Re: [新聞] 願付代價! 約克維奇:寧不參賽也不願打

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囧哥最新的 BBC 採訪 大概是不打疫苗惹


When is Novak Djokovic playing next? Full ATP tour match schedule and
vaccination requirements



Dubai Championships 21-26 February

The only upcoming event listed on Djokovic’s official schedule, the Dubai
Championships are likely to present no issues for the Serbian because the
unvaccinated are allowed into the UAE as long as they have a negative PCR test.

杜拜公開賽沒問題 沒疫苗 OK PCR 陰性即可

Djokovic is a five-time winner of the tournament, having added titles in 2013and 2020 to the three consecutive ones he won between 2009 and 2011.


Indian Wells Masters 10-20 March

Potentially more troublesome for Djokovic is the Indian Wells Masters, held in the USA. Currently, individuals have to be double vaccinated to enter the US, unless a government exemption is granted.

印地安泉網賽 囧哥會有麻煩

除非有得到政府豁免 否則要兩劑疫苗才能入境美國

“At some point, these rules will change,” Dr David Dowdy, an infectious
disease epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins University, told i. “But right now,
people who are unvaccinated are still at substantially higher risk of gettingCovid and also therefore transmitting to others.”

雖然規則有時候會改變 但現在風險仍然高

An exemption is unlikely to be given to Djokovic because these are only givento those who do not have access to the jab, are medically unable to receive it or have a humanitarian case for exemption, the latter being given on an “
extremely limited basis”.


US officials will also be well aware of the political furore that the prospect of an exemption for Djokovic kicked up in Australia.


“Allowing people to use previous infection as a substitute for vaccination is difficult to enforce in a fair way,” Dr Dowdy added. “You don’t want to
favour people who have better access to healthcare, for example. I don’t see
these rules changing.”

Miami Open 23 March - 3 April

On that basis, Djokovic looks set to miss out on a second consecutive ATP
Masters 1000 tournament, the Miami Open.

同理 囧哥大概會連續缺席 1000 分的邁阿密大師賽

The significance of this lies in the world ranking points provided by good
performance in Masters tournaments.

Should world No 2 Daniil Medvedev – who is just over 1,000 points behind
Djokovic in the world rankings – continue his good form and capitalise on his potential absence, the Serbian could well be toppled from top spot.


Monte Carlo Masters 10-17 April

The organisers of the next ATP 1000 event, the Monte Carlo Masters in the
south of France, have made clear that Djokovic must abide by France’s border
restrictions. These prevent the unvaccinated from entering the country without a “compelling reason”.


Every traveller must provide three things: proof of at least one vaccine dose, a negative PCR or antigen test in the 48 hours before departure and a “sworn statement” saying they have no symptoms and have not come into contact with
a confirmed Covid case in the past 14 days.

須提供三項證明: 至少一劑疫苗 + 48 小時內 PCR 陰性 + 宣誓聲明

(宣誓聲明: 自己沒有任何症狀 + 14 天內沒接觸確診者)

However, Professor Antoine Flahault – Director of the University of Geneva’s
Institute of Global Health – says restrictions could be liberalised in time
for Djokovic to compete.

不過日內瓦全球健康所所長說 在囧哥參賽前 限制有機會會放寬

“The French government seems more cautious [than the UK],” Flahault said. “
It has expressed its willingness not to lift measures too early, but it is
clearly planning to lift them soon.


雖然不願意過早解除 但仍計畫盡快解除措施

“I would not be surprised, if the trend remains as favourable as it is
currently, that France will reach a calm zone within the four to six weeks.
After that period, we can foresee authorities rapidly lifting most of its

若疫情 4-6 周內達到平緩 放寬限制是可以預見的


Missing three successive tour events – let alone the French Open which
follows them – would undoubtedly have a significant impact on Djokovic’s
world ranking. With his fate so clearly tied to conditions beyond his control– government policy on restrictions and the spread of the virus – this
vaccine saga is set to rumble on.

