[情報] 林書豪ig
Unfortunately injuries are a part of sports, and setbacks are part of life. Yesterdays MRI showed a plantar fascia injury so I'll be out for a period of time until cleared to play by our amazing doctors. It's never my intention to be unable to suit up bc fans pay hard-earned money and sacrifice precious time to come watch us play, and I always want to be on the court fighting with my teammates.
I know the best thing I can do rn is to fully recover. Ill give my 100% during this rehab process, and do my best to fully trust God with the timeline and surrender the results. In the meantime, go @newtaipeikings #CrownTheCity

豪哥加油 早日康復
好好休養吧哥哥 打太久了 真神
俊男會扛起新北市的 豪哥好好休息!
首PoWhen I joined the @kaohsiungsteelers I had 3 goals: 1. Use my bball to give God glory and praise 2. Re-find my joy for basketball after a miserable last 2 seasons 3. Regardless of record or score, to do my absolute best to give the fans the best possible on-court product that my team and I could possibly give I never have, and never will, play for individual achievements, but Im truly grateful to God, my family, my team, the media and the fans for this experience. I truly dont know what the future holds, but for now, Im learning to enjoy and live in the present. Much love爆
首Po LOVE to the best teammates, coaches, staff and fans. Ty for everyones wishes, I'll be back healthy soon. We fought til the end, we hold our heads high, we absolutely did not fail! Ill never forget this season. From the bottom of my heart, thank you 很多爱给我最棒的隊友,教練團,球隊和球迷。我會很快恢復。我們從來沒放棄,抬頭挺胸,我們肯定沒失敗。永遠不會忘記這賽季 @kaohsiungsteelers
[外絮] 醫療專家:普洱的手極不可能造成膝骨挫傷Doctor: 'Highly unlikely' Poole play caused Ja's bone bruise Dr. Nirav Pandya, an Associate Professor of UCSF Orthopedic Surgery and Direct or of Sports Medicine at Benioff Children's Hospital, explained how it is "hig hly unlikely" that Poole's hand could have caused such an injury:爆
[情報] Goran Dragic 足底筋膜撕裂消息來源: Heat guard Goran Dragic has suffered a torn plantar fascia, sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium. He will continue to be re-evaluated. 根據最新報導指出,爆
[情報] 呂政儒 十字韌帶斷裂#SteelersNews 高雄17直播鋼鐵人隊長呂政儒,於(6)日作客桃園璞園領航猿,不慎傷到右膝,昨(8)日經醫 院MRI檢視後為右膝前十字韌帶斷裂與內側半月板破裂,預計需先開刀治療及休養。 鋼鐵人全員將士用命於2024年拿下寶貴一勝,止住11連敗,球員的拚搏精神有目共睹,鋼鐵 隊長呂政儒更是關鍵時刻跳出逆轉戰局,惜最後傷到右膝,接下來也將會有專業的醫療團隊爆
[情報] Donovan Mitchell 受傷9pdSI8ZMqAAAA Donovan Mitchell has a left hamstring injury and will receive an MRI and be eval uated on Tuesday 米丘左腿筋受傷,將會在明天進行MRI並重新評估傷勢。爆
[情報] Anthony Davis 將缺席四個星期消息來源: Frank Vogel says Anthony Davis was re-evaluated by team doctors tonight and he will be out four weeks. The Lakers want to give him time to fully recover. Anthony Davis 今天回到洛杉磯之後重新再給隊醫評估傷勢狀況87
[情報] 德軟談LBJ傷勢情況:我不能說太多來源: 德軟談LBJ傷勢情況:我不能說太多 Dennis Schroder on LeBron James’ return timeline: 「I know. I can’t say too62
[外電] AD昨日的傷情記者會發現湖版竟然只有推文裡在不相關的標題下討論 總版也只有一篇阿哩不噠的中文綜合報導 其實這消息在美國,球迷的普遍反應都是「慶幸」 也就是算是好消息來看待,我是持保留態度畢竟是AD自己口述可能偏樂觀 但是一方面球團讓他自己面對記者說明傷情也表示不是最壞狀況了43
[情報] Dragic會參加賽前熱身(確定不出賽)Miami Heat guard Goran Dragic will warm up before Game 4 of NBA Finals tonight to attempt to play, sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium. If Dragic can tolerate pain with torn plantar fascia in foot, he will play. Dragic將會參加第四戰賽前的熱身,如果他能忍受足底筋膜撕裂的疼痛,他就會出賽 Heat’s Goran Dragic will not play in Game 4 of NBA Finals against the Lakers, sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium. Dragic attempted to play on torn plantar fascia, warmed up pregame. 確定不出賽25
Re: [外電] R: Anthony DavisFrank Vogel says Anthony Davis was re-evaluated by team doctors tonight and he will be out four weeks. The Lakers want to give him time to fully recover. Vogel 說AD 經過隊醫的重新評估之後 會缺席4週 湖人希望讓他有時間完全恢復15
[外電] Talen Horton-TuckerTalen Horton-Tucker is cleared for contact tomorrow. No timetable for a return to game action, but that's obviously big progress. -THT明天將首度進行有對抗性的練球,暫時還沒有確定回歸的時間表,但這是很大的進展 。 Talen says that he feels like he's gotten better with his left hand while doin