PTT推薦 kevinwei223 過去發表過的文章
- Victor Wembanyama becomes the 6th player in NBA history to record 30+ points and 10+ blocks in a game, joining: Hakeem Olajuwon - 5x David Robinson - 3x Artis Gilmore - 1x
[花邊] PG在76人首場30+ 歷史三分榜第10名Paul George tonight: 33 PTS 8 AST 6 3P38
[花邊] Poole上半場21分7助攻 要止16連敗?Jordan Poole at the half: 21 PTS 7 AST 69 TS%56
[花邊] 老詹AD同場35+雙十 上次是kobe歐肥LeBron James and Anthony Davis combined for 77 points in the Lakers' OT loss to the Hawks. They are the first Lakers duo to each have a 35-point double-double since Kobe and Shaq in 2000. 老詹和AD今日合計砍下77分,但在OT輸給了老鷹。 他們兩人是繼2000年的Kobe和歐肥之後,首次有湖人雙人組同場拿下35分的雙十。39
[花邊] 哈登成為史上第二位3000顆三分球Congrats to @JHarden13 of the @LAClippers for becoming the 2nd player in NBA history to make 3,000 threes! 恭喜哈登成為史上第二位投進3000顆三分球的球員! 目前咖哩跟哈登也是唯二,三分出手超過8000次的球員。7
[花邊] 巴弟歷史三分榜超越Kidd來到第17名Congrats to @buddyhield of the @warriors for moving into 17th on the all-time THREES MADE list! 恭喜巴弟在歷史三分榜上升到第17名! 巴弟今天投進2顆三分球,在歷史三分榜超越Kidd獨居第17名,下一步就是挑戰2000顆。7
[討論] 主審喊好球很像鸚鵡在叫?我看個棒球,但怎麼感覺一直聽到鳥叫聲? 後來發現是這場主審在判好球的時候,喊的超激動! 是不是很像某種鸚鵡的叫聲啊? --爆
[花邊] Knecht Q3接Q4連續幫湖人得了22分Knecht 4 tonight: — 37 points — 9 threes — 21 PTS, 6-6 3P in the 3Q91
[花邊] KI是本季最強跳投手 每次出手得1.4分Kyrie is on fire! He is by far the hottest jump shooter in the NBA. He’s always been an incredible jump shooter, but this might be the best he’s ever looked in this department. KI手感熱的發燙!是本季聯盟中跳投最準的球員。他一直是很厲害的跳投射手,但目前可能是他狀態最好的一次。 本季的KI平均每次跳投出手可以得到1.4分,實在誇張。38
[花邊] AD並列本季最多30+ 連5場至少2三分Anthony Davis tonight: 31 PTS 14 REB 2 STL95
[花邊] 咖哩生涯含季後賽三分球來到4400顆Steph Curry now has 4,400 3PM in his career (regular season + playoffs). The next closest doesn’t even have 3,400. 咖哩目前生涯三分進球數來到4400顆(例行賽+季後賽) 最接近他的球員甚至還不到3400顆32
[花邊] AJ Green開季連續52次出手都是三分After consulting the data, my suspicions were true: AJ Green has taken the most amount of threes to start an NBA season without attempting a single two. In fact, he has blown the previous record out of the water. How long can he go? AJ Green已打破開季最多連續三分出手(目前52次)且沒有任何兩分出手的紀錄,而且是遠超之前的紀錄。82
[花邊] 本季巴弟場均4.6顆三分 比咖哩還多Most threes per game by a Warrior (all-time): 4.6 — Buddy hield 3.9 — Steph Curry Splash Buddies.65
[花邊] KD成為史上第8位達成29000分29K for KD! @KDTrey5 becomes just the 8th player in @NBA history to score 29,000 career points KD成為史上第8位達成生涯29000分的球員49
[花邊] 巴弟新球隊前兩場12顆三分 歷史最多Buddy Hield tonight: 27 Points 6 Assists 4 Rebounds- 消息來源: 內容: Coby White tonight: 35 PTS
[花邊] Curry成為最老在開幕戰拿下15/5/10Steph Curry tonight: 17 PTS 9 REB 10 AST爆
[情報] 巴弟的勇士初登板 15分鐘22分5三分消息來源: 內容: Buddy Hield tonight: 22 PTS82
[情報] JT上半場 25分6助攻6顆三分消息來源: 內容: Jayson Tatum in the 1st half: 25 PTS66
[花邊] LBJ即將超越Kobe成為歷史打鐵王With 6 missed FG tonight, LeBron James would pass Kobe Bryant for the most in NBA history 只要(美國時間)今晚的比賽中,LBJ打鐵6次,就會超越Kobe成為NBA歷史的打鐵王。18
Re: [閒聊] T1官網關閉了嗎?我是有自製台籃數據網站的版友,之前也有撈T1的數據,需要的版友可以參考看看 目前這個網站還苟延殘喘著,但新聯盟的數據短期內應該不會加上去。 因為我下半年有出車禍,康復後最近工作又比較忙,一直沒時間再去更新(可能也是我太懶XD) 之後有時間的話,我再看看能不能把兩聯盟數據做整合,並且再加上新聯盟的數據。43
