[討論] 劉嘉發教練的英文

看板basketballTW標題[討論] 劉嘉發教練的英文作者
時間推噓55 推:57 噓:2 →:11

想問 劉的英文程度到底如何

應還不至於什麼都不會講 是嗎?


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sue5566 11/16 19:45This is a book

mmmn52332 11/16 19:45ok. good thank you

agent23 11/16 19:45This is an apple

casperkk 11/16 19:46I have a pen

superjjj 11/16 19:46不一定吧,Q也來很多年了,中文還是沒學好啊

try107799 11/16 19:46請邱大宗就沒有溝通的問題了

Shiang1225 11/16 19:46No more hair wax

patrick123 11/16 19:47Nica pass nice block rebound

a830606 11/16 19:47Tamader

Sunlin30 11/16 19:47howad holle

Chanlin01 11/16 19:48Ikea

patrick123 11/16 19:48Howard shoot the ball

Once1225 11/16 19:48翻譯是幹嘛用的?

SC30mvp 11/16 19:49This is chicken ass

knifewei191911/16 19:49Howard you are shooter

IKURAQ 11/16 19:51I'm fine.Thank you.And you

justin21138 11/16 19:51照你的講法球員跟洋將配合十年英文也要嚇嚇叫了

parappa 11/16 19:51Howard Solo !

haha98 11/16 19:51apple this 那個

Kyrieisme 11/16 19:52you go

Krishna 11/16 19:52you go here. you go there. and shoot

kill780215 11/16 19:52蚵仔 A lot

omracnata 11/16 19:53chicken ass !

nolie1228 11/16 19:53Is that good to drink?

ZIDENS 11/16 19:53沒差吧 花這幾千萬有在差請一個翻譯嗎==

sd09090 11/16 19:54有一位年輕翻譯

Himawarisa 11/16 19:55只要翻譯不是鋼鐵人那位的等級都可以放心啦

huan0 11/16 19:55霍華德會學中文啦,請謝謝對不起可以了

kill780215 11/16 19:56霍華德like

godnnn 11/16 19:57Ikea

dkl1027 11/16 19:57你怎麼不說QD來台灣10幾年不會講

GeminiShiny 11/16 19:57台灣人從小到大上多少英文,有多好?

GeminiShiny 11/16 19:57加油好嗎?

harry104903 11/16 20:00Come here! shot! go back ! nice ball!

lawenwen 11/16 20:00霍華德like

jumilin927 11/16 20:01霍華德Dunk

justin21138 11/16 20:02三哥英文不知道怎麼練的,他講戰術也幾乎不用翻譯

justin21138 11/16 20:02,只有記者會時要

KBBEN21 11/16 20:02ball to howard ok?

kleber 11/16 20:03I'm fine, thank you. And you?

LMgogo 11/16 20:04教練不用溝通好嗎 都有翻譯

PacificRim 11/16 20:06Fxxk your mama , We are not turtle son

Kyameron 11/16 20:10can't speak English

imsazi 11/16 20:12有一種職業叫做翻譯

a90102x123 11/16 20:13霍華德進去dunk

hondacbr85rr11/16 20:15you have fancy hair but play like shit

laker7634 11/16 20:16pass to Howard

tupacshkur 11/16 20:24Rumor has it that you banged a tranny from

tupacshkur 11/16 20:24behind?

benedict76 11/16 20:27專有名詞會啊!但要精確表達國內沒幾個教練可以

sweetsmoke 11/16 20:31apple pen pineapple pen

Cowyau 11/16 20:39Go down , dunk , nice one

access4096 11/16 20:43Ball to Howard

kbten 11/16 20:43dunk not stop

bali123 11/16 20:47coach 邱英文就很溜,marry Christmas

nick1628 11/16 20:48籃球用語英文講幾年,講戰術根本不用翻譯吧,除非他

nick1628 11/16 20:48要喂洋將雞湯

jamison33 11/16 20:59your are a boy

eric02396 11/16 21:06ball to howard ok?

h1242890 11/16 21:24you rebound, dunk

gandalflee 11/16 21:29Howard you go there,ISO! OK?

a123544714 11/16 21:39yo

ssshleo 11/16 21:49aaa apple rrr 一定要傳承我的精神

muvowen 11/16 21:52Pass the ball to Howard!!!

young112114 11/16 22:29我之前跟Q拍照,他也是會講一些中文啦

bypetty 11/16 22:38bad shot

leonjapan 11/17 00:26I have a pen. I have an apple. Ugh Apple pen.

kannachan 11/17 00:50DH 走一個flow

alex0589 11/17 01:24His mom’s

H132196 11/17 01:29樓上這句有聲音XD