[情報] 羅馬SF: Ostapenko疑似罵Rybakina bitch

看板Tennis標題[情報] 羅馬SF: Ostapenko疑似罵Rybakina bitch作者
時間推噓11 推:11 噓:0 →:10 (節錄該網址部分原文)

The second set opened with Ostapenko finding better solutions but then the
rain came and she wasn't very happy. The match stopped and started a few
times because Ostapenko refused to play in the rain while Rybakina was
willing. Eventually, the match continued with Ostapenko channelling her
erratic self and slamming balls wide repeatedly.

The 4-2 lead turned in a 4-6 loss as Rybakina calmly stood by and watched heropponent implode.

第二盤開局的時候O妹打得還不錯以4-2取得領先 但是雨神來搗亂 O妹不開心

比賽暫停了一下子 因為O妹拒絕在雨中比賽 但是籬笆想繼續打

最後比賽還是繼續 然後O妹就情緒不穩定的大自爆了 籬笆冷靜地從4-2變4-6逆轉比賽 (節錄該網址部分原文)

Ostapenko seemed to say something to the Kazakh at the net during the
handshake which wasn't audible without further clarification but another
moment was audible.

Vukov said to his player that he heard Ostapenko call her a 'b*tch' likely
during the second set when the two players were headed to the locker rooms
during the rain delay.

O妹在雙方握手的時候 似乎有說些什麼 但是聽不清楚

不過籬笆的教練Vukov說 當兩位選手第2盤因雨延賽在休息室休息時


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※ 編輯: icedog122 ( 臺灣), 05/20/2023 15:41:52

O10lOl01O 05/20 15:42沒事 應該是約去海灘練球

※ 編輯: icedog122 ( 臺灣), 05/20/2023 15:46:03

jay0302 05/20 16:01連跟冰山Ryba都能有drama厲害了O妹XD

calculus9 05/20 16:23下次用拉脫維亞語

roveralex 05/20 17:00想知道O妹在WTA有好朋友嗎xd

O10lOl01O 05/20 17:10查雙打紀錄?

showxl 05/20 18:02Sharapova:我沒興趣在戰場上交朋友

mfo7 05/20 18:30莎娃還是有朋友的,跟小妹差很多

mnyan0503 05/20 19:14O胖真的很多戲

todd0101 05/20 19:22沒有證據就不用吵了

jason10095 05/20 20:22球品人品都超差意外嗎?

jerry771204 05/20 20:22有些人適合在賽場交朋友有些人不適合

iamthebest0805/20 20:23O小妹 後來自己自爆 雙手一攤 怪誰

keller 05/20 20:42對啊要罵幹嘛不用拉脫維亞語

freeview 05/20 20:52因為籬笆聽不懂 當然要用英文XD

Ace50 05/20 21:18那句應該懂不懂英文都聽得懂

acer4545 05/20 21:20某O本來就人品差 有也不意外

jay0302 05/21 00:27只是疑似而已,搞不好是教練聽錯啦

koocoo 05/21 00:30o妹一直都是用俄文在罵的

cruisewu200305/21 12:19真有趣的O妹

pida 05/21 12:53o妹真的是有趣的反派

YiHW 05/21 21:49約去海灘練球好好笑xd