PTT推薦 hanson90244 過去發表過的文章
[花邊] Kerr斥責今日最後的吹判來源: Steve Kerr called the loose ball foul that decided the game with 3.5 seconds lef t an “unconscionable” whistle and something an “elementary school” official48
[花邊] LBJ:就算我投不進,我仍能影響比賽來源: "One thing about me, if the shot is not going, I can still make plays and still make an impact on the game." LeBron James on dishing out 14 assists while shooting 0-of-9 from three LBJ今日賽後被問到關於連續未命中三分的情形。爆
[花邊] KT認為加入獨行俠較湖人有機會奪冠來源: Report: Klay Thompson chose Mavericks over Lakers because he believed they had a better chance to win a ring “Thompson chose the Mavericks over the Los Angeles Lakers, who also recruited h im in free agency, because he believed Dallas provided him the best chance to pu92
[情報] LBJ硬吃Ja比too small,Ja馬上回擊來源: Bron hit the ‘too little’ on Ja and a couple plays later Ja returned the favor Got a tech after shove LBJ硬吃Ja後,對Ja比too small。 Ja後續吃回來,然後頂LBJ38
[情報] 今日Zion Williamson來源: Zion against the Pacers: 34 PTS 6 REB 10 AST爆
[情報] 今日Nikola Jokic來源: 自2009年甜瓜後,金塊隊再有球員達成Back to Back 40分 Nikola Jokic tonight: 40 PTS 10 REB51
[花邊] KT賽後記者會上折紙飛機來源: Klay Thompson was making a paper airplane while answering questions. Here, he sh ows off the finished product and throws it KT在今天比賽邊回答問題邊摺紙飛機,並在折完後,射了4
[問卦] 可以學三國演義主將釘孤支嗎三國演義開戰前兩邊大將會先單挑,關羽、馬超、張飛都有這樣的戲碼。 現在可不可以也學三國演義一樣,讓兩邊大將先單挑?贏了提振士氣 --72
[情報] Bronny成Wade後,後衛熱身賽首秀最多火鍋來源: Bronny James had 3 blocks tonight. The only guard to record more blocks in their preseason debut was Dwyane Wade (2 003). 2003 Wade的熱身賽首秀蓋了四個火鍋。20
[妮姬] Re0的角色值得練嗎當初合作的時候有抽到愛蜜莉亞跟雷姆,只是因為資源沒有那麼多,所以先練了其他強勢角 色。 大部分強勢角色練起來了,想問re0的合作角色現在還值得去練嗎?個突還是能上嗎 --爆
[花邊] Zion面對新賽季:我準備好報仇了來源: Zion的前幾個賽季不斷面對大大小小的傷痛,也導致他缺席了很多場比賽。 為了回覆對鵜鶘隊的信任,Zion在休賽季期間做了很多努力,像是早上6點就開始訓練、針 對飲食的控管等等。爆
[花邊] Jaylen Brown創立球鞋品牌叫741來源: 近期休賽季Jaylen Brwon穿著不論訓練或是出席活動的神秘鞋子,是來自於他自創的品牌。 過去Jaylen Brown都是穿Nike的球鞋,但多次與Nike有著不愉快的經驗。 Jaylen Brown認為該是時候創造不一樣的價值,因此創立了741品牌。1
[問卦] 紅綠色盲真的會把綠色看成紅色嗎維基百科說紅綠色盲是最常見的色盲。 請問是不是對紅綠色盲來說,綠色就會看成紅色,紅色看成綠色。這樣真的蠻困擾的感覺。 --42
[花邊] Curry菜鳥訪談:希望十年後還在NBA來源: This Steph interview from his rookie season 15 years later, Steph is still making Warriors history 在Curry與勇士提前續約,B/R找到他剛進 NBA的受訪片段。爆
[花邊] KG:現今半數的球員,20年前是上不了NBA來源: I don't think half of these kids in the league could have been on an NBA team 20 years ago." KG's 7-minute rant about Anthony Edwards' comments about past eras | @allthesmok eprod14
[問卦] 就算孔明北伐成功,皇帝卻是劉禪當時諸葛村夫北伐失敗,往生後,劉禪就搞爛蜀國,最後就被魏國滅了。 那就算北伐是成功的,事實上皇帝還會是劉禪,最後還是會爛掉。 孔明北伐累死自己,終究484會被這個富二代搞砸。 --47
[花邊] Shaq頭軟糖來源: Shaq又發揮他的創意,用他自己的頭開模,來做他的頭的造型的軟糖。 --爆
[花邊] 老巴:臭臉閉嘴來源: First of all, listen, don't bring up... A guy who averaged five points a game. I 'm not gonna stoop to his level. You average five points a game. Shut the hell u p." Charles Barkley goes OFF on Kendrick Perkins爆
