PTT推薦 filly571 過去發表過的文章
[險種] 0歲男 新生兒保單規劃一、性別:男 二、年齡:0歲 三、職業/工作內容:新生兒 四、保障需求:醫療 意外 癌症 重大 五、保費預算:1.5 萬上下- 一、性別:男 二、年齡:0歲 三、職業/工作內容:吃睡玩 四、保障需求:雙實支/防癌/重大傷病/意外 五、保費預算:1.5萬至2萬以內
- 一、性別:男 二、年齡:0歲 三、職業/工作內容:吃睡玩 四、保障需求:雙實支/防癌/重大傷病/意外 五、保費預算:1.5萬至2萬以內
[題目] 網路閱讀題目文法題目: Maria Vásquez has a wide range of experience, _____ worked in technical,production and marketing positions. (A) having (B) has (C) having had1
[題目] 斯巴達式10回閱讀書名:斯巴達式10回閱讀 版本:2018/09 頁數:p.194,第104題 題目: You should contact the Human Resorces Department to find out what the _____ process for attending the seminar is.3
[題目] 斯巴達式10回閱讀書名:斯巴達式10回閱讀 版本:2018/09 頁數:p.164, 104題 題目: _____ it took only two months to finish the construction of this building shows the remarkable progress of the new transportation system.6
[題目] 斯巴達式10回閱讀書名:斯巴達式10回閱讀 版本:2018/09 頁數:p135 題目:118 Soni Ltd. is delighted to announce the Humbro,the vehicle with the best fuel consumption rating of ____ car in its class.5
[題目] 斯巴達式10回閱讀試題書名:斯巴達式新制多益10回閱讀 版本:2018年 / 9月 頁數:p.105/116題 題目: Ms. Sanders _____ a formal contract to hire Ms. Collins as an assistant to support her work last week.