[請益] 台積 廠務 or 環安?

看板Tech_Job標題[請益] 台積 廠務 or 環安?作者
時間推噓 9 推:20 噓:11 →:10

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Facility Engineer (南科)
1. Safety management system (OHSAS18001) maintenance and improvement.
2. Safety committee meeting and risk assessment activities coordination.
3. Conduct compliance auditing and follow improvement status.
4. ESH training program planning and execution.
5. Contractors' safety management.
6. FAB safety issues management and continuously improvement.
7. Maintenance and improvement of the facility system.
(Power/control/Mechanical/Clean Room system)
8. Provide a stable/Specific facility system to fulfill wafer production
9. Engineering management & Project coordination.

Safety Engineer (南科)
1.Manage the overall safety and environmental compliance program
Accountable developing and driving the implementation of safety and
environmental improvement plans.
2. Proactively interact with people to ensure that safety, health, and
environmental requirements,
3. Leveraging lessons learned into results, using proven skills of root causeanalysis, effective communication and acting with cultural sensitivity.
4. Demonstrate energy, initiative and vision
5. Acting as a champion for zero recordable incident safety and 100%
environmental compliance.
6. should capable of conducting safety training, safety system management ,
contractor saftey management.


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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zebracoco05/13 19:23環安讚

justin03766605/13 19:25小孩才做選擇

qaz2004556605/13 19:34當然是ISEP啊

x04nonesuchx05/13 19:39幹複製貼上就想要人家多多賜教

謝謝賜教 你要不要往上去搜一下相關文章? 我照辦而已

lasd05/13 19:43工作心情愉悅。被 EE/PE羨慕嫉妒

feel15935705/13 19:44現在洗文章 洗成這樣?


Iq7605/13 19:53廠務有夠賽 建議設備讚

rex0012505/13 19:53SE

mopepe556605/13 19:56要人回答,還要人去翻以前文章

mopepe556605/13 19:57現在要人幫忙的都這麼懶,要人做功課?

謝謝賜教 真的不強求幫忙 願意給建議就很感謝

mopepe556605/13 19:57薪水給我多少?

superyou05/13 20:00isep爽中之爽 人中龍鳳才進得去

Topest05/13 20:01伸手學生廢文 還是去學生板發吧

ss8916240105/13 20:01都不要去。回家當米蟲

sustjh05/13 20:03廠務你去,ISEP留給其他人

gosling101905/13 20:13環安一票

cka05/13 20:22上一個來問的問完偷刪文了

jason31605/13 20:23ISEP 可以H/L 廠務 , 廠務只能幹在心裡

jengmei05/13 20:46台積工安爽啊 負責駭 廠務就對了

u0216701805/13 21:14廠務那個職務根本就跟工安無關,亂發職務內容

jermy121605/13 21:47看不懂廠務為什麼要ohsas18001?

NMOS05/13 21:55isep,去吧!這單位好多了

aaa79031105/13 22:11環安啊......

aaa79031105/13 22:11但是環安十八也很累喔

chai102405/13 22:19廠務也是需要有公安協調人的,不然工安相關誰做?

lynch952705/13 22:22有啥好問,趕快去買大安區啊

apttman05/13 22:23爽爆惹~裡面很多爛學校的~真是幸運兒

apttman05/13 22:25抓到一點小辮子 => highlight +幹譙很容易升官

bigbigcc05/13 22:30ISEP爽到歪頭 整天抓小辮子等著highlight

arrond05/13 22:38等高潮


forkyla05/13 23:15一個維護廠區運作,一個阻礙廠區運作

godnnn05/13 23:24兩個都做,薪水x2

aa886187605/13 23:25ISEP啊不用選吧

king11004005/13 23:53isep 台積憲兵

edonis072405/14 00:02我好像認識你學弟? 在vendor 做不上去的?

我學弟Lab肥宅 我想你應該認錯了

※ 編輯: seisman ( 臺灣), 05/14/2020 00:13:05

a956420805/14 12:55輪班跟常日班,很難選?

sjp05/14 13:09環安 完勝

naoku05/14 15:08還有我查 你誰啊

gogohc05/14 19:15神缺

advh123405/14 23:20環安一票

RANCE62405/15 22:48想也知道去ISEP,哪需要選啊