[情報] 全球首款25.3吋彩色電子紙E-Ink顯示器
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DASUNG 25.3-inch color E-ink monitor
Indiegogo Pre-sale Link:
DASUNG 25.3-inch color E-ink monitor is not just a display; it represents a visual revolution and a true game-changer. It will revolutionize the way we perceive visuals, providing an unparalleled experience that not only impresses with itsappearance but also leads the way in technology.
DASUNG Paperlike color E-ink monitor has the potential to adapt to a wide rangeof scenarios and catering to a diverse user base.
Get ready to be amazed by all the excitement it will bring!
The World's First Color E-ink Monitor by DASUNG
Paperlike Color features the latest 25.3-inch Kaleido 3 color E-ink screen, rendering 4096 colors with higher reflectivity. 3200 x 1800 resolution. Support HDMI, DP &Type-C input. Exclusive Frontlight and Ultra-fast Turbo Refresh Tech. Professional Desktop Monitor. Suitable for more scenarios.
Display Like a Real Color Printing Paper!
It incorporates DASUNG X-Color Filter tech, display like color printing paper, delivering exceptional performance in terms of color contrast, vibrancy, text darkness, and dynamic effects on the screen
Unbelievable Refresh Speed on Color E-ink Screen!
Paperlike Color also integrates DASUNG Turbo Ultra-speed Refresh tech, delivering ultra-fast refresh rates and minimal latency. Smoother browsing, document editing, online learning, video watching.
PC/Smartphone/iPad Wireless Display. No More Wires
2.4G+5G dual-band transmission, ultra-low delay, strong anti-interference ability, Miracast/AirPlay transmission technology, adapt to more devices, realize stable and efficient video signal transmit.
※ 編輯: gary8442 ( 臺灣), 09/06/2023 21:23:17
10吋一萬 25吋少說也要兩萬五吧
感覺開出來的價格會讓我喊 EIZO 好便宜
開賣了 早鳥價47857NT 12月寄出 比想像便宜不少
@REOLY 居然壓在5萬以內 比之前黑白25.3吋便宜
電子紙的更新率還是讓人很不習慣 尤其手機出現120Hz後
[廣宣] COLOR Cafe來跟大家見面了!本篇的推文可獲得試喝包的ID如下: 頭推 推 JOSEYSCHANG: COLOR Café 點燃我心中的繽紛色彩,我想試喝! 03/01 14:21 第10推 推 Dexterity: COLOR Café點燃我心中的繽紛色彩,我想試喝! 03/01 14:5829
[問題] 品牌鑽戒G color vsE color先說明一下,雖然是問鑽戒color vs carat 的選擇,但我po這版詢問是因為發覺會買精 品鑽戒的思考跟買本國品牌或銀樓鑽的思考不太一樣, (大概會得到的回覆可能是 買黃金比較保值,或不要買鑽戒 或錢都被品牌吃掉等等之類 的吧......) 所以po這版問,在選擇精品品牌的7
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[分享] 搭載E-ink gallery 3的E-note發佈!算是令人振奮的消息 ,雖然E-note跟E-ink閱讀器可能還是有一些差異 Sharp發佈使用EINK COLOR Gallery 3 —Sharp 8 WACOM e Note 有E-note的應用那閱讀器應該也是不會差太多時間 目前eink gallery 3除了元太可能沒有給出正常使用的壽命以外,想不到要怎麼挑缺點6
[討論] E-ink螢幕 Dasung Paperlike有先搜尋過"e-ink"+"電子紙" 板上有人問過... 不過最新的文也好幾年前了 且沒有正面評價,先上個圖跟國外測試影片吧1
Fw: [LL] Aqours CLUB 2021「DREAMY COLOR」真人PVAqours「DREAMY COLOR」 Promotion Video ─────────────────────────────────────── ★We Are Challengers Project テーマソングCD DREAMY COLOR1
Fw: [LL] Aqours「DREAMY COLOR」CD封面&店舖特典・「DREAMY COLOR」CD 封面公開 「Aqours CLUB CD SET 2021」盒裝設計待公布。 ・Aqours「DREAMY COLOR」 Promotion Video1
Av色漆參考想買av漆的可參考下方圖片及連結 Metal color 4-baja.pdf- 早在一月份,我們為你報導的首款新一代高刷新率技術科技螢幕的新聞:ASUS ROG Swift 360Hz,於國際消費性電子展上展出。顧名思義,這是首款具有驚人的360Hz的 機型。Dell現在也發表了相似機型:Alienware AW2521H。 Alienware AW2521H 擁有24.5英吋IPS面板。在ASUS發表Swift 360Hz時,我們推測其 可能為TN面板,但是從Dell發表中,似乎重點在於高刷新率IPS面板。我們假定ASUS那台
- ◎硬體型號:Dasung paperlike e-ink 螢幕 10.3吋或 13.3吋皆可 ◎徵求價格: 15000元以內 ◎細項希望: 希望有保固(此點可討論)、盒裝裸裝沒關係、但配件需要完整 ◎參考網頁: