[好雷] 鬼才之道—給misfits的情書
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TIFF 2024: ‘Dead Talents Society’ Is A Love Letter To Misfits
By Sarah Musnicky 09/07/2024
......With its zany humor, the embrace of physical comedy, and central takeawaymessage mic dropped at the end by The Rookie, this horror comedy is bonkers.
It may be a bit sentimental for some, but just because we die doesn’t mean our problems die with us. For The Rookie and those in her periphery, life and healing only begin after death.
Dead Talents Society
Rating - 8/10
Dead Talents Society is a darkly comedic love letter to the misfits, the losers, and anyone who has ever struggled to find what makes them special.
Sarah Musnicky
Sarah is a writer and editor for BWT. When she's not busy writing about KDramas, she's likely talking to her cat. She's also a Rotten Tomatoes Certified critic and a published author of both fiction and non-fiction.
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[閒聊] 後輩和謎樣的球體後輩:咦?滑鼠怪怪的 後輩:沒有反應,是壞掉了吧 前輩:預備用的滑鼠剛好用完了,但是可以接受舊型滑鼠的話倒是能立刻準備給你43
[閒聊] Dr. Stone新石紀 188 出大事了............187 : 而斯坦別動隊在偵查的途中...因為直覺她們發現到琥珀他們 : 於是千空方最強陣容與斯坦軍準備正面衝突 : 188 英文情報 雷15
[好雷] 大推徐漢強的鬼才之道昨天跟朋友看了現正熱映中的《鬼才之道》(Dead Talents Society) 徐漢強真的是從片名開始就展現了才華,鬼才知道、鬼才之道^ - ^ 昨天聽朋友說徐上了台通宣傳,講到拍這部片的原委,原來徐在拍完《返校》之後就憂鬱 症纏身,甚至到了看鬼片都覺得女鬼其實已經非常努力在嚇人了。 所以這部《鬼才之道》開頭就是跟大家說,即便當了鬼也要努力被看見,被看見才能繼續5
[題目] dead的用法書名:網路考古題 版本: 頁數: 題目: That he was shot ____ surprised eberyone in school.5
[情報] 3/26 Daily HoroscopeYou are encouraged to show off who you are today, Capricorn. No, not what you have. No, not who your friends are. You! Show off what makes you so special. S how off your intelligence, your kindness, your thoughtfulness, and your unique gifts and talents. There is someone around you who would really love to see a ll the special things about you, and there is nothing wrong with flaunting it4
[情報] 18/07/2022 Daily Horoscope親愛的月之子,你的一個比較靜態(或者安靜)的才能今天可能會成為焦點。 這是你做的事情,如此自然和天真,你甚至可能不認為這是一個特殊的禮物。 不過,這是你喜歡的事情。 如果你跟著自己的感覺走,展示你的才華,你可能會發現一個崇拜的觀眾,並有機會在這 個領域做一些真正的大事。3
[情報] 30/06/2021Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期三 6月 30 Many people born under the sign of Cancer are shy and modest. You don't like t o call attention to yourself, although you do enjoy being recognized for your talents. Today you may have the chance to show off a bit, and if you do, one o f your most special talents could come into full view, and you will have the c3
[好雷] 鬼才之道雷文防雷資訊頁 鬼才之道 dead talents society 2024台灣電影 ~*-*~*-*~*-*~*-*~*-*~*-*~*-*~*-*~*-*~*-*~*-*~*-*~- 分享電影《鬼才之道 Dead Talents Society》特映資訊 ●應屆畢業生都可以參加 只要可以證明自己今年畢業, 像是畢業照、畢業紀念冊、翻拍畢業證書等等,都可以入場! 時間:7/16(二) 19:00 (17:00發號碼牌、17:30劃位) 地點:高雄夢時代秀泰