[分享] 道奇是史上第三隊 季後賽連三完封The Dodgers are the 3rd team all-time to throw 3 straight postseason shutouts. The other 2 teams didn't make any pitching changes; the Dodgers made 13. 道奇成為季後賽史上第三隊,連續三場完封對手。 其他兩隊都沒有換任何投手,道奇共換了13次。 --66
[花邊] Curry中斷在GM票選最佳控衛9連霸For the first time since 2015, Steph Curry is no longer the best PG in the GM Survey. He fell to #3 with 23% of the votes. 自2015年以來,這是Curry第一次在GM調查中,不是聯盟中最好的控球後衛。 他下滑到第三名,只有23%的得票。19
[花邊] Curry/Messi晚安慶祝卡 有1/1簽名版JUST IN: There is now a 1/1 dual autograph card of Lionel Messi & Steph Curry both hitting the "Night Night" celebration. Anyone who buys the Topps Now base card will have a chance to receive the 1/1 dual on-card autograph card of these two icons.This "crossover" card is truly the first of its kind, and it will be finding a new home SOON! Will you be buying any of the Topps Now base cards to have a chance at this piece of history? 世界唯一的球員卡:Curry和Messi同時做出Night Night慶祝動作的雙方簽名卡。32
[花邊] 23-24賽季 剩4秒內的拆彈數與效率Shots at the end of the shot-clock—often referred to as grenades—are generally tightly contested. Here are the top 50 in "grenade" FGA in '23-'24 ^ Efficient End-Of-Shot-Clock Scoring > More End-Of-Shot-Clock Attempts What stands out?爆
[花邊] LBJ喜歡Caitlin Clark今天的精彩表現CAITLIN CLARK!!!!! HI HATERS 克拉克!!!嗨 各位黑粉 (LBJ轉發了以下貼文)77
[花邊] 2K25的6-10名 Curry第7 老詹第6Anthony Davis is the 10th highest rated player in #NBA2K25 at 94 OVR! 第10名 AD 9443
[花邊] 2k25 切入灌籃能力值 Ant和Ja居冠No rim is safe around these high flyers Top 5 Driving Dunk ratings in #NBA2K25 沒有任何一個籃框能躲過這些扣將的摧殘81
[花邊] 2k25三分能力值Top5 Curry99最高Greens all day The top 5 three-point shooters in #NBA2K25! 2k25三分能力值Top5的球員 Curry - 9971
[花邊] 巴黎奧運 場均得分與真實命中率2024 Paris Olympics… > More Points Per Game ^ More Efficient What stands out?爆
[情報] Booker完美兌現去年對褲子的承諾消息來源: 內容: Shoutout to DBook, did all the little things and helped bring the gold home 致敬書人,做了所有不起眼的小事來幫助美國拿下金牌爆
[花邊] Curry最後兩場 共60分17三分 90%TSSteph Curry Semi-Final + Final Combined: 60 PTS 90.0 TS% 17/26 3P54
[花邊] 小丑銅牌戰大三元 累積數據都領先Jokic today: — 19 PTS — 12 REB — 11 AST86
[花邊] 美國隊三老包辦最後13分 完成逆轉Scoring the FINAL 13 POINTS for USA to complete their Paris2024 Semifinals comeback... Steph. Bron. KD. 美國隊三老包辦最後的13分,完成了巴黎奧運準決賽的逆轉勝 咖哩 老詹 死神36
[情報] 今日Jokic打澳洲 21分14板8助4抄消息來源: 內容: Jokic today: 21 PTS62
[花邊] 澳洲王Mills 上半場20分 11投8中Patty Mills at half: 20 PTS 8-11 FG +1764
[花邊] 奧運小組賽 KD最高效 字母得分王2024 Paris Olympics Group Stage -> More Points More Efficient What stands out?爆
[情報] 小丑正負值為0 下場9分鐘球隊-26消息來源: 內容: The difference between when Jokic plays and when he sits is crazy爆
[花邊] 上半場KD 8投8中 5顆三分 21分KD at half: 21 PTS 8-8 FG 5-5 3P62
[花邊] 三分命中率低於30%的球員進球數Most threes on under 30 3P%: 549 — Dwyane Wade 538 — Charles Barkley 531 — DeMar DeRozan爆
[花邊] Bronny 夏聯場均4.3分 投籃22.6%Bronny James in Summer League: 4.3 PPG 22.6 FG% 0.0 3P%24