[花邊] 文斑馬:我為我幾年後的對手感到擔憂來源: Victor Wembanyama, with a silver medal around his neck: “I’m learning, and I’m worried for the opponents in a couple of years.” In FIBA or the NBA? “Everywhere.”37
[情報] 李啟瑋=>攻城獅來源: emoji: 奇異果>獅子 獅紫軍們一定很好奇休賽季的攻城獅主場 到底會有哪些閒人會在上班時間出沒呢... 吼吼台帶各位一探究竟爆
[情報] Deuce:我爸是世界最棒的來源: Jayson Tatum on his son, Deuce, after winning the NBA championship: “He told me that I was the best in the world. I said, ‘You damn right I am.’” JT兒子Deuce 跟JT說他是世界上最棒的。 JT回他說,你說得太對了!我就是!91
[花邊] 魔術強森:不喜歡青賽冠軍數比我們多!來源: 魔術強森在他X寫道: I hate that the Celtics officially have more championships than us now 他恨透了青賽的冠軍數比他們(湖人)還多。 不過在他後續的貼文裡是恭喜青賽、JB。並認為青賽強度很夠,對獨行俠來說是一個難以擊爆
[花邊] Dirk拐Nash,要後者高潮來源: Dirk hit Steve with a friendly nudge 司機跟Nash在達拉斯觀賞第三戰,在緊張時刻,本來Nash很淡定的觀賽,司機肘擊Nash示意 後者一起嗨,被肘擊後,Nash激勵大喊爆
[花邊] 077:裁判,加油點好嗎來源: Doncic: I don't want to say nothing, but six fouls in the NBA Finals . . . like this? Come on, man. Be better than that." 今日077犯滿,077賽後說 077:我不想說什麼,但NBA總冠的六次犯規是這樣吹的? 老兄加油點,可以做的更好。82
[花邊] KI一直帶著籃球來源: KI 目前被拍到一直帶著籃球,搭上波士頓的飛機時、到達塞爾提克球場時,以及今天記者 會。爆
[情報] 獨行俠本賽季助攻數新低獨行俠本季原本單場團隊助攻最低次數是14次(包含季後賽)。 總冠G1則創下新低只有9次。 與青賽今天的火鍋次數一樣。 Mavericks lowest assists in a game this season (including playoffs) - 14爆
[花邊] Luka:再哭啊,MDFker來源: 球迷在一開始兩邊分差不大時對Luka 比了哭哭手勢 在分數遠遠拉開後,077對著球迷說:「yeah, yeah, who's crying MF'er.」 現在是誰在哭了阿? MDFker爆
[花邊] Edwards:我從來沒被橫掃過來源: "I've never been swept, so I took it personal." Ant was extra motivated to avoid the sweep 贏得G4,避免系列賽被橫掃。 Anthony Edwards賽後說:「我從來沒被橫掃過,所以我特別在意。」爆
[花邊] 你跟Ant說了啥?077:我不能說來源: “At the end of the game, what were you saying to Anthony Edwards?” Luka: “I can’t say.” 記者問Luka Doncic,在賽末他跟Edwards說了什麼? 077回答:我不能說...爆
[花邊] Luka g2關鍵三分逆轉來源: 在最後AE失誤後,剩餘12秒,077面對狗貝防守,後撤步三分,逆轉比賽,最終也贏得勝利 LUKA 3-POINTER IN THE CLUTCH TO TAKE THE LEAD WITH 3 SECONDS LEFT IN THE 4Q DAL-MIN (1-0) | 4Q Live on TNT56
[情報] Jason Kidd執教生涯季後賽G1首勝來源: The Mavs win a Game 1 for the first time since 2021 and the second time since 20 11. Dallas had been 1-12 in their last 13 Game 1's and 0-5 under head coach Jason Ki dd.爆
[花邊] 球三被告來源: LaMelo Ball is being sued by a Charlotte family when he allegedly drove over an 11-year-old named Angell Joseph, while he was asking for the Hornets star’s aut ograph, breaking his foot in the process. The incident reportedly happened as fans approached Hornets players after an eve89
[花邊] 狗貝:很高興教練沒有聽老巴的來源: Timberwolves’ Rudy Gobert on TNT’s Charles Barkley suggesting he should be ben ched in Game 7 win over Nuggets: “I don’t watch these guys. … I’m glad coach didn’t listen to his advice.” 老巴曾提出意見認為,灰狼隊g7時應該讓狗貝待在板凳上。爆
