[iAPP] iGBA: GBA & GBC Retro Emulator - 見證AppStore歷史的一刻

看板iOS標題[iAPP] iGBA: GBA & GBC Retro Emulator - 見證AppStore歷史的一刻作者
時間推噓23 推:24 噓:1 →:19

軟體名稱:iGBA: GBA & GBC Retro Emulator


(已下架 共計推送兩個版本 1.0.6 與 1.0.9)

安裝方式:(Cydia或是App Store) App Store

適用韌體:(iOS版本) iOS 12

購買費用:(如果是限時特價請註明) 免費


史上第一款合法登陸 App Store 的模擬器正式登場,
基本上是一款 GBA4iOS 加上一堆廣告跟資料追蹤的 App,

App 使用方法也跟 GBA4iOS 依樣,
檔案操作可在蘋果半殘檔案 App 裡面可以進行。

但不像 Delta 那麼全面支援更多的機種,
如果已經能裝 Delta 的人就沒有必要使用這款 App,
期待原版作者也可以順利登上 AppStore,
沒想到這款 App 已經衝上排行榜前幾名了....作者覺得傻眼

So apparently Apple approved a knock-off of GBA4iOS — the predecessor to
Delta I made in high school — in the App Store. I did not give anyone
permission to do this, yet it’s now sitting at the top of the charts
(despite being filled with ads + tracking)I’ve bit my tongue a bunch in the
past month…but this really frustrates me. So glad App Review exists to
protect consumers from scams and rip-offs like this

顯然,蘋果在 App Store 中批准了 GBA4iOS 的山寨版——它是我在高中時製作的
Delta 的前身。 我沒有給任何人這樣做的許可,但它現在坐在圖表的頂部(儘管充滿了廣告和跟踪)我在過去的一個月裡咬了一口舌頭……但這真的讓我很沮喪。 很高興應用

無論如何,再次感謝歐盟讓人見證 AppStore 被撬開的一刻

4.7 Mini apps, mini games, streaming games, chatbots, plug-ins, and game

Apps may offer certain software that is not embedded in the binary,
specifically HTML5 mini apps and mini games, streaming games, chatbots, and
plug-ins. Additionally, retro game console emulator apps can offer to
download games. You are responsible for all such software offered in your
app, including ensuring that such software complies with these Guidelines andall applicable laws. Software that does not comply with one or more
guidelines will lead to the rejection of your app. You must also ensure that
the software adheres to the additional rules that follow in 4.7.1 and 4.7.5.
These additional rules are important to preserve the experience that App
Store customers expect, and to help ensure user safety.

4.7 小應用程式、小遊戲、串流遊戲、聊天機器人、外掛程式和遊戲模擬器

應用程式可能會提供某些未嵌入二進位檔案的軟體,特別是 HTML5 迷你應用程式和迷你遊戲、串流遊戲、聊天機器人和外掛程式。 此外,復古遊戲機模擬器應用程式可以提供遊戲下載。 您對應用程式中提供的所有此類軟體負責,包括確保此類軟體符合這些準則和所有適用法律。 不符合一項或多項準則的軟體將導致您的應用程式被拒絕。 您還必須確保軟體遵守 4.7.1 和 4.7.5 中遵循的附加規則。 這些附加規則對於保持 App
Store 客戶期望的體驗並幫助確保用戶安全非常重要。



Apple Removes Game Boy Emulator iGBA From App Store Due to Spam and CopyrightViolations

Apple today said it removed Game Boy emulator iGBA from the App Store for
violating the company's App Review Guidelines related to spam (section 4.3)
and copyright (section 5.2), but it did not provide any specific details.

蘋果今天表示,它從App Store 中刪除了Game Boy 模擬器iGBA,因為它違反了該公司與垃圾郵件(第4.3 節)和版權(第5.2 節)相關的應用程式審查指南,但沒有提供任何具體細節。

5.2 Intellectual Property

Make sure your app only includes content that you created or that you have a
license to use. Your app may be removed if you’ve stepped over the line and
used content without permission. Of course, this also means someone else’s
app may be removed if they’ve “borrowed” from your work.

5.2 智慧財產權

確保您的應用程式僅包含您建立的或您擁有使用許可的內容。 如果您越界且未經許可使用內容,您的應用程式可能會被刪除。 當然,這也意味著如果其他人「借用」了您的作品,他們的應用程式可能會被刪除。

The verge:

The first Apple-approved emulator for the iPhone has arrived... and been

In an email to The Verge, developer Riley Testut said the app is an
unauthorized clone of GBA4iOS, the open-source emulator he created for iOS
over a decade ago (and recently resurrected for the Vision Pro). He said his
app uses the GNU GPLv2 license. A Mastodon user found that iGBA does not
reference the license, which may violate its terms.

開發者 Riley Testut 在發給 The Verge 的電子郵件中表示,該應用程式是 GBA4iOS 的未經授權的克隆,GBA4iOS 是他十多年前為 iOS 創建的開源模擬器(最近又為 Vision
Pro 復活)。 他說他的應用程式使用 GNU GPLv2 許可證。 Mastodon 用戶發現 iGBA沒有引用該許可證,這可能違反其條款。

Testut also provided this statement to The Verge:

I’ve been working with Apple to release AltStore as an alternative app
marketplace for over a month now, and I’m disappointed to see that they’ve
approved a knock-off of AltStore’s flagship app Delta in that time. However,
we’re still planning to launch Delta ASAP, and we’ll have more to share on
that very soon.

