PTT推薦 Wojnarowski 過去發表過的文章
[花邊] 吹羊:如果我有6尺8,我會成為有史以來最Trae Young:如果我有6尺8,我會成為有史以來最好的球員 虎撲09月09日訊 近日,NBA球星Trae Young參加了一檔節目採訪,在節目中他談到了自己 的身高問題: “我以前常常會討厭那些僅僅是個子高的球員......他們只是個子高,就這樣……如果我 有6尺8那麼高,我覺得我會成為這個比賽中有史以來最好的球員,因為我的心態、我的比82
[情報] 中職公告:洪一中總教練處2萬元罰金中華職棒 @CPBL 公告: 台鋼雄鷹 @tsghawks 總教練 #洪一中 昨(30)日賽後因不滿判決結果,在台鋼多名教練 攔阻下仍衝至技術委員室外不斷爭論,並試圖衝撞技術委員室,再遭賽務、場務同仁強力 攔阻。聯盟對此脫序行為不表認同,並依照規章《球團隊職員違規懲罰規定》15條,處2 萬元罰金。如未來再有此相關情節將會加重處分。爆
[情報] 咖哩續約勇士 1年62.6MGolden State Warriors star Stephen Curry has agreed on a one-year, $62.6 milli on extension that’ll keep him under contract through the 2026-2027 season, hi s agent Jeff Austin of Octagon tells ESPN. Stephen Curry和勇士達成1年62.6M的延長合約爆
[花邊] 瓜哥兒子:Bronny打進NBA表示任何人都能Kiyan Anthony on Bronny James playing in NBA for the Lakers: “It's definitely really cool. It just shows that anybody could do it. I'm coming up next and I could do it. Definitely happy for him and definitely congratulations to him. ”43
[花邊] Jeanie Buss:我欣賞Bronny的工作態度Jeanie Buss:我欣賞Bronny的工作態度,天空才是他的極限 虎撲08月25日訊 湖人在今年第二輪選中了LeBron James的兒子Bronny,球隊的這一舉動 收到了外界許多人的質疑。湖人老闆Jeanie Buss談到了她為什麽決定選中Bronny,並表 示欣賞他的工作態度。 “我們希望能給這個孩子一個機會證明自己,證明他有能力穿上湖人球衣。我們在他的身爆
[花邊] 奪四面金牌代表變老?KD:我要像K湯一樣奧運 / 奪四面金牌代表變老?KD:我要像K湯一樣一直到處比四 作者:Ethan 巴黎奧運前幾週已劃下句點,美國隊再次奪得奧運金牌,而陣中的Kevin Durant拿下生涯 第四面金牌,打破所有美國隊男籃的紀錄,成為史上第一人。 在上週末的 Fanatics Fest 活動中,Jalen Rose詢問Durant,在美國隊奪得第四面奧運64
[花邊] JJ:聯盟應該取消最後2分鐘判罰報告湖人新帥JJ Redick:聯盟應該取消最後2分鐘判罰報告 虎撲08月21日訊 根據記者Corey Hansford報導,湖人新任主帥JJ Redick對於NBA近些年 推出的比賽最後兩分鐘的判罰報告表示不贊同並做出了解釋。 “人為因素一直存在於體育運動中。裁判是這項運動的重要組成部分,他們和我們一樣也 會被評估和內部審查。比如如果我打的好或者不好了,第二天我就得和球隊一起看影片,78
[情報] Joey Votto 宣布退休Six-time All-Star Joey Votto announced his retirement on Instagram tonight, en ding a career that included an NL MVP award, a lifetime .920 OPS and one of th e the best power-patience combinations of his generation. He spent all 17 of h is big league seasons with Cincinnati.爆
[情報] 小李:若AGG沒去馬刺,我們至少一冠了Damian Lillard regrets not getting more time to win with LaMarcus Aldridge: “ If [LaMarcus] would have never went to San Antonio, we would have won at least once already. I would have came into my own but he was that good.” Dame on t he @club520podcast #PorVida #Bucks #Blazers爆
[花邊] AE:喬丹是老一輩裡唯一有技術的,而現在AE:喬丹是老一輩裡唯一有技術的,而現在每個人都有 虎撲08月20日訊 灰狼球員Anthony Edward 在奧運會奪冠後接受了《華爾街日報》的採訪 。 被問到現在這一代人的籃球運動與上幾代人有何不同時,AE表示:“我當時沒有看過,所 以對此我無話可說。他們說那時比現在更難,但我認為那時沒有人有技術。Michael Jord55
