[情報] Shopee Ultra-Hackathon 2021

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Shopee Ultra-Hackathon 2021

誠摯邀請您一同參與 Shopee Ultra-Hackathon 2021 will be happening in Jan 2021


About Shopee Ultra-Hackathon 2021.
- Shopee Ultra-Hackathon 是由 Shopee SG 舉辦,連續 36 小時黑客松,參賽者可以在Shopee App 中創造及建立有趣的功能。

Register with your team 如何組隊
- 組成2-4人的團隊,即可報名參賽!

Timeline 時程表
14 Sep - 15 Nov: Register with your team
- Please register in a team of 2 to 4 pax; No individual registration will beaccepted Submission Requirements:

18 Dec 2020: Workshop 101 - Developing on the Shopee Platform

12 & 14 Jan 2021 - Live Q&A Sessions with our Shopee Tech Team

29 Jan - 31 Jan 2021: Hackathon



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