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The best apps with Home Screen widgets for iOS 14
Sandy Writtenhouse on September 17, 2020

Spark Mail
Parcel – Delivery Tracking
Countdown – Countdown to Dates
Unwind – Mindful Breathing

Apollo for Reddit: Visit Reddit in a different way
Aviary: View recent tweets on Twitter
Book Track: Manage your library
Calendars: Check your scheduled events
Calory: Count calories and track food
CardPointers: Earn rewards with your credit cards
Carrot Weather: Get your weather with a dose of sarcasm
Copilot: Manage your money
Dark Noise: Listen to relaxing sounds
Day One Journal: Capture your life’s moments
Debit & Credit: Budget your money
Dice by PCalc: Use a polyhedral dice for tabletop role-playing games
Documents: Access recent documents
Drafts: Write without distractions
FoodNoms: Track what you eat
GameTrack: Organize your video game collection
GoodTask: Manage your to-dos
HabitMinder: Keep track of habits and stay motivated
HealthView: See your health data and details
Lookup – English Dictionary: Learn words, see definitions, and get translations
Next: Magic DJs & Playlists: Enjoy a smart music player
Nudget: Create and stick to your budget
PDF Expert: Read or edit a PDF
Pedometer ++: Count your steps and reach your walking goals
Pennant: Keep up with sports standings
Personal Best Workouts: Gain insight into your workouts
Pillow Automatic Sleep Tracker: Track your sleep habits
Pocketdex for Pokémon GO: Take the game up a notch
Scanner Pro: Check recent scans
Spend Stack: Track you budget
Slopes: Ski & Snowboard: Track your snow sport experiences
SmartGym: Create, manage, and track fitness routines
Soor: Listen to songs with an attractive music player
Streaks: Track your habits
TripIt: Plan your travels
TuneTrack: Track your music stats
VectorVest Stock Advisory: Get analysis and stock ideas while managing your portfolio
WaterMinder: Log your water intake
Weather Line: Get the forecast and view live radar
Widget Wizard: View your agenda and health activity
Wikipedia: Check your favorite free encyclopedia

大家可以到網站去看有沒有自己有興趣的 APP,
Spark 算是蠻快就支援的郵件 APP,也已能預設,蠻不錯的。

有些 APP 還在測試,可以去找 testflight 版本來玩。

iPad OS 不能放滿畫面蠻可惜的,之後應該修改一下,
iOS 14 把舊的小工具排擠在左頁下,明顯是要慢慢淘汰它們。


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※ 編輯: kouta ( 臺灣), 09/18/2020 00:56:29

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