like to do to make a situation in your life better. That fact alone may have stopped you from doing anything at all. But even if you do what you can do now, you will be closer to where you want to be, and that's positive. Try not to see that small step as pointless, Taurus - it is not. Even if you have to improve things slowly, one small step at a time, they are still improving, and each time, you are getting closer to what you want. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/05/26金牛座每日運勢 2021/05/26 某件跟錢有關的事物可能會在今天浮上你心頭,阿牛,而你可能會為此而感到焦慮。 這不是因為它可能會變得很糟糕,千萬別這麼想。 會這樣的原因也許是因為你的直覺正在正常發揮 ,並讓你知道這並不是執行計畫的最佳時機。1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/22是不是今天一開始就覺得心情像是坐雲霄飛車一樣?與其抵抗它,不如順著它吧,阿牛。在你心裡有很多事情需要釐清。去感受那些與心裡的念頭有關的情緒會對你很有幫助,使你去了解到你真正想要和需要什麼。如果你順著這些情緒,應該就有辦法解決一兩個牽絆著你的麻煩,然後你就能再次感到輕鬆多了。 Taurus horoscope for Sunday Aug 22 You may experience a roller coaster of emotions from very early on today. Instead of fighting it, just roll with it, Taurus. There are things you need to work through in your mind. Feeling the emotions that are attached to those thoughts will be helpful for you, enabling you to figure out what you really want and need. If you roll with those feelings, you should be able to work through a problem or two that has been holding you back, and then you should feel much lighter once again. - Copyright c Daily Horoscope.- Gemini horoscope for 星期三 2月 26 Gemini horoscope for 星期三 2月 26 If you watch your pennies the dollars will take care of themselves. That bit o f wisdom can apply to many things, Gemini. For you right now, it could have no thing to do with money but could be applied to a relationship. If there has be
- 你是不是在緊張地等待著某個來自於你認為會去批評你的人的指教,其中還可能包含著酸言酸語?當你正在執行某項重要任務,而那個人或許有著崇高的地位,又或許至少是上位者的心腹。也可能只是你覺得他的意見就是很重要。以上都沒有關係。如果你正在為他們的評估擔驚受怕,阿牛,好好想想最壞的可能。就算他們說的是事實,還是可以從中去改過和學習的呀!不要太擔心! Taurus horoscope for Thursday Jun 3 You may be anticipating criticism - some of it harsh, perhaps - from someone you believe is judging you. Maybe you are working on something important, and that individual has some role of authority, or at least the ear of someone who does. Or maybe this is just someone you think highly of whose opinion you value. It doesn't matter. If you are dreading their assessment, Taurus, take a moment to think about the worst things they could say. Assuming they are accurate, none of those things will be anything you can't modify or learn from. Don't stress over this! --
- 在你成長的時候你期待長成什麼樣的大人呢,阿牛?不管你多大,像這樣子的問題總是如影隨形。也許多年以來,有一些白日夢你總是想著夢著,卻遲遲沒有去做任何事情來實現它。但是活著就有希望呀,現在你應該要有好多的理由去懷抱希望。長大這件事情真的在於長成你想當的大人。今天,試著朝著那個方向至少邁進一步吧。 Taurus horoscope for Monday Jun 7 Who and what do you want to be when you grow up, Taurus? No matter how old you are, this is always a relevant question. You may have dreams you have nurtured and fantasized about over the years without really doing anything to reach them. But as long as there is life, there is hope, and you should have plenty of reason to hope right now. Growing up is really about growing into the person you wish to be. Take at least one step today to get closer to where you want to be. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.