[情報] 全球首款25.3吋彩色電子紙E-Ink顯示器

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DASUNG 25.3-inch color E-ink monitor

Indiegogo Pre-sale Link:

DASUNG 25.3-inch color E-ink monitor is not just a display; it represents a visual revolution and a true game-changer. It will revolutionize the way we perceive visuals, providing an unparalleled experience that not only impresses with itsappearance but also leads the way in technology.

DASUNG Paperlike color E-ink monitor has the potential to adapt to a wide rangeof scenarios and catering to a diverse user base.
Get ready to be amazed by all the excitement it will bring!

The World's First Color E-ink Monitor by DASUNG

Paperlike Color features the latest 25.3-inch Kaleido 3 color E-ink screen, rendering 4096 colors with higher reflectivity. 3200 x 1800 resolution. Support HDMI, DP &Type-C input. Exclusive Frontlight and Ultra-fast Turbo Refresh Tech. Professional Desktop Monitor. Suitable for more scenarios.

Display Like a Real Color Printing Paper!

It incorporates DASUNG X-Color Filter tech, display like color printing paper, delivering exceptional performance in terms of color contrast, vibrancy, text darkness, and dynamic effects on the screen

Unbelievable Refresh Speed on Color E-ink Screen!

Paperlike Color also integrates DASUNG Turbo Ultra-speed Refresh tech, delivering ultra-fast refresh rates and minimal latency. Smoother browsing, document editing, online learning, video watching.

PC/Smartphone/iPad Wireless Display. No More Wires

2.4G+5G dual-band transmission, ultra-low delay, strong anti-interference ability, Miracast/AirPlay transmission technology, adapt to more devices, realize stable and efficient video signal transmit.





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※ 編輯: gary8442 ( 臺灣), 09/06/2023 21:23:17

widec09/06 21:3110吋一萬 25吋少說也要兩萬五吧

chuink09/06 21:4813吋就已經要兩萬多元了

flypenguin09/06 21:56感覺開出來的價格會讓我喊 EIZO 好便宜

Qorqios09/06 22:09那就再等五年

REOLY09/06 23:54開賣了 早鳥價47857NT 12月寄出 比想像便宜不少

FeverPitch09/06 23:55比較期待大尺寸的彩色e-reader普及

gary844209/07 00:29@REOLY 居然壓在5萬以內 比之前黑白25.3吋便宜

berserkman09/07 15:48電子紙的更新率還是讓人很不習慣 尤其手機出現120Hz後

hedgehogs09/08 12:2225吋要五萬吧

hedgehogs09/08 12:22啊,上面有價格了