[討論] 求英文達人幫忙翻譯

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RaiGend051904/28 23:07


neiltsang04/28 23:07ONCE YOU GO BLACK, YOU NEVER GO BACK.


g7a7n704/28 23:07people mountain people sea

neiltsang04/28 23:08或是HEY, I LOVE BIG...DOCK.CAN I GO HOME WITH U?

flower4204/28 23:09義大利維大利


jameshcm04/28 23:09How long will I love you.

crimson1104/28 23:10Unfortunately u just can’t fucking turn back time

g7a7n704/28 23:10as long as the stars are above you

neiltsang04/28 23:11好啦認真 I like something long enough, like ur dic

neiltsang04/28 23:11tionary.


crimson1104/28 23:11等下 下一句我怎麼記得是 何事秋風悲畫扇


neiltsang04/28 23:13Deeper baby! oh, i mean.... thoughts.

adl11798004/28 23:17怎沒刺老虎跟龍厲害多了


Moutza04/28 23:26自己的作業自己做


esperanza0104/29 00:27Life is transient.

vdml04/29 00:30這局中文意思都快看不懂了

annielu04/29 00:34when you know, you know XDD

cloud1804/29 00:49我找到一個前半句翻譯極佳的(套用了英文詩詞的規則)!

cloud1804/29 00:49但後半句就QQ 不過認真問有考慮過直接找英文詩句嗎?因為

cloud1804/29 00:49個人覺得詩詞非常難翻譯,網路上很多都是純翻譯文字意思

cloud1804/29 00:49,句子就容易偏長又顯白話,念起來也較沒有韻味QQ

其實也有想過找現成的 但還是希望能刺自己覺得有意義的

EyeResH04/29 01:30If only time could freeze at first sight

EyeResH04/29 01:30Then I would never ask for a rewind

意思好像稍稍不太一樣 但是字句是目前最棒的><我會參考!感謝 想請問是自己翻譯的嗎?

sapphinc04/29 02:01這種中文詞句沒有必要翻譯啊,語言文化不同,怎麼翻都不

sapphinc04/29 02:01會有原本的韻味啊

就....希望能稍微接近這種感覺 因爲我要刺的地方不太適合弄中文

cloud1804/29 02:22If life were only the first time we meet,

cloud1804/29 02:22(Back) when I thought all these were a common daily t

cloud1804/29 02:22hing?

感謝!!這句也很棒!! 只是逗號後有點稍長,可能2行比例會有差>< 想請問是自己翻譯的嗎?

SweetLee04/29 02:48If life as first meet, while I think it as ordinary.

coolmm04/29 02:48會不會糊掉?

SweetLee04/29 02:49外國人都刺中文了 你反而去刺英文

cloud1804/29 03:02後半句有參考相關部落格的翻譯,有需要的話可以站內網址

cloud1804/29 03:02給你。長度的話去掉back再把common daily改成ordinary?


RaiGend051904/29 03:19The life we lived together is so ordinary that I

RaiGend051904/29 03:19didn't cherishing particularly.

RaiGend051904/29 03:19How glorious if clock can stop walking at the

RaiGend051904/29 03:20timing when we first meet ?

RaiGend051904/29 03:20我後來去看原來兩句是拆開各自獨立的

RaiGend051904/29 03:22前句在講如果這樣有多好,後句在講後悔只做日常

RaiGend051904/29 03:22ㄟ幹,原來我回過了


iamkim04/29 03:27I thought it was ordinary,

iamkim04/29 03:27when the life we had wasn’t.

iamkim04/29 03:36(And life backs to the same.) 如果硬要完整表達這句的意

iamkim04/29 03:36思的話,就要加上括號裡的字,但我覺得沒有必要加上去。中

iamkim04/29 03:36文詩詞在理解時也不是字譯理解而是意譯,想表達成另一種語

iamkim04/29 03:36言,同樣用意譯才有意義。

iamkim04/29 03:41或 then life remains as it’s never changed.

