[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 01/10-01/16

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 01/10-01/16作者
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Weekly Horoscope for Jan 10 - Jan 16
An intellectual connection may grow deeper this week, Taurus. If you are single, this could mean romantic fireworks. If you are already attached, this may mean that you will start to see this person as more of a friend than you did before. Either way, it's the start of something big, important, and rewarding. And whatever the case, try to schedule some time together in a different way than you usually do - such as dinner, a visit to a museum, or something that appeals to both of you. You may find that something new you try this week could come to you naturally. Just as an example, this could be anything from ice skating to playing volleyball. But whatever it is, it is something you should pursue and learn more about because it can bring pleasure to your life. It may also introduce numerous opportunities to meet new and interesting people and expand your social and business network. If there is a dream that you hold sacredsecretly, this may be a great week to share it with someone you trust. Their validation may bring the encouragement and motivation you need. And simply theact of talking about it could stir you into action.
intellectual 智力的;聰明的;理解力強的
validation 證實;確認


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gipo77601/10 08:49謝謝