[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/08
Taurus horoscope for Thursday Jul 8
It is never wrong to change your mind about something if you have seen new evidence, done new research, and learned something you didn't know before. In fact, it's quite a brave and noble thing to do, Taurus. It shows the brain's elasticity potential, which is a good quality to have. But if you change your mind about an important matter because others think you should, or because it will make something easier for you if you do, then it probably isn't a good thing to do. You may be on the verge of
changing your mind about something today. Before you do, figure out what will be best for you.
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[情報] 04/08 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 08 2022 魔魔,你期待今天的好日子嗎? 你有沒有看見自己享受在與別人良好的互動上, 並且你的所有努力都得到好的結果? 或你看見的是與難相處的人不愉快的互動,5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/06今天剖析一場爭吵來找出誰對誰錯對你並沒有任何好處,阿牛。事實上這可能會讓整件事 變得更糟。如果你在尋找責任歸屬,你可能會發現大家都需要承擔一點責任。但其實這並 不重要,現在最重要的是找到一個讓事情好轉的方法,而把矛頭指向某人-即使是你自己 ,也無濟於事。要有建設性與創造力,這樣一來你就能很快的將這問題拋在腦後。 新年快樂!4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/20一個人的意見與選擇往往是基於他們周圍的環境,而這並不令人意外。如果你希望改變某 個人的意見或影響他們的選擇時,必須牢記這點。你可能認為對這個人來說,某個選擇比 另一個更好,但你也認為自己沒有能力說服他們,但事實上你有,親愛的阿牛。如果你能 幫助他們改變環境,你就能為這個人的生活帶來相當大的改變,想一下你能如何做到這點 。3
[情報] 22/11/2021 Daily Horoscope你現在可能處於這樣的狀態,「你想知道當有好事發生時,會有什麼壞事降臨在你身上。 」 如果你現在是這樣想的,月之子,那可能是因為你覺得自己被壞運氣所困擾,讓你覺得自 己不值得擁有好運氣。 不過,你不能僅僅通過承認這一點來改變你的運氣。2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/06/13使自己和某個有親近感的人有一致的共識,可能是開創某種機會的舒適方式。就算你之前 沒有見過這個人,你們之間對事物共同的興趣和想法也能讓你安心。 但今天要小心僅憑著熟悉的感覺就做出重大或是重要的承諾。親愛的牛牛,這離你做出一 個決定性的改變還有很長的距離及許多必須考慮的事。去探索和觀察更多細節,允許自己 有更多的時間去了解更多。2
[情報] 07/24 the daily horoscopeYou may have the option today of removing yourself from a situation that has r epeatedly caused you anxiety and perhaps also sadness. The problem, though, is that doing so might not bring back your peace of mind or make you happier. So , what is the answer, Gemini? If you remain and things stay the way they are, you can probably expect more of the same. Therefore, changing the dynamic migh1
[情報] 03/28 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期六 3月 28 Gemini horoscope for 星期六 3月 28 When you feel like you are being criticized, or when someone is underestimatin g you, it is important to keep your head high and move forward. If you feel no w that someone can't see your incredible potential, Gemini, or that they are u1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/10你可能會想知道今天是否是個冒險的好日子。這樣的想法可能會在你思考某些新穎且令人 興奮的事情時出現,阿牛。但首先,你必須先定義風險。這件事有風險是因為它很危險嗎 ?或許那裡會伴隨著巨大的潛在損失-那些你無法忍受的損失?又或者這種風險包含著失 敗的恐懼,還是它看起來很尷尬,甚至會被分類到失敗者的範圍呢?如果是後者其中一種 的話,那麼當你超越了這種恐懼的話,它帶來的風險就沒那麼大了。如果你只為自己嘗試1
[情報] 01/15 the daily horoscopeSomething seems to have changed in a primary relationship of yours. You can't put your finger on it, but it could actually be a good thing. While it may tak e some adjustment, Gemini, try to treat it all more like a new discovery than a big change. If you adapt to a new way of appreciating someone, you will see a rich new wave of potential joy and excitement. Life is always changing, and- Gemini horoscope for 星期五 10月 9 Gemini horoscope for 星期五 10月 9 As a child, your parents may have told you to treat others the same way you wi sh to be treated. And although that is excellent advice, Gemini, it isn't alwa ys so easy to follow. For example, if someone isn't treating you right, or if