[情報] ATP宣布和沙國合作了

看板Tennis標題[情報] ATP宣布和沙國合作了作者
時間推噓21 推:21 噓:0 →:12

The ATP and Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) announced a new multi-year strategic partnership on Wednesday that includes the PIF becoming the official naming partner of the ATP Rankings, with the year-end ATP world No 1, presented by PIF, to be crowned at the ATP Finals in Turin in November.

ATP 和沙國的公共投資基金(PIF)於週三宣布一項新的多年戰略合作夥伴關係

其中包括 PIF 成為 ATP 排名的官方冠名合作夥伴

The PIF will also partner with ATP Tour events in Indian Wells, Miami, Madrid, Beijing and the ATP Finals, as a sponsor with branding and activation opportunities, and will be the presenting partner of the Next Gen ATP Finals, hosted in Jeddah until 2027.

PIF 還將與印地安泉、邁阿密、馬德里、北京和ATP Finals等賽事合作


並將成為Next Gen ATP 總決賽的冠名合作夥伴,直到 2027 年

Discussions between the WTA Tour and Saudi Arabia have also been in the works regarding the staging of the WTA Finals in the Kingdom.




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l6l6au 02/28 23:29KY:爽啦

icedog122 02/28 23:50錢錢真香

tyrone0923 02/28 23:53看到高爾夫發現石油王的錢真香

leviva 02/29 00:07錢的力量 ~

twtpcsilence02/29 00:08沒有什麼事情是石油王不能解決的 沒有如果...

b99202071 02/29 00:12舉辦新atp四大職業賽 獎金大滿貫3倍打死ITF嗎

keller 02/29 00:36所以目前都只是冠名?

rayisgreat 02/29 00:53會不會出一個獎金遠超過四大滿貫的賽事啊~

josephh 02/29 01:04那就變成五大滿貫(誤

freeview 02/29 01:10會像高爾夫一樣出巡迴賽跟ATP/WTA行程對尬 獎金是

freeview 02/29 01:113~5倍 但是沒有積分 一旦參加一場就被ATP/WTA封殺

freeview 02/29 01:12導致不能打大滿貫這樣嗎

iamshana 02/29 01:14都合作了怎麼還會對尬

freeview 02/29 01:18沒有撕破臉就好...高爾夫說要和解結果冷處理擺爛XD

gamania1000002/29 01:43其實就搞大獎賽就好了

ouo666ouo 02/29 02:03$$

benson502 02/29 08:30$$太香了,誰都無法抗拒的

Wall62 02/29 08:37石油王展現了十足的誠意($$$)

Wall62 02/29 08:37ATP只好勉為其難的答應合作了

jj75520 02/29 08:53$$$$$$$

haoyin0105 02/29 09:04中國的野望被石油實現了

terryone11 02/29 09:36網球本來就是有錢人的運動

StNeverRush 02/29 09:40石油國最近大力投資各種運動電競

leviva 02/29 09:40只要$到位, 萬事皆可談

b99202071 02/29 09:59就跟ATP合作了還跟ATP對尬? 要對尬也是跟大滿貫吧

ineda 02/29 10:13自行車好像也有,那個騎車環境真的錢要給很多很多很

ineda 02/29 10:13多才會讓人想去

pony95159 02/29 10:40$$$ 石油王好多運動都有出手

qk3380888 02/29 11:31一定是為了推廣網球對吧

AnyaWakuWaku02/29 13:11本來想大聲斥責的

asdfzx 02/29 16:29支援刃牙梗圖

beastlcc12 02/29 23:21增加沙地嗎

arthur8787 03/01 11:32把年終賽改過去就好了 然後再提高獎金大家都開心