[討論] 自製台籃數據網站 - 新增T1聯盟數據自製台籃數據網站的網址: 之前只有PLG的數據,這週花了不少時間寫程式來撈T1官網的數據,再加進資料庫。 目前只撈了T1的逐場boxscore數據,而且格式跟PLG略有不同,所以新開了一個分頁 "T1 plot tool",在網站左上角能切換。 用法基本上和 "PLG plot tool" 一樣,選x軸和y軸的數據作圖。爆
[情報] Bronny夏聯共15分 投籃6-26 三分0-12消息來源: 內容: Bronny's stats in 3 Summer League games: 15 PTS66
[花邊] 23-24賽季中距離跳投 老詹32.7%最低Least Accurate Midrange Jumpshooters '23-'24... What Stands Out? 23-24賽季最鐵的中距離跳投(至少100次出手)爆
[花邊] Curry代表美國隊打國際賽 共18勝0敗Steph Curry is undefeated in the USA Jersey in his two FIBA World Cup appearances (18-0) 咖哩參加過兩次世界盃,代表美國隊出戰時還未嚐過敗績,總計18勝0敗 今年是咖哩第一次參加奧運,是否能維持不敗戰績拿下金牌呢?50
[情報] DDR在公牛場均25.5分 僅次於MJ消息來源: 內容: DeMar as a Bull: — 25.5 PPG95
[花邊] 五年前的今天 湖人交易來ADFive years ago today, Anthony Davis was traded to the Lakers for — Brandon Ingram — Lonzo Ball — Josh Hart63
[花邊] 2020後投進一千顆三分 僅咖哩和巴弟Players with 1,000+ threes in the 2020s: Steph Curry Buddy Hield The new Splash Bros.爆
[花邊] PG想加入勇士 但快艇拒絕所有方案Paul George wanted to join the Warriors, but the Clippers were not interested in sending him there, per @timkawakami “The Warriors had agreed to give George a max, four-year extension upon arrival. They believed they had proposed several variations of a trade that the Clippers could and would accept. Stephen Curry and Draymond Green were 100 percent on board. George gave strong indications he wanted to join the Warriors. But the Clippers never agreed to any version of a trade, and now George is a free agent and essentially beyond the Warriors’ reach.” 根據消息,PG有想要加入勇士隊,但快艇隊對此沒有興趣。 「勇士隊同意在PG到來後給他一份四年的頂薪延長合約,他們認為已提出了幾種可行的交易方案給快艇隊。Curry和嘴綠也支持這筆交易。PG也強烈表明他希望加入勇士隊,但快艇隊並未同意任何一種交易方案。現在PG已成為自由球員,基本上勇士隊已沒有機會獲得。」27
[情報] DJM是老鷹隊史唯一場均20/5/5消息來源: 內容: Dejounte as a Hawk: 21.5 PPG44
[花邊] 賽季Catch&Shoot出手 馬卡能KT最多Most Catch & Shoot FGA per Game '23-’24: 1. Markkanen: 7.7 FGA/g—61.5 eFG% 1. Klay: 7.7—55.9% 3. DiVincenzo: 7.3—60.9%61
[花邊] 賽季單打回合PPP 可愛1.2分最高效Most Efficient Isolation Scorers '23-'24... What stands out? 2023-24賽季最高效的單打球員(例行賽)37
[討論] 總冠軍賽數據 牙哥真的要加油...國王奪冠算是意料之內,領航員還年輕明年再加油吧! 以下簡單分享冠軍系列賽的數據 看看整個冠軍系列賽的出手數和有效命中率,張鎮衙是極端值的慘... 扛哥真的扛,69在被重點看防之下其實也算不錯了,當然還有很大進步空間。41
[情報] 三年前的今天 KD搶七大戰絕殺踩線消息來源: 內容: Kevin Durant, three years ago today: — 48 PTS73
[花邊] 40年前的今天 MJ在第三順位被選中40 years ago today, Michael Jordan was drafted 3rd overall: 6x NBA Champ 6x FMVP 5x MVP70
[花邊] PJ Washington 打雷霆三分特別準PJ Washington Playoff 3PT Shooting: 23/49 (46.9%) — vs Thunder 24/86 (27.9%) — vs All Other Teams PJ Washington季後賽三分球63
[討論] 今年雙J跟過去十年FMVP數據比較恭喜塞爾提克拿下總冠軍! 雖然冠軍是毫不意外,但FMVP大家應該能討論一下。 以下數據都是總冠軍系列賽 以雙J來說,JT就是效率較低但數據較高。但其實JB命中率也才44%,三分比JT還慘...74
[花邊] 歷史上的6/16 浪花拿下第1和4座冠軍OTD in NBA History: The Splash Brothers won their first and fourth NBA Champions (2015, 2022) A trip down memory lane — a thread NBA歷史上的今天(美國時間6/16) 浪花兄弟拿下他們的第一和第四座冠軍,分別是2015和2022年爆
[情報] 上半場 77+KI得36分 青賽全隊35分消息來源: 內容: At half: Luka & Kyrie — Celtics —84
[花邊] Lively在總冠投進生涯第一顆三分球Just hit his first career three-pointer. In the Finals. Lively剛才投進了生涯第一顆三分球 在總冠軍賽