PTT推薦 nick04151998 過去發表過的文章
[花邊] 老鷹單節克服21分落後大逆轉公牛The Bulls led the Hawks 124-107 with 6:20 remaining. Atlanta just ran off a 23-2 run in 4 minutes to take the lead at home 心得:抱歉剛剛沒按到分類 老鷹落後幾乎整場 單節50:25- The Bulls led the Hawks 124-107 with 6:20 remaining. Atlanta just ran off a 23-2 run in 4 minutes to take the lead at home 心得:公牛最後幾分鐘被打傻 連教練也是 老鷹正常落後 最後一波帶走大概沒人想得到吧
[分享] 土虱曾仁和IG 結婚發表內文: 一路以來,除了有球團和球迷的支持外,我身邊有一位非常重要的人,我們一起克服距離和 種種挑戰,她都沒有離開過我。 不管是我在美國追求夢想之後又面臨被球隊釋出的低潮,還是回到台灣加入中職,這近七年爆
[花邊] Irving中斷關門戰歷史最佳14連勝His first closeout loss Reminder: Kyrie Irving is 14-0 in closeout games. The best record of all-time. 心得:爆
[花邊] Kyrie 關門戰14戰全勝來源: 14-0 in closeout games. The best record in NBA history. NBA 史上最佳的關門戰績14-0 心得: 記錄延續啦 被淘汰的雷霆也是很棒的對手 恭喜小牛 恭喜KI!59
[花邊] Kyrie Irving 生涯關門戰13戰全勝來源: Kyrie in closeout games is the only player to be undefeated in 10+ closeout game s.85
[花邊] Doncic與Lively後場直送合作空拋來源: LUKA ALLEY-OOP FROM FULL COURT TO DERECK LIVELY ! 心得:常常看到半場空拋 但從後場直送的還真不常見 這球有機會入選季後賽Top10了嗎!50
[情報] 熱火 Jaquez將不出戰G5消息來源: MIAMI (AP) — The Miami Heat will be without yet another starter when they face an elimination game in Boston on Wednesday night. Rookie forward Jaime Jaquez Jr. did not travel with the team on Tuesday to Bosto n for a Game 5 against the Celtics, ruled out with a strained right hip flexor.58
[分享] 陳俊秀賽後對強襲球的小訪問先感謝We are的訪問影片 心得: 看得出來秀秀對於打到克維斯感到很抱歉 相信球員在球場上都是為了球隊和成績努力奮戰