Testut 也向 The Verge 提供了這樣的說法:

我與 Apple 合作發布 AltStore 作為替代應用程式市場已有一個多月了,我很失望地看到他們當時批准了 AltStore 旗艦應用程式 Delta 的山寨版。 不過,我們仍計劃盡快推出 Delta,我們很快就會分享更多相關資訊。

When reached for comment, La Spina did not explicitly confirm using Testut’s
code, but told The Verge they “did not think the app would have so much
repercussion, I am really sorry,” and added that they have reached out to
Testut via email.

當聯繫到La Spina 徵求意見時,La Spina 沒有明確確認使用Testut 的代碼,但告訴
The Verge,他們“沒想到該應用程序會產生如此大的影響,我真的很抱歉”,並補充說


Thanks for all the kind words y’all Looks like the app has been removed
now, so hopefully that’s the end of this excitement
However, just want to reiterate that I am *not* mad at the developer.
Everyone makes mistakes, and
they even reached out to me via email to personally apologize for the mess.
So no hard feelings there

感謝大家的善意之言 看起來該應用程式現在已被刪除,所以希望這就是這種興奮的
結束但是,只是想重申我*不*對開發人員生氣。 每個人都會犯錯,他們甚至透過電子郵件聯繫我,親自為造成的混亂道歉。 所以沒有什麼難受的感覺

My frustration stemmed entirely from the fact we’ve been ready to launch
Delta since last month. This whole situation could’ve been avoided if Apple
hadn’t delayed approving us until after changing their rules to allow
emulatorsTo Apple’s credit though, once they were aware of the issue they
did take it seriously. So I really don’t believe this was malicious at all
— just an unfortunate situation for everyone involved

我的沮喪完全源自於我們自上個月以來就準備推出Delta。 如果蘋果公司沒有推遲批
准我們,直到改變他們的規則以允許模擬器之後,這整個情況本來是可以避免的。 所以我真的不相信這是惡意的——這對所有參與者來說只是一個不幸的情況


Lyeuiechang: [新聞]有狼師一直戳女學森(.)(.)而被家長吉上法院...12/04 23:42
Xhocer: ) (12/04 23:44
xj654m3: ( Y )12/04 23:46
Xhocer: \|/12/04 23:48
xj654m3: (╮⊙▽⊙)ノ|||12/05 00:47
Lyeuiechang: /|\╰╮o( ̄▽ ̄///)<12/05 01:17


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※ 編輯: Lyeuiechang ( 臺灣), 04/14/2024 23:04:24

hoos89140504/14 23:12這感覺會被抄欸,任天堂怎麼可能容忍

cutejojocat04/14 23:18模擬器定期會抄家重上吧

Louis43004/14 23:34第一款iOS的Emu嗎? 之前國外挺懷疑開放度讓我們看看後續

Louis43004/14 23:35第一款上架 補一下

zxc65403304/15 03:33

zxc65403304/15 08:07下架了

DDDDRR04/15 08:38笑死 昨天幸好睡前載

skywu102604/15 09:27還好昨天有下載到

Aizen556604/15 10:35弱弱的問 是要去哪下載遊戲內容?

oopsskimo04/15 10:51以前就有一票 偽裝的EMU APP了

Andosinjo04/15 10:54被下架了… 還好我有用iMazing備份起來!自從有作者來

Andosinjo04/15 10:54iOS板廣告他寫的英文學習軟體,我付費買斷之後,他媽

Andosinjo04/15 10:54的給我下架,而安卓那邊還在Play商店上,我就有固定備

Andosinjo04/15 10:54份App的習慣。

Andosinjo04/15 10:57欸!別站內跟我要檔案啊,這是我Apple ID載的,也只有

Andosinjo04/15 10:57用我的Apple ID才能還原進iPhone裡…

riap052604/15 11:09下架的原因是因為這款是剽竊某款模擬器,偷來上架賣的

riap052604/15 11:09,內建廣告而且還追蹤用戶GPS

riap052604/15 11:10不是因為他是模擬器而下架

oopsskimo04/15 11:10而且 現在有些網頁就可以玩了

shasen123604/15 11:48期待RetroArch上架

zxc65403304/15 11:49他說他是GBA4iOS的作者嗎?沒仔細看

hoos89140504/15 11:53之前Microsoft Store出紅白機模擬器就被任天堂要求

hoos89140504/15 11:53下架了

hoos89140504/15 11:54我才不信任天堂會准許純模擬器上架。反正就是一直重

hoos89140504/15 11:54演上架、下架的把戲

hoos89140504/15 11:55而且gba4ios有一堆用驗證檔安裝的方法,都會植入惡意

hoos89140504/15 11:55廣告其實很危險

fishfish131404/15 12:06有Delta可以用到底幹嘛用這個

dds778836904/15 12:25已被下架,還好有趕上,哈哈

siegfriedlin04/15 13:10已簽章

kobe521204/15 15:52廣告好像有點多

asdfghjklasd04/15 16:49來不及...

ohwahahaha04/15 17:06我也等了n年,最後懶得等了直接買開源掌機

ludashi04/15 21:19早上有下載到,要怎麼把.gba遊戲放入啊

twlosser04/15 21:25果然被抄了 不過是自主下架的話好像不太會被任天堂告

※ 編輯: Lyeuiechang ( 臺灣), 04/16/2024 00:35:31

turndown4wat04/16 00:42下架了qq

Z72780826004/16 06:51用描述檔的app真的要僅慎使用

Tencc04/16 08:16現在誰還在玩GBA

busters004/16 08:34GBA一堆經典神作 應該很多年輕玩家想體驗或是老玩家懷舊

zx342630004/16 13:57合法

siekensou00004/16 19:06好懷念

f811115f04/17 09:5044vba 網頁型的 不用描述檔 只支援gba

Dailin04/17 14:54哈哈哈 下架