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Pathological Lymph Node Regression After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Predicts Recurrence and Survival in Esophageal Adenocarcinoma: A Multicenter Study in the United Kingdom
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@rerun 已徵到,但還是非常感謝大大!!
首Po需要這篇paper: doi: 10.1177/00033197211045031 用過一般常用的方法,也找過自己醫院和學校的資源而仍不可得,故上來拜託好心人 沒有什麼能報答的,有喝咖啡的話請讓我用app轉贈小七或全家的咖啡一杯1
首Po文章: Effect of intraoperative subhypnotic infusion of propofol on postoperative nausea and vomiting: A retrospective analysis 期刊:1
首PoTopic: Common Finger Fractures and Dislocations Author: Marc A Childress, Jairo Olivas, Anna Crutchfield Journal:1
首PoTopic: The Impact of High-Flow Nasal Cannula Device, Nebulizer Type, and Placement on Trans-Nasal Aerosol Drug Delivery Author: Jie Li, Lucas Williams and James B Fink2
首PoEffectiveness of board game activities for reducing depression among older adu lts in adult day care centers of Taiwan:a quasi-experimental study PMID:33138738 DOI: 10.1080/00981389.2020.1842576 麻煩來信到:[email protected]1
首PoWhat Happens to the Preserved Renal Parenchyma After Clamped Partial Nephrecto my? European Urolgoy volume 81 Issue 5 2022 May DOI: 10.1016/j.eururo.2021.12.036 查過Sci hub沒有
[求文] 徵paper一篇,萬分感謝!!Dear all 想麻煩幫忙找一篇paper全文... 超級無敵霹靂感謝!! 小的信箱 [email protected]1
[求文]徵求paper 1篇。徵求paper 一篇。 題目: Comparative frequency of bone sarcomas among different racial groups. PMID: 11721448. 網址:1
[求文] 徵paper一篇 多謝題目:New Therapeutic Strategies for Asthma. 作者:Edward M. Zoratti, MD1; George T. O’Connor, MD, MS2,3 網址: 已經在 sci-hub上面找過了 但是都沒有看到QQ 想問問看有沒有擁有這篇paper的大大可以幫忙寄到下列信箱1
[求文] 徵paper一篇 (已徵到)標題: Acquisition of genomic elements were pivotal for the success of Escherichia coli ST410 期刊: Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, December, 2022 PMID: 36204996 Scihub及院內期刊均無收錄- 各位前輩不好意思, 院內及Sci hub皆找不到此篇paper, 想懇請能下載到這篇paper的前輩幫忙。 真的非常感謝!
- 想請板上前輩先進們幫個忙 院內及Sci hub都搜尋不到此篇paper全文, 想在此懇請能下載到這篇paper全文的幫忙! doi: 10.1016/j.clae.2012.08.046 Predicted reduction in high myopia for various degrees of myopia control
- Dear all 想麻煩幫忙找一篇paper全文... 超級無敵霹靂感謝!! 小的信箱 [email protected]
- 標題:The outcome of esophageal perforation in neonates and it’s risk factors: a 10-year study 期刊:Pediatric surgery international DOI: 請寄到:
- 院內資源找不到,想徵一篇paper,萬分感謝! Hand (N Y). 2023 Jul;18(5):765-771. doi: 10.1177/15589447211066349. Epub 2022 Jan 7. Ultrasound Measurements of the Median Nerve at the Distal Wrist Crease Correlate With Electrodiagnostic Studies Nicholas F Aloi, Landon M Cluts, John R Fowle
- Primary Surgery Not Inferior to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy for Esophageal A denocarcinoma 想找這篇的全文 再麻煩版上大大幫我寄到以下信箱: