[情報] del Potro 最愛的父親病逝

看板Tennis標題[情報] del Potro 最愛的父親病逝作者
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trf835rea 01/13 05:12大波羅加油

jasonyeh 01/13 06:05大菠蘿加油

jenyumi 01/13 07:36QQ......

DflowerT 01/13 07:49哇………

joe10227 01/13 08:09大波蘿到底為何那麼慘! 踢公北呀!

amercedes 01/13 08:48加油呀

o0991758566 01/13 09:07QQ

jasonkp1962 01/13 09:23加油!!品超

violin12808 01/13 09:40加油 QQ

wsheep 01/13 09:41QQ 大波羅加油

cruisewu200301/13 10:03Rip,已經是心目中最優秀第5人了,很棒。

susuiris 01/13 10:17品超加油

elvis30901 01/13 10:49omg...

Darvish0831 01/13 11:00RIP 品超加油...

wishflyyy 01/13 11:46加油QQ

jonathan890701/13 12:15加油QQ

lcilear 01/13 12:33RIP

JustWinslow 01/13 12:39大菠蘿QQ 希望可以走出傷痛復出阿 超勵志

sofisofi 01/13 12:50品超遇到的挫折好多 加油啊!

t128595 01/13 13:31天哪...QQ

accjm2440 01/13 13:33QQ

VJ2004 01/13 14:10QQ

yevvi 01/13 14:43R.I.P

Wall62 01/13 15:25QQ

nutxik 01/13 15:27QQ

sleeeve 01/13 16:36R.I.P

CaminoI 01/13 16:38真的讓人好心疼 QQ

gitans 01/13 19:58真令人心碎的消息,希望他多保重!

icedog122 01/13 20:16QQ

tnpaul 01/13 21:13祝品超好運快來

kerry0496x 01/13 22:04QAQ

fish1204 01/14 00:41QQQQQQQ

hioat609 01/14 02:28QQ...品超加油

mx91012373 01/14 04:28qAq


Del Potro Honours Late Father With Emotional Letter

1/13/2021 Marcos Zugasti Argentine's father passed away on Monday Daniel del Potro, the father of Juan Martin del Potro, passed away on Monday at the age of 63. A veterinarian by profession, he had undergone a heart operation in mid-December and his health had been fragile from that moment on. Del Potro senior always kept a low profile and accompanied his son from an early age as he competed in all sorts of national tournaments across Argentina during his junior days, until Juan Martin began to take his own first steps on the ATP Tour. Usually very reserved, the former World No. 3 gave him an emotional sendoff on Tuesday with a letter shared on social media. “You’ve left us here with a broken heart, but we know that you are resting in peace like you deserve," Juan Martin wrote. "Now you have joined your other angel, and I ask that you please watch over my mom, my sister and me from above. "You are our true and only champion. Thank you for raising me with values, with honesty, with sacrifice and for doing the impossible for me to be able to achieve my dream of being a tennis player. I don’t know how I’ll live without your presence, but I’ll definitely apply everything that you taught me to never give up. I love you pa!!” he wrote. Condolences have been poured in for Del Potro from friends, fans and around the tennis world.

※ 編輯: deehsu ( 美國), 01/14/2021 05:08:36

jack7775kimo01/14 08:40QQ

chenchien 01/14 09:21好年輕喔 節哀

cecilia824 01/14 09:58天啊...嗚嗚delpo怎麼運氣都不太好

bobbingbob 01/14 12:26品超QQ

rainww25 01/14 13:48爸爸怎麼這麼年輕呀

andy78714 01/14 15:08QQQQQQ

boreguy 01/14 17:51R.I.P QQ

luvfilm 01/14 22:54難過... 品超加油 ><

danielwoody 01/15 08:14從小就帥成這樣QAQ

jason90814 01/16 16:40del potro 絕對是最值得敬佩的選手

jason90814 01/16 16:40選手路超坎坷還是很厲害

rachel726 01/17 22:43加油品超

joey0602 01/18 04:51品超加油QQ

xhung 01/24 01:07QQ... RIP...