[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/17

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/17作者
時間推噓 7 推:7 噓:0 →:0

Don't hide yourself away today, Taurus. Even if you are feeling glum and in need of being alone, get out into nature at the very least. You don't have to socialize or entertain. You don't have to call anyone or meet up with anyone. But if you get out of your closed environment just for a little while to soak up some of the beauty that is always out in the world, you will feel a whole lot better. It's okay to be alone, but it's not okay to hide. There is beauty around you to be tapped into, and it will surely inspire you once you do.


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