[情報] Gordon Hayward 本季季後賽數據來源: Gordon Hayward’s playoff stats: 0 PPG 1.9 RPG 0.4 APG爆
[花邊] 狗貝對康利說:不准你再離開我來源: Mike Conley Jr. missed the Wolves' Game 5 loss. But he returned to the lineup in tonight's 45-point win. Rudy Gobert: "Don't ever leave me again." 康利第5戰沒有打,灰狼輸球。爆
[花邊] 077希望老巴繼續說雷霆會贏來源: "Maybe next time he can say it again in the next game so maybe we'll win again." Luka responds to Chuck saying OKC was going to blowout the Mavs Luka提到老巴說雷霆會擊敗獨行俠: 「希望他下場比賽也能再這麼說,我們可能因此能夠贏球。」52
[花邊] 嘴綠:當失去信念,一切就結束了來源: “When you lose the belief… it’s over. They don’t believe they can win anymor e, which means this series is over.” Draymond sounds off on Gobert and the T-Wolves 嘴綠發表對灰狼及狗貝的想法:「當你失去了信念,一切就結束了。他們不相信他們還會贏31
[花邊] 老巴回應馬龍用看衰言論激勵球隊一事來源: “Dude, we get paid to give an opinion. If you watched those first two games, yo u didn’t think Denver was going to win.” Chuck on Michael Malone using an edit of critics to motivate Denver ahead of Gam e 3爆
[花邊] Edwards談賽末對Murray說了什麼來源: I just told his ass. We love that keep talkin' that. That's what we like... He d idn’t say nothin’ back. But I’m pretty sure he heard me. They heard me." Anthony Edwards on what he said to Jamal Murray at the end of the game 金塊灰狼g4結束後,Edwards被拍到跟Murray說了一些話,因此賽後記者會被記者問到此事85
[情報] 雷霆本季季後賽首敗來源: 雷霆本季季後賽首敗,獨行俠在雷霆主場扳平系列賽比數。 在前五場季後賽中,雷霆一場最多只讓對手得到95分,今天獨行俠得了119分。進了18個三 分、30爆
[花邊] JT:青賽不是超級球隊來源: Jayson Tatum says the Celtics do not have a super team: “The idea that we have a super team...we didn't have the Coach of the Year, we didn't have the MVP, we only had two All-Stars. They say we're a super team, but we didn't get rewarded like it."21
[花邊] 記者問Ant願不願意刺狗貝的臉以換取冠軍來源: Reporter: “Would you get a tattoo of Rudy Gobert’s face anywhere on your body for the Timberwolves to guaranteed win the NBA championship this year?” Anthony Edwards: “Yeah. Probably my arm or some sh*t.” (via @theScore / IG)爆
[花邊] Shaq:GOAT討論請加入Kobe來源: "The only thing I don't like about the [GOAT] conversation is they don't put my boy [Kobe Bryant] in it... Michael, LeBron, or Kobe? Now y'all can debate." Shaq isn't hearing your GOAT debate if Kobe isn't in there (via @bigpodwithshaq)76
[花邊] 金塊主場:灰狼in 4來源: "Wolves in 4." Chants in Denver with seconds left in the game 今日比賽在最後讀秒階段,傳來球迷齊聲吶喊「灰狼in 4」。81
[花邊] 老巴給Zion的忠告:休賽季減肥來源: Charles Barkley's Advice To @Zionwilliamson On Weight: "Lose 25lbs in the offsea son" "The sooner he gets in shape, the better he's gonna be... I played against Bird, I played against @MagicJohnson, @kaj33, Michael. I know what it takes to be suc80
