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[閒聊] 台中哪裡有可愛甜點打算帶台中伴手禮拜訪朋友 他家有可愛的小女生~大班 想以可愛的甜點一決勝負= =+ 找了一下可愛的好像只有富士山吐司跟8結...@@ 跪求網友推薦1
[轉錄] 01/25 Daily HoroscopeScorpio horoscope for 星期三 1月 25 Scorpio horoscope for 星期三 1月 25 You may not see yourself as powerful right now or as having leverage in a chal lenge you are facing. But whether you see yourself that way or not, you are po werful, and you do have leverage. The problem comes in because if you can't se35
[請益] 6號電池想請問台中哪邊買得到六號電池 小北,順發,大台中五金,燦坤 全國,大同,振宇(還跑兩家) 全聯,楓康,寶家