Re: [討論] 魔鬼終結者劇情問題。

看板movie標題Re: [討論] 魔鬼終結者劇情問題。作者
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※ 引述《SethBeer (SethBeer)》之銘言:
: 最近N上了魔鬼終結者2,就順便複習了一下,
: 看完忽然想到,2都已經把所有東西毀了,
: 包括機械手臂、晶片等等,
: 照理已經沒有任何資料可以啟發了,
: 為什麼還有辦法拍3?
: 3那些東西是怎麼來的?
: -----
: Sent from MeowPtt on my iPhone


By the time Skynet became self-aware it had spread into millions of computer
servers across the planet. Ordinary computers in office buildings, dorm
rooms; everywhere. It was software; in cyberspace. There was no system core;
it could not be shutdown. The attack began at 6:18 PM, just as he said it
would. Judgment Day, the day the human race was almost destroyed by the
weapons they'd built to protect themselves. I should have realized it was
never our destiny to stop Judgment Day, it was merely to survive it,
together. The Terminator knew; he tried to tell us, but I didn't want to hearit. Maybe the future has been written. I don't know; all I know is what the
Terminator taught me; never stop fighting. And I never will. The battle has
just begun.


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