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[求文] 徵求一篇Paper (Nature reviews urology)題目:Genetics of kidney stone disease. 作者:Howles SA, Thakker RV. 出處:Nat Rev Urol. 2020 Jul;17(7):407-421. Epub 2020 Jun 12. PMID: 32533118. 希望有大神能夠幫忙找到全文1
[求文]徵求paper 1篇。徵求paper 一篇。 題目: Comparative frequency of bone sarcomas among different racial groups. PMID: 11721448. 網址:1
[求文] 徵paper一篇 多謝題目:New Therapeutic Strategies for Asthma. 作者:Edward M. Zoratti, MD1; George T. O’Connor, MD, MS2,3 網址: 已經在 sci-hub上面找過了 但是都沒有看到QQ 想問問看有沒有擁有這篇paper的大大可以幫忙寄到下列信箱1
[求文] 想徵求一篇paper想要徵求一篇 Primary Intradural Hemangioendothelioma of Lumbar Spine 在2021年10月發表在World Neurosurgery 小的信箱:[email protected]- 題目: Syndrome of disturbance of the left motor supplementary area associated with a parasagittal meningioma 作者:G CARRIERI PMID:14018897 網址:
- 題目:Prostate cancer molecular detection in plasma samples by glutathione S-transferase P1 (GSTP1) methylation analysis 作者:Raluca Dumache, Maria Puiu, Marilena Motoc, Corina Vernic, Victor Dumitrascu 網址:
- 徵求一篇paper的檔案 Title: Deep neck infections in children J Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2001 Dec;34(4):287-92. pubmed網址: 用學校的電子資源和sci-hub都找不到全文
- 想要徵求一篇 Inspiratory and Expiratory Chest High-Resolution CT: Small-Airway Disease Evaluation in Patients with COVID-19 在2021年1月發表在current medical imaging
- 代po 徵求一篇paper :One-Year Efficacy and Safety of Omidenepag Isopropyl in Patients with Normal-Te nsion Glaucoma. 我的醫院沒有收錄,麻煩各位了
- 徵求這篇paper 信箱:[email protected] 感謝! P幣100 小小心意