[花邊] Dragic引退賽超豪華卡司 Nash、NowitzkiNBA / Dragic引退賽超豪華卡司 Nash、Nowitzki、Jokic、Doncic、Scola全到場 作者:Ethan Goran Dragic在2023年結束為公牛、公鹿隊打完的賽季之後,已經沒有再為職業球隊效力 過紀錄,而他也傳出要退休的消息,在這個暑假他自己所屬的基金會要辦一場Goran Drag ic的引退賽,邀請許多的籃球巨星來到現場打一場。46
[情報] Patty Mills去爵士Free agent guard Patty Mills has agreed on a one-year, $3.3 million deal with the Utah Jazz, sources tell ESPN. Mills will reunite with coach Will Hardy for his 16th NBA season on a fully guaranteed deal. Patty Mills以1年3.3M加入爵士爆
[花邊] CP25:我贏了比賽就會去夜店玩玩,年輕的Chandler Parsons:我贏了比賽就會去夜店玩玩,年輕的Harden精力充沛 虎撲08月14日訊 今日,前NBA球員Chandler Parsons參加了一檔Podcast節目,在節目上 他談到了自己的火箭時期,以及他的老隊友James Harden。 Parsons:"在休士頓的時候,那是我、Dwight Howard和James Harden,他們倆總是互相 較勁。所以我幾乎成了他們倆的‘治療師’,那段時間並不太好過。"爆
[花邊] KD:隨著年紀漸長,我越來越傾向考慮退休"As I get older in the league and the league is getting younger, I tend to thi nk about retirement more." Phoenix Suns superstar Kevin Durant during final segment of #TVOneRaisingFame Sunday. Was filmed in Phoenix.24
[情報] LBJ連喊三聲Stop拒絕小球迷的合照要求NEW: NBA star LeBron James is under fire for snapping at a young fan who asked for a picture after winning gold at the Olympics. James was seen telling the kid ‘stop’ before he pulled off a dance move whil e entering the venue. “Stop, stop, stop” he said to the kid.爆
[花邊] KD:去年夏天老詹開始發訊息聯繫組隊KD:去年夏天老詹開始發訊息聯繫組隊,我知道Curry會打 虎撲08月11日訊 今日,奧運會男籃決賽結束,美國98-87擊敗法國,奪得金牌。賽後,美 國球員Kevin Durant接受了採訪。 談到這支球隊組建的過程,KD說:“我知道。Grant(Hill)和Steve(Kerr)來到布魯克 林,他們想讓我參加世界杯,所以我知道參加2024年奧運會對我們來說有多重要,我差不爆
[花邊] LBJ:我無法想像自己出戰2028洛杉磯奧運LeBron James: “I can’t see myself playing in Los Angeles 2028. I didn’t see myself playing in Paris 2024 too. But four years from now, I can’t see it.” LBJ:我無法想像自己出戰2028洛杉磯奧運,我過去也無法想像自己會打2024巴黎奧運, 但現在去看四年後,我無法想像。爆
[情報] 美國隊拿下奧運金牌,KD成為史上首位四金Olympic Last Dance together: LeBron James, Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant lead US A to Gold – completing commitment they made to each other, Team USA and the c ountry exactly one year ago. 美國隊奪金!44
[情報] 鉛筆:下屆我可能不代表美國,而是喀麥隆Joel Embiid on Olympics: "It's been a good experience. It’s been a grind, bei ng away from home and family for a few weeks. But the group of guys we have ma de it easy. Paris is a great city and the next one is LA. It might not be with Team USA, it might be with Cameroon."93
[花邊] Bogdan:美國隊用雙手抓我們,我們跟裁判Bogdan Bogdanovic:美國隊用雙手抓我們,我們跟裁判投訴也沒用 虎撲08月09日訊 在昨晚的男籃準決賽上,塞爾維亞隊被美國隊逆轉,無緣決賽。賽後塞 爾維亞隊外線核心Bogdan Bogdanovic接受了採訪。 他說:“我們在比賽裡跟裁判投訴,並沒有收到反饋,這無所謂。美國男籃的隊員們用雙 手抓著我們,他們本不必這樣,我們盡力了。”爆
[情報] 富邦悍將公告:曾峻岳選手懲處富邦悍將 @FubonGuardians 公告 :網傳曾峻岳選手涉足爭議場所照片,經球團內部查證 屬實,富邦悍將曾峻岳選手曾於休假期間出入爭議場所,傷害球團形象及商譽,球團決議 對其行為予以懲處,重罰48萬(扣薪五成、三個月)並下放二軍,罰款金額球團將全數捐 出協助弱勢基層棒球隊發展。 同時悍將球團強調,職棒榮景為全體從業人士所共同努力營造之成果,切勿因個人一己之爆
[爆卦] 唐嘉鴻 單槓銅牌唐嘉鴻在剛剛結束的單槓決賽中 雖然失誤,但全部8位選手中有6位失誤 13.966分,最後分數排第三 確定拿下銅牌 恭喜!!71
[情報] Vekic賽後不滿鄭欽文:她一直拖延發球"She kept dragging out with the serve. As soon as someone's voice was heard or someone moved in the audience. She took time-outs in a completely incorrect w ay. We can't expect spectators to sit like statues. There are also a lot of co ntroversial stories about her, but I won't talk about that now.’爆
[情報] Gordon Hayward 宣布退休After 14 NBA seasons, Gordon Hayward is retiring. Hayward, 34, was a 2017 NBA All-Star in Utah and played for the Jazz, Celtics, Hornets and Thunder across his career. He was the No. 9 pick in the 2010 Draft after starring at Butler. Gordon Hayward 宣布結束他14年的NBA生涯爆
[爆卦] 戴資穎小組賽淘汰在剛剛結束的奧運小組賽中 戴資穎直落二輸給好友依瑟儂 確定無緣晉級 小戴真的辛苦了 --83
[花邊] 勇士老闆:我們去年給KT的報價非常公平勇士老闆:我們去年給KT的報價非常公平,但他們不接受 虎撲07月26日訊 The Athletic記者Tim Kawakami近日採訪勇士老闆Joe Lacob。 Lacob詳細介紹了與Klay Thompson的談判的時間線。 “我們在秋天向他提出了一份報價,眾所周知,這份報價比他最終簽下的要高得多。所以 我認為這是非常公平的,”Locob談到在上賽季前報導的兩年4800萬美元的報價時說道,爆
[情報] 中信兄弟新洋投中文譯名改為「象騎士」中信兄弟 @CTBC_Brothers 公告,日前球團簽下的多明尼加籍新洋投 #AngelSanchez 已 通過體檢,並隨隊進入牛棚訓練。今天Sanchez與球團討論後因讀音相似度,決定將中文 譯名改為「象騎士」。 象騎士(Angel Sanchez)表示,「雖然也很喜歡原名『安吉斯』,不過希望能以『象騎士 』命名為球隊在場上奮戰。想透過自己的名字告訴大家,我已準備好來幫助球隊了!」13
[情報] Randy Arozarena to MarinersSource confirms: Mariners have acquired Randy Arozarena. Full trade, per ESPN sources: Seattle Mariners receive: outfielder Randy Arozarena Tampa Bay Rays receive: outfielder Aidan Smith, right-hander Brody Hopkins and爆
[爆卦] 台南市明(26日)停止上班上課凱米颱風更新資訊 台南市明(26日)停止上班上課 依據中央氣象署20:30之最新資訊,台南市明日預報雨量仍在臨界值,因部分地區積淹水 尚未消退,交通中斷尚未通行,災後復原工作需要儘速處理,因此明天停止上班上課。 市府所有局處待命戒備,持續監控氣象情資並與相關單位橫向聯繫。52
[情報] KCP:湖人上季季後賽應該打敗我們的Kentavious Caldwell-Pope says the Lakers should have beaten the Nuggets in the 2024 NBA playoffs "You know how, towards the playoffs, guys get their rest, but I feel like that 's where we spent most of our energy at times, trying to get that first place44
[花邊] 鉛筆:我可能是聯盟最被討厭的人,我不懂Joel Embiid doesn’t understand why fans hate on him "I'm probably the most hated guy in the league. I don't know why cuz, I'm just cool. I don't know what's there to hate about me.” 鉛筆不懂為什麼球迷這麼討厭他:42
[情報] 鉛筆:Tatum有超級球隊,我有的話也會贏Joel Embiid to his trainer Drew Hanlen about Jayson Tatum & the Boston Celtics : “‘Well yea, he’s got a super team. I would win too if I had a super team. I f I go 5/20, we get blown out.” Hanlen responded with, “well you got a super team now, coach!”1
[花邊] PG:在洛杉磯效力快艇而不是湖人,你像是PG:在洛杉磯效力快艇而不是湖人,你像是在為二隊打球 虎撲07月23日訊 76人球員Paul George更新最新一期Podcast。 George談到剛簽約快艇時的感受:“最初你知道,當我回到洛杉磯時,剛回來時我是有回 家的感覺,但球迷的愛是不同的,人們都說,你應該成為湖人,這就是我聽到的一切。而 不像是‘歡迎來到快艇!’這樣的聲音。我像是在為二隊打球(B隊),就是那種氛圍和53
[情報] Sam Hauser續約塞爾提克 4年45MBoston Celtics forward Sam Hauser – one of the NBA’s most accurate three-poi nt shooters -- has agreed on a four-year, $45 million contract extension, his agent Jason Glushon of @GlushonSM tells ESPN. Sam Hauser和塞爾提克續約,4年45M爆
[情報] Evan Mobley 續約騎士 5年224MCleveland Cavaliers F/C Evan Mobley has agreed on a five-year, $224 million ma ximum rookie contract extension that could become worth as much as $269 millio n, Joe Smith and Thad Foucher of @wassbasketball tell ESPN. Evan Mobley和騎士達成新秀頂薪續約5年224M22
[情報] 美國奪金有疑問嗎?Embiid:LBJ已不再是美國奪金有疑問嗎?Embiid:LBJ已不再是幾年前的他 虎撲07月20日訊 美國男籃中鋒Joel Embiid近日接受了專訪。 關於對美國隊贏得奧運金牌是否有任何懷疑,Embiid說:“現在的LeBron已經不是幾年前 的LeBron了。所以差別很大。每個人都會告訴你,幾年前那個運動能力超群、統治力強的爆
[花邊] Wade:LBJ很出色,但你必須要圍繞他作為Wade:LBJ很出色,但你必須要圍繞他作為中心 虎撲07月20日訊 近日,Dwayne Wade參加了Carmelo Anthony的Podcast節目,在節目上他 談到了和LBJ的合作。 Wade表示:“改變角色總是困難的,但我覺得我是適配他的完美角色,不是很多球員都能 做到的。LeBron是一名非常出色的運動員,但你必須圍繞他進行工作。”爆
[花邊] Chet:Bronny像個ProLooked like a pro Chet在Bronny今日表現的文章下方留言: 像個職業球員爆
[情報] ESPN評選2000年後百大運動員,LBJ第四Ranking the top 100 professional athletes since 2000 ESPN根據超過7萬多人的投票來評選2000年後運動員們的表現排出百大運動員排名 這些投票將每項運動的候選名單縮減為每項 10-25名運動員,這構成了迄今為止 21 世紀 頂尖運動員的整體候選人名單。 投票方式是每位投票者都會收到兩個隨機選擇的名字,並被要求選出哪一個在 21 世紀擁88
[花邊] 控制情緒!Bronny突破上籃後抱怨判罰,被控制情緒!Bronny突破上籃被破壞後抱怨判罰,被吹技術犯規 虎撲07月18日訊 NBA夏季聯賽湖人對陣老鷹的比賽正在進行中。 第三節比賽中,Bronny突破上籃被破壞後抱怨判罰,吃到個人第一次技術犯規。 影片:45
