[情報] 2021坎城影展 一種注目開幕片!

看板movie標題[情報] 2021坎城影展 一種注目開幕片!作者
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坎城影展方才宣布了今年一種注目單元的開幕片,遠藤雄彌主演的法日合拍電影《Onoda– 10 000 Nights In The Jungle》

本片是Full Japanese Cast,描述二戰結束後,一名日本的遺留士兵Onoda(遠藤雄彌 飾)在菲律賓生存一萬天的故事。

這部片是法國導演Arthur Harari繼16年的首部長片《Diamont Noir》(當年法媒評價不錯,有入圍凱薩最佳處女作,Niels Schneider也拿了最佳新人)後的第二部作品,也是他首次以「導演」身份入圍坎城影展。

Arthur Harari曾以編劇身份入圍坎城,也就是上上屆競賽單元的《Sibyl》


Shot in Japanese, this international coproduction tells the story of the soldier Hiroo Onoda that was sent to an island in the Philippines in 1944, to fight against the American offensive. As Japan surrenders, Onoda ignores it, trained to survive at all costs in the jungle, he keeps his war going. He will take10 000 days to capitulate, refusing to believe the end of the Second World War.

Between Kon Ichikawa's Fires on the plain, Josef von Sternberg’s Anatahan and They Were Expendable of John Ford, with lighting by Tom Harari, the director’s brother, Onoda – 10 000 Nights In The Jungle is a staggering internal ody
ssey, an intimate and universal view of the world and the history. With this second feature film (and his first in the Cannes selection), Arthur Harari masterfully imposes his filmmaking and delivers a great film about commitment andtime.

Produced by Nicolas Anthome, entirely filmed in Asia, Onoda – 10 000 Nights In The Jungle was written by Arthur Harari and Vincent Poymiro. It will be screened in world premiere on Wednesday, July 7 to open Un Certain Regard before the Jury that will present its awards on Friday, July 16.



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※ 編輯: aehvtleo ( 臺灣), 06/14/2021 16:36:03

bri10091017 06/14 16:42法媒朋友?呵呵

bri10091017 06/14 16:43可以翻譯再貼嗎

AnewMitch 06/14 20:39

szdxc17 06/14 23:28想看龍魚大的 唉

godgod777 06/15 16:13

cimo764 06/15 17:19沒人理