連續錯過三個大師賽 無庸置疑會對囧哥排名產生巨大影響 更別說法網




囧哥 目前 看來規定上大師賽都無法參加

不過近日歐洲倒是有幾個國家全面解封 例如北歐那幾國



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Wencube 02/15 17:28其實歐美現在朝解禁和放寬的方向走,英國先開始,德

Wencube 02/15 17:29國也在計畫,所以幾個月後的比賽都還很難說

Ace50 02/15 17:32大師賽歷史最多的居然要連續放棄三個大師賽 阿冏你

Ace50 02/15 17:32要想清楚啊......

qscwdvefb 02/15 17:32問題是網球比賽是世界各地

※ 編輯: rayisgreat ( 臺灣), 02/15/2022 17:39:27

pigger0527 02/15 17:36都堅持這麼久了 不要打也對

a9a99 02/15 17:48歐美各國有澳洲前車之鑑應該不會放行

peter5214 02/15 18:07笑死,坐等看他今年大滿貫一場都打不了,夕鶴。

SamsungNote902/15 18:09放寬限制的前提是疫苗接種率,不要搞錯因果關係。

AnJ 02/15 18:10英國都開放成那樣了 溫布頓要打不到很難

mepass 02/15 18:11算了啦 他不要對主辦方雙謊就好

mepass 02/15 18:12說謊

mepass 02/15 18:12至於要不要打疫苗跟參加比賽都他自己的事

henry1915 02/15 19:50休養生息衝大滿貫 對他來說也算划算啊

maskwearer 02/15 20:48他可能也在賭各國今年會陸續放鬆入境政策吧

kcbill 02/15 20:54溫布頓一定打得到吧 英國首相都放寬確診者免隔離了

iwgpg1ghc 02/15 20:57管他怎樣,不要確診後不戴口罩噴毒害人好嗎

gazelle74 02/15 21:25第二次確診是假的啦,很明顯是造假確診紀錄

iamsick 02/15 21:27 解封的條件就是有打疫苗啊!

steffenlee 02/15 21:27冏的個性就是"鐵齒" 看他打球小球放很爛時就一直堅

steffenlee 02/15 21:27持要放 得分率只有2-3成也要放 或是關鍵分硬上網(

steffenlee 02/15 21:28明明底線抽7-8成贏球率) 為的就是爭口氣 這次堅持

steffenlee 02/15 21:28不打疫苗我覺得也是拉不下臉 他的決定他自己承擔

iwgpg1ghc 02/15 21:29沒承認造假,我就當他是真的,噴毒更無恥啊,也沒道

iwgpg1ghc 02/15 21:29

JustWinslow 02/15 21:32刷250,500吧 成為250.500界的GOAT

wsheep 02/15 21:44北美大師賽和法網…

qwerty110 02/15 22:04放寬限制 不是代表你0疫苗可以進來吧XD

mimimoumou 02/15 22:26現在各國的解禁放寬都是針對自己國內國民,對外國

mimimoumou 02/15 22:26人入境還是都有打疫苗或陰性證明加隔離之類的限制

ttokin 02/15 22:43某冏黑拼命刷存在感啊 呵呵

malisse74 02/15 22:57推文哪個是黑我怎麼看不出來

andy8105 02/15 23:06大概只要某迷看不慣的言論都是黑吧 呵呵

WashFreeID 02/15 23:21哇 比球王還懂戰術選擇的人真的滿屌的 要不要當教練

alex2426chen02/15 23:23基本上上半年美法都不好進去 要就打疫苗 不然拉倒

linyi781227 02/15 23:30溫網應該還是有機會放行 美網以這次大師賽的標準來

linyi781227 02/15 23:30看很困難 法網大概也是

linyi781227 02/15 23:31但幾個月後真的很難說

iamnotme 02/15 23:39球王的戰術選擇可能會讓自己不再是球王

littlecula 02/16 01:07這一陣子很明顯啊 特別激進

windsson 02/16 03:19反正已經是最長球王紀錄保持人了,當不當球王沒差

windsson 02/16 03:20後面人要破的機會也不大

garlic1234 02/16 03:55歐洲目前是最有可能放寬的,陽光雙賽可以確定是掰了

garlic1234 02/16 03:55,連帶球王也高機率丟了

jocker1412 02/16 04:38推文真的知道放寬的前提就是疫苗嗎

ElrosHsun 02/16 08:10不要造假說謊鑽漏洞其他要幹嘛隨便

newsph 02/16 08:22那就不是囧了

yftsai 02/16 08:49球王累積週數也已經最長了,短時間內沒人可超越

bulls 02/16 09:12下半年應該有機會開放了

sakura16 02/16 11:23給你200元全聯禮券,快來打

asdfzx 02/16 21:56法網九成掰掰,法國人很兇的