[情報] iOS 15 起 iCloud 空間將臨時調昇來移機

看板iOS標題[情報] iOS 15 起 iCloud 空間將臨時調昇來移機作者
(徵鋼鍊 20 21)
時間推噓 6 推:6 噓:0 →:7




iOS 15 起,使用者購買新裝置並透過 iCloud 備份移機時,
即便你原有的 iCloud 空間不足,仍會免費提供你移機所需的空間,

Now when you buy a new device you can use iCloud Backup to move
your data to your new device, even if you’re low on storage.
iCloud will grant you as much storage as you need to complete a
temporary backup, free of charge, for up to three weeks. This
allows you to get all your apps, data, and settings onto your
device automatically.

還有內建 2FA 驗證碼產生器

Built-in authenticator
Generate verification codes needed for additional sign-in
security. If a site offers two-factor authentication, you can set
up verification codes under Passwords in Settings — no need to
download an additional app. Once set up, verification codes
autofill when you sign in to the site.

可停留在 iOS 14 繼續更新安全性更新

Software Updates
iOS now offers a choice between two software update versions in
the Settings app. You can update to the latest version of iOS 15
as soon as it’s released for the latest features and most
complete set of security updates.

Or continue on iOS 14 and stillget important security updates
until you’re ready to upgrade to the next major version.

Universal Control 最多三台

Support for multiple devices
Universal Control works with up to three devices.


※ PTT留言評論
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※ 編輯: alljerry04 ( 臺灣), 06/08/2021 04:38:19

maxw110206/08 04:38這適用於iPhone13吧 12出廠不可能是iOS15啊

※ 編輯: alljerry04 ( 臺灣), 06/08/2021 04:42:38 ※ 編輯: alljerry04 ( 臺灣), 06/08/2021 04:43:57

alljerry0406/08 04:44你說臨時調昇空間嗎?

alljerry0406/08 04:45現在是 Preview,一定是 13 才會預載 iOS 15 啊

sjclivelo06/08 08:45超佛

JoeArtanis06/08 10:09真佛心

marquelin06/08 10:53

chironys06/08 13:4513出來後生產的12也會出廠預設iOS 15吧?

grey100106/08 19:12為推展雲服務 取代用iTunes/finder來升級/備份

distress073006/08 21:03暫時的佛點在哪裡看不出來

ms054517306/08 22:02這可以啊

iPolo306/08 23:14佛誒

hn948041206/09 01:10如果iOS15出來後還有iPhone 12的話那就要看什麼時候

hn948041206/09 01:10出廠的。以出廠時能安裝的iOS版本為準