[求文] 徵一篇paper
:One-Year Efficacy and Safety of Omidenepag Isopropyl in Patients with Normal-Tension Glaucoma.
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[討論] 柯文哲居然到2021都還掛論文作者~~無聊查了一下pubmed ko wen-je 總共出現 151篇論文..... 最近一篇6
Re: [黑特]幹! 怎麼沒人去調查柯文哲的論文?柯文哲跟林智堅最大不同是,柯文哲是已經有好幾個paper的 Pharmacokinetics and dosing of vancomycin in patients undergoing sustained low efficiency daily diafiltration (SLEDD-f): A prospective study (2020) Shin-Yi Lin Li-Jiuan Shen4
[求文] 徵求Paper 兩篇各位前輩好,小弟又來徵文了 標題一: Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Flexibly Dosed Ziprasidone in Children and Adolescents with Mania in Bipolar I Disorder: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Replication Study PMID:35285374- 1. Patel M, Sinha AA, Gilbert E. Bullous pemphigoid associated with renal cell carcinoma and invasive squamous cell carcinoma. J Drugs Dermatol. 2012 Feb;11(2):234-8. PMID: 22270209. 2. Gül U, Kiliç A, Demirel O, Cakmak SK, Gönül M, Oksal A. Bullous pemphigoid associated with breast carcinoma. Eur J Dermatol. 2006 Sep-Oct;16(5):581-2. PMID: 17101485. 找過醫院和scihub 都沒有QAQ,麻煩找得到這兩篇的寄aocaoef@gmail.com 謝謝本版
- Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for post-stroke sleep diso rders: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials Journal:Neurological Sciences 麻煩好心人幫幫忙,可以的話寄到我的信箱:a8879576n@gmail.com
- 徵一篇Clinical infectious diseases文章 High cytomegalovirus viral load is associated with 182-day all-cause mortality in hospitalized people with human immunodeficiency virus (PWH) 信箱 B101100054@tmu.edu.tw
- 想徵求paper兩篇,感謝好心人! 1. Prevention of Osteoporotic Fractures in Residential Aged Care:Updated Consensus Recommendations JAMDA 23 (2022) 756e763 2. Drug therapy for osteoporosis in older adults. Lancet 2022; 399: 1080–92 請幫我寄到mama390324@gmail.com 非常感謝!
- A neuro-metabolic account of why daylong cognitive work alters the control of economic decisions current biology的文章,稅後100p幣奉上,感謝大家! 請寄到: sam840720@gmail.com 謝謝!
- 希望版上大大可以協助尋找此篇文章: Sibling relationships and school entry psychosocial functioning: Dual risk or differential susceptibility? DOI: 10.1037/fam0000896 email: psy.sungtao@gmail.com 謝謝!
- 大家新年快樂 想徵一篇paper Breast-related extranodal Rosai-Dorfman disease presenting as subcutaneous mas ses with thick hyperechoic rim, with review of the literature 信箱:chgsh1413@gmail.com