[請益] (賺顧問費)請問該去聊聊嗎

看板Tech_Job標題[請益] (賺顧問費)請問該去聊聊嗎作者
時間推噓 6 推:8 噓:2 →:13




Mail內容如下 (每封都差不多)

Telephone Consultation Request

Dear XXX

Good day to you.

My name is Xxx and I work for Xxx,a leading company that connects our clients with subject matter experts(附上公司網址)

I'm reaching out regarding a paid consulting request. Currently, I have a client, a global consulting firm based in Asia, who would like to speak to some experts who are familiar with Energy Management System. (Same as the request Irma informed.)

If you are interested in speaking with them, we will set up a 30-60 minute paidphone consultation at a prorated hourly rate of your choosing. (For your information, our advisor's average rate is around USD300- USD 800 /hour.)

You would never be asked to discuss your current employer or any private or confidential information during the call, and we would provide you with a few pre-screening questions prior to the consultation so you can better gauge the topic of conversation.

Your completion of the application form below will allow you to set your hourlyconsulting rate, provide availability, and view the topic details provided directly by my client:

My client is working on a time-sensitive deadline for this request, so if you could please get back to me either way at your earliest convenience, I would greatly appreciate it. Consultations are typically scheduled within 24 hours.

Please feel free to contact me for any query.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope to hear back from you soon.

Best regards,

本來以為是市調或產業研究機構 (就是你可以

花錢跟他買報告那種),覺得很麻煩 通常是直


今天又收到一封 ,想說最近有點閒,賺個外快

也好,沒想到google一下公司名稱 ,赫然發現


(內文提到的 Guidepoint Global與Vista)

大家覺得去聊聊 Ok嗎

PS:我只是小小的歐洲外商Sales VP,不是什麼研發大頭

└──┘ ║┌╮ 誠摯邀請您至 ψsakurats
┌┐ ╭╖ interior 室內設計板
╭╮└┘ │║ ╔══╤╤ &
│╰──╮│╟───╢ └╯ (供詢問裝潢相關事宜)
╰───╯│╟┬┬┬╢ by 板主 gothmog


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

temjin70709/17 18:56我覺得你心中已經有防火牆了不如去聊聊幫忙抓間諜算了

temjin70709/17 18:56敏感問題就直接不回以後不聯絡而已

blackrays09/17 19:21還蠻常收到這種信的

StreetLight09/17 19:21都做到VP了 缺這點小錢嗎 科科

StreetLight09/17 19:22都做到VP了 這點小事都不會判斷呵呵

gothmog09/17 19:31回樓上

gothmog09/17 19:31檢察官指控偉創力前主管席門,提供了偉創力客戶蘋果電腦

gothmog09/17 19:31的熱門產品iPhone「極機密」的銷售預測與產品特色資料,

gothmog09/17 19:31並獲取了超過22,000美元的顧問費用。

gothmog09/17 19:3222000美金 都要賺了

meRscliche09/17 19:33

ECZEMA09/17 19:37我收過 linkedin 一小時四百鎂邀約問半導體未來發展 拒絕

StreetLight09/17 20:07名片拍一下

boombastick09/17 23:46果然還是有VP會用PTT!

temjin70709/18 10:18靠邀 我也收到了 不過我就一個工程師應該沒必要問我

x61s09/18 12:15我也收過 說了沒興趣還一直盧

wonder12309/18 12:56有些可以去

ruth705009/20 20:24可以看看他們了解多少

wensday09/22 12:05我的工作的一部份就是幫客戶做這種訪談 我們是真的不會問

wensday09/22 12:06機密 我才不想知道機密勒 不過我一般不會找台灣人 因為台

wensday09/22 12:07灣人一般都不會接受這種諮詢 歐美大概問十個有八個會答應

wensday09/22 12:08中國人新加坡香港日本人通常也都會答應

wensday09/22 12:09同事還問過我說台灣人是因為英文不太好還是怎樣