Re: [情報] iOS 15.1 RC

看板iOS標題Re: [情報] iOS 15.1 RC作者
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-SharePlay is a new way to share synchronized experiences in FaceTime with content from the Apple TV app, Apple Music, Fitness+, and other supported App Store apps
-Shared controls give everyone the ability to pause, play, rewind or fast forward
Smart volume automatically lowers the audio of a movie, TV show or song when your friends speak
-Apple TV supports the option to watch the shared video on your big screen while you continue the FaceTime call on iPhone
Screen sharing lets everyone on a -FaceTime call look at photos, browse the web, or help each other out

-ProRes video capture using iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max
-Setting to turn off automatic camera switching when taking macro photos and videos on iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max

Apple Wallet
-COVID-19 vaccination card support allows you to add and present verifiable vaccination information from Apple Wallet

-Mandarin Chinese (Taiwan) support in the Translate app and for system-wide translation

-New automation triggers based on the current reading of a HomeKit-enabled humidity, air quality, or light level sensor

-New pre-built actions let you overlay text on images or gifs, plus a new collection of games lets you pass the time with Siri

This release also fixes the following issues:
-Photos app may incorrectly report storage is full when importing photos and videos
-Weather app may not show current temperature for My Location, and may display colors of animated backgrounds incorrectly
-Audio playing from an app may pause when locking the screen
-Wallet may unexpectedly quit when using VoiceOver with multiple passes
-Available Wi-Fi networks may not be detected
-Battery algorithms updated on iPhone 12 models to better estimate battery capacity over time

For information on the security content of Apple software updates, please visitthis website:

※ 引述 《roman80010》 之銘言:
: iOS 15.1 RC (19B74)
: 15.1 新增內容
: 1. 使用 Airpods3 需要 15.1 以上才可以運行 (待確定)
: 2. SharePlay 功能
: 3. iPhone 13 Pro 系列加入ProRes和手動切換微距功能
: 4. HomePod 和 HomePod mini 無損音質和杜比全景聲
: 15.1 修復內容(僅供參考)
: 1. 手錶無法解鎖問題
: 2. 儲存空間已滿問題
: 3. iPhone 12系列 電池問題
: 4. 安全漏洞和安全性問題
: 大家都更新了嗎~ 正式版大概下週更新


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qoopichu 10/21 00:44有注意到,但是剛才看翻譯裡面還是沒有繁中啊

teyang 10/21 01:00 沒有

teyang 10/21 01:00

圖 iOS 15.1 RC

markmao 10/21 01:20翻譯常常會辨識成其他語言 不知道能不能固定英翻中

kylefan 10/21 01:37更完了,我也沒有

kylefan 10/21 01:38可惡 被蘋果騙了 希望正式版會有

kouta 10/21 01:45看看正式版吧 可能伺服器下載的檔案沒有上

PopeVic 10/21 01:47終於!!! 希望正式版會有

LBJames23 10/21 03:31有繁體中文-香港

tony604062 10/21 06:06看到新增Covid-19的國外數位證明,個人感覺會像先

tony604062 10/21 06:06前google與Apple合作的接觸通知,可能會統一規範

tony604062 10/21 06:06在wallet app,現在先以洛杉磯試水溫

tony604062 10/21 06:07

圖 iOS 15.1 RC