[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/09/04
Taurus horoscope for Saturday Sep 4
You don't often convey thoroughly how you feel, Taurus. You don't like to be conspicuous or overbearing, and so even when something is bothering you, you tend to express it in an understated way. But if someone in your life can't seem to understand what is bothering you right now - don't put the onus on them. It may be that you are not clearly communicating what you are feeling and why. Be more direct in your self-expression, and you will get your message across.
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/23你可能處於這個狀況中:你真切地渴望得到你生命中某個人的愛與關懷,但他似乎沒有表 現處理。或許你會感覺內心深處相當空虛,因為你渴望得到他的愛和關注。但也許他正在 給予你所想要的東西,只是並沒有在你心裡留下印象,親愛的阿牛。請考慮一點:如果你 不夠愛自己,你可能無法瞭解別人怎麼會愛你。這更多的是有關你對自己的感受,而不是 別人對你的感受。思考一下吧。5
[情報] 08/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeIf you wanted to get across something you were thinking and feeling, you would not attempt to convey it to them telepathically and expect that they would get it. Yet, you may be expecting someone in your world to understand something that you are now thinking and feeling simply because you think they should know you well enough to understand. But not all5
[情報] 7/5 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 5 2021 What would start out as an argument or a conflict today could turn into a positive breakthrough. You may be engaged in an ongoing dispute with someone, so don't be afraid to reveal what's really bothering you. You sometimes hesitate to share what is at the core of your upset because you don't like4
[情報] 05/10 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for May 10 2022 現在你有股衝動想要有創意地表達你自己,魔魔, 即使你其實並不視自己為有創意的人。 這是一個跡象, 表明你應該要深入挖掘靈魂,4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/27阿牛,你最近可能在情感上撞牆了。你很努力地想跟某人溝通來讓他們理解你的感受,但 你遲遲無法獲得進展。因此你可能正處於想要放棄的階段,不管你信或不信,這正是你該 進入的狀態。如果那個人不願意,那麼你並不能強迫他們理解。你進入這個狀態是個跡象 ,代表著你已經準備好前進了,這是件好事。 ——3
[情報] 09/06/2020 Daily HoroscopeWhen someone seems to be making a mountain out of a molehill, it may be because they don't want to talk about what's really bothering them. They might not even know what's really bothering them. You, in particular, are prone to this. You don't like to make a scene. You don't like to feel vulnerable. When something upsets you, it is likely that you will be3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/02/25一個困擾的留言或奇怪的事件可能讓你感到不安。但現在它可能有了自己的生命,如果事 情變成這樣的話,那是因為你給了它過多的力量來影響你。它並不會產生太多的不正常, 但是你對它投入了過多的關注,現在它可能看起來比你強大,不過事實並不是如此。準備 好用任何方式處理這件事,但不要把它看得更加嚴重。你是負責這件事的人,阿牛,如果 你不允許的話,它並不會掩蓋你的光芒。2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/04/01阿牛,你可能會覺得現在全世界都在跟你作對,即使只是你生活圈裡的人不同意或不支持 你而已。畢竟那就是你的世界。如果你在一件別人都不同意或不支持你的事感到很有把握 時,這一切都是根據你多相信自己。如果別人正在動搖你的信心時,或許他們有著很好的 理由。今天花些時間來評估這點吧。 ———- Taurus horoscope for 星期四 8月 27 你可能正在掩飾或軟化一個你需要向某人傳達的訊息。或許你採取這個方法是因為你擔心你不會以強硬的態度去說服他們,或者因爲你害怕挑起衝突。但走在蛋殼上也不是辦法,親愛的牛牛。 如果你沒有明確地說出你的意思,也沒有傳達你訊息的重要和迫切性,那又有什麼意義呢?只要你的表達上能夠機智,那更直接的方法會是較佳的選擇。 ----- Taurus horoscope for 星期四 8月 27