謝謝鄉民熱心回覆QQ 比樓上那隻臭臭花棒太多了!!!(怒)

escolatisca04/29 03:53If life were like first meet, as if the moments w

escolatisca04/29 03:53as mundane

escolatisca04/29 03:54moment*

escolatisca04/29 03:57if life was like first meet, as if the moment was

escolatisca04/29 03:57 mundane.

escolatisca04/29 03:58或是 yet the moment was mundane (這好像比較順)

escolatisca04/29 03:58如果你真的次了的話,請站內圖給我謝謝

您這個太長了我應該沒辦法刺XD....(在鎖骨 但還是很謝謝回文 我如果刺的話都會打分享文或一日遊文章哦 可以很清楚知道我的行蹤XD

ilovenacy04/29 04:00生活帶來您時檸檬做檸檬水

escolatisca04/29 04:00yet the moment was just mundane 如果你硬要六字的

escolatisca04/29 04:00

Superxixai04/29 04:23要刺不如刺梵文

misplaced04/29 04:32How i wish our love had never faded.

misplaced04/29 04:32How i wish i had been more devoted to you.

misplaced04/29 06:06或就 How i wish our love had never faded, and

misplaced04/29 06:09 i had been more devoted. 合為一句。

johnwu04/29 06:30可以請問這句中文意思嗎? 國文老師常請假 XDDD

我個人理解是: 跟喜歡的人在一起如第一次相見般心動甜蜜 但當時只覺得這是件平凡的事情罷了 (帶有點遺憾跟感慨)

cloud1804/29 07:38我才發現我前半句沒翻到若,only跟the中間要加個like。

Noreendong04/29 08:36PTT怎麼這麼變成奇摩知識家了

watertree04/29 10:47everything starts with a beginning considered

watertree04/29 10:47regular

watertree04/29 10:48就這樣如果我中文沒理解錯 馬的中文比較難啊

xylophonist04/29 10:59If only life were at first sight, yet thought of

xylophonist04/29 10:59 it as ordinary


fireheart98804/29 11:03How are you? I am fine thank you and you? This i

fireheart98804/29 11:03s a book.


b031002104/29 12:30反而覺得中文比較有韻味耶

iamkim04/29 12:3769樓那句 母語英文的人應該看不懂哦


gua031304/29 12:45Nice to meet you,mediocre bitch

gua031304/29 12:50Small blip strikes,and we keep shining

gua031304/29 12:56We are so compatible ,automation is nothing difficult


incle1604/29 13:38 這是兩首詞各取一句吧

incle1604/29 13:38拜託直接去找英文類似的句子不要用翻的

tmacM04/29 14:19請中文系的先來解釋看看

eric8888804/29 14:22blue who say and whose

nznz04/29 16:29life is so beautiful as first meet, we just only do usua

nznz04/29 16:29l.

aegis110304/29 17:20When only it was the sweet old time, you would ever

aegis110304/29 17:20 want it(或是你也可以用the life) to be as the first

aegis110304/29 17:20 sight.

aegis110304/29 17:25When only it was the sweet old time, you would ever

aegis110304/29 17:25 want it(你也可以用our life) to be as the first sig

aegis110304/29 17:25ht.

aegis110304/29 17:25這樣翻雖然跟原詞的句構不太一樣,但我覺得更符合你個

aegis110304/29 17:25人對這句詞的見解

aegis110304/29 17:25跟喜歡的人在一起如第一次相見般心動甜蜜

aegis110304/29 17:25但當時只覺得這是件平凡的事情罷了

aegis110304/29 17:25(帶有點遺憾跟感慨)

aegis110304/29 17:25等到些美好都已成了往事,你才會覺得人生若能只如初見

aegis110304/29 17:36我寫的很棒,請站內信給我說謝謝

欸0311是我生日欸!!! 不過自肥不可取,要就地切腹^-^~ 好辣尼hen木奉! 你真的翻的滿棒有講到感情! 棒啦!! 但我懶ㄉ站內嘻嘻

sanchi04/29 18:28Like the very first time, yet take for granted.

sanchi04/29 18:38有點像是「此情可待成追憶,只是當時已惘然」嗎

felix103104/30 00:37you jump,I jump

linlinjiang04/30 00:58If I could go back in time when we first met;

linlinjiang04/30 00:58Being with you at that time felt so natural to me

linlinjiang04/30 00:58 (but you are no longer with me QQ)

Aigt04/30 11:51我怎麼連中文都看不懂!


※ 編輯: g4817 ( 臺灣), 04/30/2021 17:41:54