[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/04/09

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/04/09作者
時間推噓11 推:11 噓:0 →:0

Daily Horoscope for Saturday 04/09
A small change in the way you engage in a conversation today can make a big difference, dear Taurus. In the past, you have always related to a family member in a childlike way, no matter how old you are, and that may have had an impact on the way they perceive you. Although this may be because of your long relationship and old habits, it's time to make a change. Show how much you have evolved and be open to sharing your opinions and observations in a more complexway than you have in the past. Over time, this will allow your relationship to grow.


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gipo77604/09 06:42謝謝

enita04/09 09:34謝謝QQ

haibarajdi04/09 10:25改變溝通方式很有挑戰,謝謝建議,也感謝您的翻譯

sdfg913304/09 13:04謝謝

puffmei04/09 17:06謝謝您的付出

chiashow04/09 21:07謝謝 辛苦了

bwnch04/09 21:18謝謝QQ辛苦了

silentcat03004/09 21:48謝謝!每天必看的~~~

ELFFOREVER04/09 23:36謝謝!

chrisyo04/10 01:05歐買尬 我的每日養分 只好去看原版了XD 謝謝你!

EiryoWaga04/10 13:37謝謝您!辛苦了