[討論] 海馬變種馬了
Himax Soars 20% as Analyst Predicts Key Role in Nvidia and TSM's AI Revolution
On Thursday after TF International Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo advised Himax technology (NASDAQ:HIMX) might provide critical technology to Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA) and Taiwan Semiconductor (NYSE:TSM), its stock was up over 20%.
Kuo underlined as key elements for their possible inclusion in the supply chains for Nvidia's next AI processor, the Rubin series, and Taiwan Semiconductor's Co-Packaged Optics (CPO), Himax's Wafer-Level Optics (WLO)technology and relationship with Fiber Optic Communications (FOCI).
With WLO driving long-term expansion for Himax, CPO is positioned to become a critical chip design for AI servers and high-performance computing systems, Kuo said. Future AI server and high-performance computing architectures are projectedto give transfer efficiency top priority through co-packaged optics, the analyst also observed, so fully utilizing advances in chip processing capability.
On Thursday, Himax shows double-digit spike in morning trade and a notable increase among mounting hope about the company's possible influence in changing semiconductor technologies.
這個不是iPhone大師嗎? 現在又變成ai大師了
一天45% 太神啦
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