[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/20
Daily Horoscope for Sunday 03/20
The world is at your fingertips, and you have all the power you need to plan your future. While that might be an inspiring thought to dwell on, dear Taurus, it can also be a bit intimidating. To think about planning your entire future is a very big mission. So, instead of concentrating on the whole rest of your life, just start planning for the week ahead. What do you want to achieve bythe end of next week? Start thinking about that and create a game plan. It's that kind of planning that can lead to a great future.
dwell 思考;冥想
intimidating 嚇人的;咄咄逼人;威脅的
謝謝 很需要
謝謝 很實用
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/13在你經歷了生活中一連串的”低潮”後,阿牛,你即將經歷一連串相當高的”高潮”。而 有升必有降。但別提這件事吧!不要因為想知道何時會結束就貶損正在朝你走來的好事。 你可能因為最近的困境或霉運而習慣了這些問題和陷阱。你或許開始認為未來還有更多這 樣的問題存在。但朝向未來的路是萬里無雲的,好好享受它吧! ——15
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/16親愛的阿牛,事情正在朝著好的方向發展,或至少它給你的感覺是這樣的。也許你無法確 定具體會發生什麼變化,但你應該對你的生活與未來有種正向的預感。然而,你是個眼見 為憑的人,你通常會需要證據來證實一些事物。試著用信念代替吧,你的驗證只是種為了 讓自己放心而產生的良好感覺而已。但你的確正朝著正確的方向前進著。 ———9
[情報] 18/11/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou sometimes have a very resigned attitude about life, Moonchild. When you are in one of your moods, you start to think that whatever you do, fate will intervene and it will go in the direction of your destiny. But if we had no power over our lives and the directions we take, what would be the point of it all? You do have an incredible mind, and there is great8
[情報] 02/08 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Feb 08 2021 西洋棋是一種在小盤子上的策略遊戲, 所有的棋子都是一個角色, 目標是要抓住對手的國王。 如果你可以用這種方式思考目前的一個協商,