[花邊] 老河談與公鹿的未來:竭盡我所能來源: “I’m gonna do whatever I can for this franchise. I think we can win [and] I’m going to do everything I can to create that because it means more to me than yo u think." Doc Rivers on his future with the Bucks爆
[花邊] 老河談贏球方法:來比賽然後贏球來源: I told our coaches 'I don't know if we're going to win, but we're coming to play and win tonight'... you could feel it in the preparation." Doc Rivers on the Bucks' approach ahead of Game 5 談到第五戰能夠贏球的方法,老河說:「我告訴我的教練團,我不知道我們會不會贏,但我21
[花邊] Adebayo談犯規:我不知道來源: Adebayo被問到最後對Tatum造成的f1犯規。 他說:「我不知道,請略過這問題,你會害我被罰。」 "I don't even know. We just gonna move on from that, you gonna get me fined." Bam Adebayo on the late foul in Game 4 involving him and Jayson Tatum and gettin57
[情報] 雷霆8年來首次晉級/鵜鶘9年來第一次被橫掃來源: The Thunder are moving on to the second round for the first time in eight years ‼ A NEW ERA 雷霆上次晉級到下一輪是2016年,KD跟龜龜的組合爆
[花邊] Luka:我辜負了KI來源: Luka Doncic on Kyrie Irving: “I gotta help him more, I feel like I’m letting h im down so I gotta be there. I gotta help him more, he’s giving everything he h as. He’s been amazing for us the whole series.” 今日小犢不敵快艇,賽後訪問時Luka Doncic談到KI的部分時說道:- 來源: The NBA's rock/paper/scissors astounds me. The Kings CANNOT BEAT the Pels, who C ANNOT BEAT the Lakers, who CANNOT BEAT the Kings. NBA版的猜拳,國王打不贏鵜鶘,鵜鶘打不贏湖人,湖人打不贏國王... --
[花邊] 上一個0/10+勇士球員是Poole來源: The last time a Warriors player shot 0/10 or worse in a game was Jordan Poole vs the Kings in April 2023. History repeating itself 上一個單場投籃次數10次以上卻沒能進球的球員是Jordan Poole,在去年4月,對手同81
[情報] AD+LBJ罰球數 vs 鵜鶘整隊罰球數來源: Free throw attempts tonight: 20 — LeBron and AD 15 — Pelicans LBJ+AD 20次罰球機會91
[花邊] 嘴綠:我討厭Play-in,但它超棒來源: “I hate the play-in… it’s the best thing ever created.” - @money23green 影片隨意翻,有錯請指正: 嘴綠:「我討厭Play-in,我完完全全不喜歡。但對籃球來說,它是最棒的發明。LBJ曾說過 發明Play-in的人該被炒,如果他們被炒了,絕對要找他們回來,因為Play-in太棒了,自從爆
[花邊] 為了讓球迷免費吃雞,Boban故意罰不進來源: 快艇隊只要客隊球員在第四節兩罰不進,球迷就可以免費得到Chick-fil-A的雞肉三明治。 今天比賽Boban站上罰球線,聽到球迷吆喝免費三明治的請求,他告訴球迷他聽到了,並且 兩罰都沒進,快艇球迷也為此歡呼。 Boban Marjanovi gave LA Clippers fans exactly what they wanted: free chicken!爆
[情報] 沒人在乎的東區種子序組合來源: 不光是西1-3,西6-10, 其實東2-4,東5-8也是要打到今年例行賽最後一場才能決定最後的種子。 但似乎關注度就沒有這麼高XD 比較多種組合,就直接貼NBA整理好的表格圖片爆
[花邊] 西區第一種子之爭來源: 雷霆、灰狼、金塊取得C1的情形,三隊都各剩一場例行賽 雷霆: 1. 對獨行俠贏+金塊最後一場贏球 2. 對獨行俠贏+灰狼最後一場輸球58
[情報] 活塞隊本季確定創下隊史最糟戰績來源: The Pistons have clinched the worst record in franchise history Detroit's worst record in team history came in 1979-80 when that team went 16-66 . They are 13-67 with 2 games left.爆
[情報] 湖人、勇士確定打Play-in來源: The Lakers and Warriors are both locked into the play-in tournament after the Su ns' win 在太陽擊敗快艇後,湖人跟勇士鎖定了附加賽資格 --80
[情報] 今日湖人隊史單場被投進最多三分紀錄來源: The 26 3-pointers allowed by the Lakers tonight was the most in franchise histor y. 今日湖人隊被勇士投進26顆三分,為隊史單場比賽被投進最多的次數。 今日咖哩 k湯 綠師父都投進了5顆以上的三分