[情報] Perkins稱快艇應考慮交易可愛,龜龜按讚Perkins稱快艇應考慮交易可愛,Westbrook IG按讚 虎撲07月17日訊 今日,前NBA球員、ESPN評論員Kendrick Perkins在節目中表示快艇應該 考慮交易Kawhi Leonard。 有多位網友截圖或在評論區表示,快艇後衛Russell Westbrook對ESPN這條轉發Perkins節爆
[花邊] 富保羅:Jeanie Buss做決定選了BronnyRich Paul:Jeanie Buss做決定選了Bronny,他能從全局看待 虎撲07月17日訊 今日,湖人新秀Bronny James的經紀人Rich Paul接受了採訪。 當被問到Bronny被湖人選中是否與他的父親LeBron有關,Paul說:“我有些同意也有些不 同意。他擁有那些基因。聽著,這是Jeanie(Buss)的決定,她會做那個決定。她能夠從 全局看待Bronny,不只是從籃球層面,還有性格層面。爆
[情報] Kobe的爸爸Joe Bryant過世Joe Bryant, the father of Kobe Bryant and a basketball star in his own rightsa t Bartram High School, at La Salle, and over eight seasons in the NBA, has die d. He was 69.87
[花邊] JJ:湖人需要一個大中鋒,面對西區強隊JJ Redick:湖人需要一個大中鋒,面對西區強隊需要身高優勢 虎撲07月16日訊 近日,湖人主帥JJ Redick在Sirius XM NBA電台上分享了他對球隊陣容 的看法以及球隊尋找中鋒的嘗試。 “你當然得看看,我認為現在的陣容實際上是一個非常好的陣容,一個非常平衡的陣容。 當然我們希望能添加一個高大、強壯的五號位球員。你看看現在的西區,無論是丹佛金塊47
[情報] 富邦悍將新洋投人選更換富邦悍將 @FubonGuardians 新洋投人選更換,原本在看的 #ZacGrotz 並未簽約,而是與 大西洋聯盟左投 #AaronLeasher 達成合約共識。據了解,Aaron Leasher也是其他中職球 隊,關注的洋將人選。 富邦新洋投:Aaron Leasher92
[情報] Baron Davis:我受傷了讓教練多用林書豪Baron Davis:我受傷了讓教練多用林書豪,林來瘋就開始了 虎撲07月14日訊 近日,前NBA球員Baron Davis參加了勇士前鋒Draymond Green的Podcast 節目,在節目上他談到了聯盟中曾經火爆一時的“林來瘋”現象。 “一開始,我對Mike D'Antoni說,我需要再休息一周才能復出。因此,林書豪沒有被裁 掉並獲得了上場機會。我們輸給了休士頓,我對教練說你得讓林書豪上場。教練認為我瘋爆
[花邊] 小犢GM:總決賽後,我們知道球隊就差個KT“It was a no-brainer for us, especially after the finals. We knew we were a K lay Thompson away.” Mavericks GM Nico Harrison on the acquisition of Klay Thompson in the offseaso n爆
[情報] JJ重申:我真的得到offer後才跟LBJ談過JJ Redick reiterates that he didn't talk about the Lakers job with LeBron befo re it was offered: "I said this at the press conference, and everybody called cap, but literally we did not talk about the Lakers job until after I was offe red the job. And that was Thursday, I believe, June 20th, and I was at Duke. I went for lunch with my dad and I said, 'Dad, I got to make a quick call real- 據傳,富邦悍將 @FubonGuardians 新洋將人選,鎖定今年在墨西哥聯盟表現精彩的 #Zac Grotz 。Grotz本季在墨西哥聯盟,戰績7勝1敗、防禦率2.35,富邦悍將表示:新洋將補 強作業持續進行中,若有確定消息將對外公布。#CPBL 來源: 奶哥 王翊亘X
[花邊] LBJ:我對待Bronny跟我對待其他隊友一樣LeBron James said his son shouldn't expect any preferential treatment. LBJ表示他的兒子不應該有任何優惠待遇 "It’s going to work just like any one other of my teammates," he told Craig M elvin in an exclusive interview that aired July 11 on TODAY. "I’m going to ho ld him accountable, and he should hold me accountable when I do things not rig97
