Re: [新聞] 漫威再陷種族歧視風波,反派必須是白人!
※ 引述《kenny1300175 (蘇湖)》之銘言:
Kumail Nanjiani Was Told People Don’t Want to Cast Nonwhite Actors as
The 'Eternals' actor suggests the good intentions of progressive-minded
Hollywood decision-makers can "sometimes lead to misguided solutions: If the
bad guy is a brown guy, what message is that sending?"
Kumail Nanjiani says Hollywood is still limiting the kinds of roles that
actors of color can play.
The Eternals, Big Sick and Silicon Valley actor, who is promoting his recent
Hulu limited series Welcome to Chippendales, said in a new interview that
decision-makers are reluctant to cast nonwhite actors in villain roles.
“I think that Hollywood now — even though they’re trying to be more
diverse — is still weird,” the actor told Esquire UK. The article notes
Nanjiani believes that the problem is “good intentions can sometimes lead to
misguided solutions: If the bad guy is a brown guy, what message is that
“And that’s just as limiting as anything else,” Nanjiani said. “I want to
play more bad guys.” He pointed to actor Sebastian Stan, who plays Marvel
superhero the Winter Solider as well as a cannibal in the 2022 movie Fresh. “He does these big Marvel movies, and then he’ll play a psychopath,” he
says. “I was told that’s going to be hard because people don’t want to
cast nonwhite people as bad guys.”
In Welcome to Chippendales, Nanjiani plays the iconic strip club’s Indian
founder, Somen “Steve” Banerjee, as he goes from an up-and-coming
businessman in the 1980s to a vilified accessory to murder in the early ’
90s. Nanjiani added that he suspects such a role would have gone to a white
actor if the project wasn’t based on a true story.
Previously, Nanjiani told THR about the role: “I’ve never gotten the
opportunity to play a character like this, who has such a big arc and a
descent into darkness. I’ve always [wanted to play] the bad guy — I don’t
mean just guys who were kind of shitty; I mean a bad bad guy. The story
itself was so exciting and unexpected. There are, like, 20 unbelievable
things that happen in the course of our show, and that all happened in real
life. And it had interesting stuff to say about the American dream and how
accessible it is to different kinds of people, and to see that through the
lens of an immigrant. I’m an immigrant, and I had a certain idea of the
American dream before coming here. And now, obviously, that’s evolved. To be
able to explore that through the eyes of someone who, in some ways, had a
similar experience to me is rare.”
Welcome to Chippendales is available to stream now on Hulu.
.Nanjiani講的是整個好萊塢的情況 不是單指漫威或單指超級英雄片
.簡單說他就是在bitching moaning complaining有色人種的角色不夠多
你們好萊塢不是很woke嗎??那為什麼不讓我們演壞人 演壞人也有錢賺阿
也有曝光度阿 我們可以幹掉白人演員演壞人 求之不得阿
.他認為大老闆怕到不敢找有色人種演壞人 認為這樣會被出征
.然後提到賽巴斯汀史坦 因為演反派演到風生水起
(I'm paraphrasing但是他的意思就是如此)
.然後談到真正的目的:替他的Hulu戲打廣告 他在戲裡面演一個反派
他之所以可以演反派 是因為現實中這個人物就是南亞人
所以他繼續bitching moaning complaining如果現實中他不是南亞人
.更多的宣傳(你各位常常問電影跟電視劇的宣傳費怎麼每次都這麼高 跟燒錢一樣)
好萊塢 永遠不會令人失望
當你覺得他們好像終於有點貼近大眾的 有點sense的時候
裡面長得特別端正,特別好萊塢的細胞組織就會跑出來跟你說:No no no no no
光現在的反派康 就打臉了
他演的角色不是南美人 角色是印度裔 他本人是巴基
南"亞"人 抱歉我打錯了 已修正
※ 編輯: KingKingCold ( 臺灣), 01/14/2023 11:13:18以後黑人角色都笑到最後
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Re: [情報] Kevin Love退出東京奧運這件事早上Reddit 討論的滿熱鬧的 主要是Richard Jefferson 的回應 Wow Jerry Colangelo! You should have used your burner account for that statement. This is what arrogance looks. How about protecting the people that decide to come to play for USA when so many people told y’all no YEAR AFTER YEAR. This should really help recruitment of vets!!! 哇Colangelo你該用小帳發表這些話。 這就是傲慢的樣子。當每年一堆人都拒絕為美國打球時,何不保護那些決定要打的人呢。這應該對招募老將十分有幫助! Reddit鄉民大多站在RJ這邊6
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