[情報] W.Snipes談回歸刀鋒戰士:Never say never

看板movie標題[情報] W.Snipes談回歸刀鋒戰士:Never say never作者
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Wesley Snipes on Blade Return: "Never Say Never"
By ADAM BARNHARDT - June 22, 2022 10:00 am EDT

24 years ago, Wesley Snipes made his debut as Blade, a little-known Marvel
character at the time that was half-vampire. After a successful box office
haul with 1998's Blade, New Line Cinema went on to make two follow-ups,
including a feature directed by the Oscar-winning Guillermo del Toro. Now,
Marvel Studios is getting ready to launch its own version of the Blade
franchise with a new property set to begin filming in a matter of days.

24年前,Wesley Snipes在《刀鋒戰士》電影中以半人半吸血鬼的角色首次亮相漫威。
第二集還找來奧斯卡名導Guillermo del Toro執導。


Still, Snipes says he'll never close the door on a potential return to the
character. So long as he's still able to play the Daywalker, he'll always
keep an open mind should Marvel ever coming calling.

對此,Wesley Snipes表示永遠不會關上回歸漫威的大門,只要漫威打電話給他,

"Never say never. Long as I'm healthy and in shape, I can rock with them,"
the Blade star tells us. "Yeah, as far as my predictions on if something likethat happened in future, I don't know. I don't know. It seems to me if it
would've happened, it would've happened already. But hey, never say never."

Wesley Snipes說道:


He also says that Marvel Studios has yet to approach him about a potential
cameo in any future Marvel property.

"No, not as of yet," Snipes reveals before going on to joke, "I'm still
working on my acting skills. So when I come up as an actor, maybe they'll
reach out and say, 'Let's have a conversation,' or maybe they don't feel I'm
ensemble player."








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awhat 06/23 13:16他不需要去當客串角吧,他的刀鋒自己就可以扛主角

ginopun1047706/23 13:27刀鋒三部曲已經很完美了 等看看重開機這部吧

lpb 06/23 13:34他的刀鋒雖然很經典,但以他的年紀也打不動了,還是

lpb 06/23 13:34別了吧。

awhat 06/23 13:45他跟阿湯哥一樣大 想要的話還是可以的

glacierl 06/23 14:16像X教授一樣出來賣情懷然後被秒掉

love3729 06/23 14:23凱吉的惡靈戰警勒...?

Manaku 06/23 14:29跟蟻人一樣分一二代吧

jidytri815 06/23 14:37那這樣黑豹不保了欸 MCU第一個黑人超英變刀鋒

Sinkage 06/23 14:41在吸血鬼家庭屍篇客串過了XD

a27588679 06/23 14:45他之前的照片不是變超瘦嗎 應該沒有維持體態吧

sunnyyoung 06/23 15:04可以演個被吸乾的上一任 將能力傳給下一任

mefifthfloor06/23 16:03日行者不會老,年紀這麼大了怎麼接下去。

dorae0903 06/23 16:48搞不好漫威找他回來演扮裝皇后

tyop4477 06/23 17:22威斯勒都被炸死了還重開機? 就安穩走完就好搞甚麼

tyop4477 06/23 17:23reboot

ken812025 06/23 17:50小時候超愛這部的 長大後還常常重看 希望不要被雷

rr5623123 06/23 18:19他演的刀鋒真的很經典

notea 06/23 18:56希望能回歸

Lemming 06/23 20:57推吸血鬼家庭屍篇影集的客串 來參審吸血鬼謀殺案

Lemming 06/23 20:57還被吐槽他也是吸血鬼殺手

s910928 06/24 13:39交棒給萊恩當二代?

derrick1220 06/25 15:43他出獄時因為沒錢 還借了前劇組的車1陣子 IRS真的

derrick1220 06/25 15:44惹不起 錢藏哪兒通通連本帶利給你挖出來 反觀台灣

derrick1220 06/25 15:44國稅局

derrick1220 06/25 15:47本來把錢藏在韓裔老婆那 IRS直接去函要起訴她協助

derrick1220 06/25 15:47犯罪及洗錢 適用RICO法 不還錢直接引渡關進聯邦監

derrick1220 06/25 15:47