[情報] 兩天前可愛陣營向美國男籃表達擔憂Two days ago, Kawhi’s camp reached out to USA Basketball expressing concern, a source said. 記者Marc J. Spears透露兩天前可愛陣營就已經向美國隊表達了擔憂 Celtics guard Derrick White will be replacing Kawhi Leonard with USA Basketbal爆
[花邊] AE:我是美國隊第一選擇,他們要去適應我Anthony Edwards今日在美國隊訓練營受訪 Anthony Edwards Says Other Team USA Stars Will Have to Play Around Him Edwards: “I’m still the number one option [on this team too]. Y’all might l ook at it differently, but I don’t look at it no differently.”爆
[情報] DDR 3年76M去國王、H.Barnes去馬刺Free agent guard DeMar DeRozan has reached an agreement with the Sacramento Ki ngs in what will be a sign-and-trade, league sources tell @NBAonTNT, @Bleacher Report. DDR確定透過先簽後換加入國王95
[花邊] 湖人希望Bronny獲得盡可能多的出場機會Lakers summer league coach Dane Johnson says that the tentative plan is for Br onny James to play in every game this summer as LA looks to get him as many re ps as possible. 湖人夏聯教練Dane Johnson:初步計劃是讓Bronny出戰夏天的每一場比賽,因為湖人希望47
[花邊] KD祝福KT:灣區的神,新篇章開始了Former Warrior teammate Kevin Durant responded to Klay’s goodbye: “A Bay Area God. One chapter closes, another one opens. Keep doing u champ.” KT發IG向勇士告別,KD也在下方留言為KT送上祝福。爆
[花邊] 咖哩第一個抵達奧運美國男籃訓練營報到Let's get it! @StephenCurry30 is the first player to arrive to #USABMNT train ing camp in Las Vegas. Stephen Curry已經到拉斯維加斯了,他是第一個到美國男籃訓練營報到的球員。 短評或心得:爆
[花邊] Woj:湖人認為三星建隊模式已經行不通.@wojespn on the Lakers’ remaining offseason strategy: - Los Angeles will be making moves on the edges, including veteran’s minimum signings. - The Lakers are not interested in including draft picks to salary dump contra cts.爆
[情報] Bronny James合約 4年7.9MBronny James has signed his rookie contract with the Lakers, per sources: Four years and $7.9 million. Team option in fourth season. Bronny和湖人簽下4年7.9M,第四年是球隊選項 短評或心得:爆
[外電] LBJ續約 2年104MFree agent LeBron James has agreed to a two-year, $104 maximum million deal to return to the Los Angeles Lakers, sources tell ESPN. Deal includes no trade c lause. Deal includes a player option and no trade, per sources.90
[花邊] Bronny談在湖人與在大學打球相比較"I feel like I've been given an opportunity to showcase what I can really do b ecause I wasn't given that much of an opportunity at USC" - Bronny James on playing with the Lakers compared to playing in college Bronny談到在湖人與在大學打球相比較: