[面試] 台積電面試請益

看板Tech_Job標題[面試] 台積電面試請益作者
(So Fantastic So Fun)
時間推噓11 推:13 噓:2 →:9




職務名稱: Warehouse Automation Engineer

工作地點: 南科


1.Working with internal engineers and vendors to develop proposal of automatedwarehouse and inter-plant logistics automation.

2.Serve as project engineer, evaluate the optimized solution concerning
warehouse layouts, material handling flows, automated equipment selections,
end-to-end system integration, project schedule management, cost estimation
and budget control.

3.Development of all standard operating procedures, work Instructions and
management KPI connected to new automation and any changes to existing
solutions, ensure on-site operation team are well educated for automation
process management.

4.Lead system acceptance testing program for hardware and software

5.Hands on working knowledge of AIoT technical, collect and analyze data to
continuously implement improvements. (ERP / WMS / WES / WCS / PLCs /
Electrical system / robotics programming / visual recognition / GPS / API /
Android / RPA )

再麻煩各位大大解答 感激不盡!


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

SwordGod03/19 00:15庫房...上輩子燒好香 快去準備謝神了

ming556603/19 00:20查不到資訊的就是爽

kobe5810503/19 00:20先去看奧迪了

EKman03/19 00:23連選秀狀元都要去台積輪班

akira3003/19 00:23光看解釋是庫房備料管理

godnnn03/19 00:25別擔心,英文看不懂沒關係,進去只要會As is, to be就好

claymath03/19 00:31爽耶 這個查不到的就是爽

ming556603/19 00:33as is to be也太哭XD

dodoro103/19 00:35查不到資訊的就是爽

PoloHuang03/19 07:19最爽的

mathlover03/19 08:13真的是什麼鬼都掛engineer....

tom1313303/19 09:15我也收到了,同求資訊。

douge03/19 09:44英文寫得很清楚 工廠自動化設計而已

douge03/19 09:45台GG的無人工廠會比大家想的還來的早很多 要近趁早

lottepudgy03/19 12:53恭喜

ijk103/19 16:45連管庫房的也可以叫工程師喔

AgentSkye5603/19 18:14恭喜 歡迎加入年薪300群

plcmger03/19 19:14躺著賺了 還不去看房?

peter1203/19 20:07庫房自動化 這一年在進行這一個project

peter1203/19 20:09不過我記得是在新竹呀 怎麼會到南科

peter1203/19 20:12竹科pilot run 南科production

lponnn03/19 20:18羨慕

ipoop4u03/19 21:13真的看不懂as is, to be耶,這什麼英文?

hotter03/20 14:15南科GG 14B設備內推 意者請站內