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mysmalllamb 12/11 19:23大哥是對的

WhiteWhale 12/11 19:23港片超多

Pietro 12/11 19:25這種要求我第一次聽到

msnobody 12/11 19:27瑪莎

oxylin 12/11 19:30半夜不睡覺還出來假扮王祖賢

benny3579 12/11 19:30翻譯翻譯

Stefano 12/11 19:33E~~~veryone

syuu 12/11 19:34You cannot pass! You shall not pass!

longtimens 12/11 19:35MTF

godgod777 12/11 19:41年輕人不講武德


※ 編輯: demon1127 ( 臺灣), 12/11/2020 19:44:27

herro760920 12/11 19:53你名義老爸在你後面他非常火

herro760920 12/11 19:53我是說在座的各位 都是垃圾

demon1127 12/11 19:54大師兄!

weeing76 12/11 19:55 我又跳進來了,我又出去了~

demon1127 12/11 19:55打我阿笨蛋

Leaflock 12/11 19:56大學時有個同學 他能邊看電視邊背出大部分常重播的

Leaflock 12/11 19:56港片台配台詞 超級電視兒童

wittmann421312/11 19:57一人一句,推爆廢文

xbox1 12/11 19:59也罷 ptt電影板的風格大概也就這樣@@

laechan 12/11 19:59

pauljet 12/11 19:59如果你擅長某事 絕不能免費去做

zy116pj 12/11 20:00

Nolan5566 12/11 20:11你家墳頭來種樹

Nolan5566 12/11 20:11哇靠駱駝張大眼睛被人插啊

Nolan5566 12/11 20:12我叫山雞,雞巴的雞

Nolan5566 12/11 20:12先生,你額有朝天骨,眼裡有靈光一定是仙人轉世神仙

Nolan5566 12/11 20:12下凡

good5626 12/11 20:14死做活做像條狗

yiche 12/11 20:16曾經有一份真摯的愛情擺在我面前

longkiss061812/11 20:17這篇沒爆 樓下給大家肛

armorblocks 12/11 20:18油醬唉醬

rio1998425 12/11 20:21還沒收工就罵髒話

a3qdorz 12/11 20:22塞車?你開的是什麼車?

yiche 12/11 20:23I’m the king of the world.

elfeana 12/11 20:23生命會找到自己的出路(Life will find its way out

SinShih 12/11 20:24鄉民耳熟能詳的經典台詞一半以上是台灣翻譯者的二創

SinShih 12/11 20:25 有些粵語是無法完全精確地翻成華語 但也有些完全是

SinShih 12/11 20:25翻譯者自己擅自改了用詞語

elfeana 12/11 20:25Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic

elfeana 12/11 20:25 future that year by year recedes before us.

tinchu 12/11 20:26大哥沒有輸

SinShih 12/11 20:26像超經典的sit down please 我也覺得很有趣 但原話

manqing 12/11 20:27有些人就是值得你為他融化~

SinShih 12/11 20:27是gigivigigi 我猜是在調侃喬喬亞曼尼

butmyass 12/11 20:27

elfeana 12/11 20:27小丑 You Complete Me

mysmalllamb 12/11 20:27我不當大哥很久了

a152508 12/11 20:27廢文 然後還是一堆人來留

macbook13 12/11 20:27大哥沒有輸

wayshih 12/11 20:35唉。

bigheadkobe 12/11 20:52討論到爛的廢文你也敢這樣直接Po喔!做不做功課的阿

bigheadkobe 12/11 20:53?蛤!

AMG72 12/11 21:01只要龍王手上有槍

xdanielzero 12/11 21:03Run Forest! Run!

ARCHY 12/11 21:13我會提出他無法拒絕的條件

yupei 12/11 21:18I wish I knew how to quit you.

qweqwe0518 12/11 21:19高義你他媽雜碎

ptt821105 12/11 21:25Your mother‘s gone

royking 12/11 21:27我說了不要動手,你當我放屁嗎?

royking 12/11 21:28我知道你很怕。怕就可以犧牲朋友嗎?

maybewow 12/11 21:35讓子彈飛一會兒~

maybewow 12/11 21:35我不給你,你不能搶

ggg2001 12/11 21:38上上下下前前後後左左右右

s910928 12/11 21:44月經文

wtfconk 12/11 21:56伊麵: 沒圖說個

titace 12/11 22:06師爺你給翻譯翻譯

howdo1793 12/11 22:17諸葛村夫你他媽

vanassa 12/11 22:19我說完了 誰贊成 誰反對

jasonwu 12/11 22:27哇靠 林董有槍啊

yihlin945 12/11 22:30

Terminals 12/11 22:39You jump, I jump!

id888 12/11 22:45福和橋是主戰場

uiue 12/11 22:57姆咪姆咪心動動

sos35913 12/11 23:02大風起兮雲飛揚

w3aki 12/11 23:16明天又是另一天

lovepp966 12/11 23:21bango bango

a0015520520 12/11 23:23only~you~~~~~

ll1117 12/11 23:33你已經死了

StephonA 12/11 23:37這不就標準洗文~?

l262732 12/11 23:43Avenger…Assemble

peterw 12/11 23:46讓子彈飛一下

BF109Pilot 12/11 23:46別洗了

fxfxgxgx 12/12 00:06It's all good man

eugene0412 12/12 00:07你先照顧好自己吧,傻瓜

iverson927 12/12 01:45食屎吧你

godgod777 12/12 02:19耗子為汁

mgjcr 12/12 02:59大俠愛吃漢堡包

scrwer 12/12 07:18/台詞

froheprinz 12/12 10:19Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn

froheprinz 12/12 10:20After all, tomorrow is another day.

ssun302231 12/12 11:20師爺 翻譯翻譯

jimmytaipei 12/12 11:57

abetteryear 12/12 13:42完了完了!要變殭屍了......

wangsan 12/12 14:01對不起 我是警察

godgod777 12/12 16:41有功夫,無懦夫!

godgod777 12/12 16:42人人有飯吃、人人有功練

froheprinz 12/12 22:54Would you like to stay for dinner/ Would you lik

froheprinz 12/12 22:54e to stay forever

froheprinz 12/12 23:21Once upon a time there were three very different

froheprinz 12/12 23:21 little girls who grew up to be three very diffe

froheprinz 12/12 23:21rent women with three things in common: they're

froheprinz 12/12 23:21 brilliant, they're beautiful, and they work for

froheprinz 12/12 23:21 me. My name is Charlie.

ex42r1 12/13 14:05I wish I knew how to quit you.

h3343134 12/13 16:45固辣可

Leika 12/14 11:28I am your Father!

jxigjll 12/15 16:25KKKK