[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/22

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/22作者
時間推噓 3 推:3 噓:0 →:0

Daily Horoscope for Tuesday 03/22
A new opportunity may require you to rely on someone whom you don't see as all that reliable. If this feeling is based on history, it is something you needto consider seriously. But if it is just a hunch, you might want to explore it further. Either way, Taurus, you are reliable enough for two people - for both yourself and your partner, and so there is no doubt that you can make a success of this either way. If the reward is worth it to you, then it might be worth taking a chance.
hunch 預感;彎腰駝背;隆起


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puffmei03/22 07:48謝謝

haibarajdi03/22 08:04謝謝 自己的確常靠經驗來判斷

gipo77603/22 09:36謝謝