[情報] 林書豪ig

看板basketballTW標題[情報] 林書豪ig作者
時間推噓16 推:16 噓:0 →:4

Unfortunately injuries are a part of sports, and setbacks are part of life. Yesterdays MRI showed a plantar fascia injury so I'll be out for a period of time until cleared to play by our amazing doctors. It's never my intention to be unable to suit up bc fans pay hard-earned money and sacrifice precious time to come watch us play, and I always want to be on the court fighting with my teammates.

I know the best thing I can do rn is to fully recover. Ill give my 100% during this rehab process, and do my best to fully trust God with the timeline and surrender the results. In the meantime, go @newtaipeikings #CrownTheCity



圖 林書豪ig


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lb01833364 01/27 18:22豪哥加油 早日康復

STRO 01/27 18:22保重身體

Ryan119 01/27 18:22真大腿

belili 01/27 18:25早日康復啊啊

eileen86 01/27 18:28好好休養吧哥哥 打太久了 真神

chiu1998 01/27 18:33早日康復

omracnata 01/27 18:40早日康復

hsuanYue 01/27 19:01好好休息,俊男跟愛家連線會扛起來的:)

cccmn 01/27 19:02好好休息季後賽見啦

newman302 01/27 19:08豪神加油

jeangodard 01/27 19:10俊男會扛起新北市的 豪哥好好休息!

GIE13 01/27 19:23豪哥好好休息

typhoonghi 01/27 19:43這樣東超準備連敗了

a30332520 01/27 19:57特步害的?

selamour 01/27 20:21國王怎麼總是在這種時候遇傷病…

final7824 01/27 20:59邦邦四連勝有望了

final7824 01/27 20:59四連冠

jumilin927 01/27 21:02豪哥好好休息

uplands 01/27 22:24豪哥好好休息

EPIRB406 01/28 11:36豪哥也35了,這年紀沒傷的真的神人