[吃草] DH 每日運勢台語版9/6

看板Taurus標題[吃草] DH 每日運勢台語版9/6作者
時間推噓12 推:12 噓:0 →:1


感謝大家遮爾捧場 (/^▽^)/

Taurus horoscope for 星期一 9月 6

Taurus horoscope for 星期一 9月 6
You may be thinking of a current stressful experience as being a lot like a
roller coaster ride. You are enduring your way through it by gripping onto t
he metaphorical bar and screaming internally as you go - it sure seems that
you have no control of where it goes or how it ends. But you are in control,
Taurus. Haven't you noticed there is a wheel right there in front of you, a
nd you can take charge and go in any direction you wish, or even stop altoge
ther? Once you recognize you are in the driver's seat and you take the ride
into your hands, things will get better quickly.
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omaha09/06 08:14哆蝦

a581505409/06 09:13乾蝦

basalabe09/06 10:52甘溫

funnysummer09/06 10:52金架乾蝦哦!

lovefivep09/06 11:12很趣味謝謝分享

※ 編輯: hikki430 ( 臺灣), 09/06/2021 11:43:44

serena010109/06 13:12金醋咪

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candy8851209/06 16:35乾蝦!好喜歡這個版本

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