[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/02/17

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/02/17作者
時間推噓14 推:14 噓:0 →:7

Daily Horoscope for Thursday 02/17
You may be feeling anxious, restless, and on the edge of your seat as you wait to receive news or a response from someone. You have a lot invested in the answer, Taurus, so naturally, you are hoping for the best. At the same time, fear that you won't get what you want may be creeping into your thoughts, but you need to keep those thoughts out. If you have already done all that you can do to receive the best news or the right answer then relax. You'll improve the energy surrounding you and enhance a good outcome.
invest 投入;耗費
enhance 提高;增加


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yellow100002/17 00:22推一個

freedom5171002/17 01:30嗚嗚 不好意思QQ 但我覺得每天有單字介紹也有30個字

freedom5171002/17 01:30啦Q_Q

monsterwai02/17 05:51謝謝 好喜歡你的翻譯,有單字也好棒,真希望單字可以

monsterwai02/17 05:51算30個字 嗚嗚嗚嗚

goodcial02/17 08:12謝謝!

silentcat03002/17 08:15不~~我非常喜歡每天看您翻譯的運勢文,每天的單字

silentcat03002/17 08:15也是QAQ

silentcat03002/17 08:15謝謝一直以後的翻譯,希望未來也還是會有TT

silentcat03002/17 08:15*一直以來

silentcat03002/17 08:17總是帶給我不一樣的感受,也有不一樣的心情,本來可

silentcat03002/17 08:17能覺得今天很衰,但在看完以後會有不同想法,覺得可

silentcat03002/17 08:17以再努力看看XD

gipo77602/17 08:38謝謝

qvkioj02/17 10:18看了覺得充滿能量,期待能繼續看到作者的發文:)

monsterwai02/17 12:23二樓是版主回答,我還寄信去詢問XD 希望原po明天還可

monsterwai02/17 12:23以繼續po運勢~ 謝謝!

syukanou02/17 15:04q大的Daily Horoscope是我的進板動力!

sdfg913302/17 19:44謝謝q大!總是很溫馨、正能量的運勢分享

WisiN02/17 20:26謝謝翻譯!

pewq02/17 22:44真的很喜歡您的翻譯,也可作為英文學習的動力