[情報] Chris Hemsworth承認對《雷神2》感到失望

看板movie標題[情報] Chris Hemsworth承認對《雷神2》感到失望作者
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Chris Hemsworth was disappointed by Thor: The Dark World

The Marvel Cinematic Universe may be one of the biggest franchises of all
time, but that doesn’t mean that every movie can be a winner. When it comes
to ranking the MCU, I doubt that many fans are placing Thor: The Dark World
anywhere near the top, and it doesn’t sound like Chris Hemsworth would


聽起來Chris Hemsworth不會這麼做。

While breaking down his career with Vanity Fair, Chris Hemsworth admitted
that he was a little disappointed with Thor: The Dark World.

在接受 Vanity Fair 專訪時,
Chris Hemsworth承認他對《雷神索爾2:暗黑世界》有點失望。

I wasn’t stoked with what I’d done in Thor 2. I was a little disappointed
in what I’d done. I didn’t think I grew the character in any way, I didn’t
think I showed an audience something unexpected and different. And then when
Ragnarok came along, out of my own frustration of what I had done, and this
is not on any other director or anyone, this was my own performance. I reallywanted to break the mould.

Chris Hemsworth表示:


然後隨著《諸神黃昏》上映後,出於對自己做的事很沮喪,並不是針對導演或其他人, 只是對自己的表演----我真的想打破常規。」

When Taika Waititi came on board to direct Thor: Ragnarok, Chris Hemsworth
told him that he was “really bored of Thor.” Waititi agreed, saying that he
was really bored of Thor as well, and the pair made a conscious effort to
dismantle the character. “And then we decided not to be bored and any time
that feeling came into play, we’d go in a different direction,” Hemsworth
said. “We just dismantled the character, we wanted to have him be a little
more unpredictable, we wanted him to be in a different set of circumstances
than he’d been in before, and also have the humor come through.” It’s
admittedly been a while since I last watched Thor: The Dark World, but I
remember next to nothing about it; perhaps that’s a sign.

而當Taika Waititi加入演出《諸神黃昏》時,
Chris Hemsworth告訴他說自己真的對索爾感到厭煩,







雷神2-暗黑世界 評價有那麼糟喔!!??



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darkbrigher 06/18 20:002就演員跟導演都有說不滿意阿 跟老蝙蝠俠34一樣待遇

※ 編輯: kenny1300175 ( 臺灣), 06/18/2022 20:04:45

widec 06/18 20:05索爾1也很爛阿

egg781 06/18 20:12拍第二集的時候演員被搞得像~我是誰我在哪我在幹嘛?

egg781 06/18 20:13索爾1跟2比顯得很好看

shen0348 06/18 20:19艾倫泰勒說這部也有導演版

cingguy 06/18 20:21只有我覺得1更難看ㄇ??

IvnGoran 06/18 20:24我猜解禁後評論 愛與雷霆:漫威片場2小內史上最佳

IvnGoran 06/18 20:24

XZXie 06/18 20:24反正 雷2不會是漫威最爛的 ^_<

IvnGoran 06/18 20:24片長

cingguy 06/18 20:26尤其他的金色眉毛 呵

warchado 06/18 20:31呵呵 3也沒多好 反派爛到不行

xxx60709 06/18 20:31雷神1至少洛基的劇情還值得一看,雷神2有什麼?

sam812 06/18 20:35雷神系列都很難看,神話的史詩威壓感不適合用喜劇

sam812 06/18 20:35或電音來包裝,搞得雷神一直是很ㄎㄧㄤ的狀態,明

sam812 06/18 20:35明經歷很多慘事卻不覺得有情感深度

sam812 06/18 20:37三巨頭裡跟美隊、鋼鐵人比起來實在不像同一層次水

sam812 06/18 20:37

sam812 06/18 20:38雷神三的女武神大軍vs海拉回憶大場面直接用ppt呈現.

sam812 06/18 20:39.無言

reader2714 06/18 20:432真的很糟阿 1也沒多好看但是2就真的是悲劇

where1993 06/18 21:02完全想不起來1.2在幹嘛==

LADKUO56 06/18 21:12一其實還行吧 就起源電影 二真的整個節奏很怪

Tencc 06/18 21:132爛到我完全不記得在幹嘛

q09701023 06/18 21:181還不錯啦 2我忘記在幹嘛了 紅色的寶石

darkbrigher 06/18 21:182我只記得助手 好大

Tencc 06/18 21:192我只記得雷神搭地鐵

Tencc 06/18 21:20說起來2爛到娜塔莉波曼棄演這還不夠爛嗎

Tencc 06/18 21:20 *後來

darkbrigher 06/18 21:282記得報導是寫娜塔莉想推薦WW女導演來導 推失敗就不

darkbrigher 06/18 21:28演了

BF109Pilot 06/18 21:31二真的沒亮點,但我當初看完還發好雷文,我真的是

BF109Pilot 06/18 21:31給分太鬆了

protess 06/18 21:36雷2 鋼2這兩部我看完都不知道在做啥

kaj1983 06/18 21:52我很愛看1,但2我完全看不下去,根本看不完

STRO 06/18 21:52雷神1、2都不好看……

kaj1983 06/18 21:54雷3我也覺得普,只有彩蛋好看

STRO 06/18 21:54美隊三集都保底均標以上,尤其23很棒,鋼鐵人是2較

STRO 06/18 21:54差,雷神目前就3好看而已

STRO 06/18 21:54雷3我覺得中上,12是真的差

reader2714 06/18 22:08看點就兄弟互動吧 其他都很慘

violin9458 06/18 22:20雷2比復2好看

glacierl 06/18 22:32他不是幾百年前就有說不喜歡雷二了,要不是瓦提提

glacierl 06/18 22:32的劇本,他也不想再拍雷三。

sylviehsiang06/18 22:35二我只記得裸奔教授

ALJAZEERA 06/18 22:393真的蠻好笑

icecold52 06/18 22:43雷2那個天線寶寶反派 真的不行啦 XD

sophia126a 06/18 22:452超難看啊天線寶寶有夠瞎

sophia126a 06/18 22:451很普通2很難看還好換導演3整個好看

alex813 06/18 22:52好險不是對雷神4感到失望

n0029480300 06/18 23:102真的有夠難看 最驚訝的是3竟然可以整個救回來

exyu 06/18 23:143就是真的找對了導演了

followrain 06/18 23:36雷神4看預告覺得太搞笑了,感覺不行

eggbox 06/18 23:44雷2只有把乙太寶石帶出來的功能....

piercingX 06/18 23:46想到娜塔莉波曼要被這樣糟蹋 覺得慘

egg781 06/18 23:49人家看雷神就是想放鬆,雷神4就有抓對方向

nanho 06/18 23:54導演很重要的…謝謝Waititi

XXXaBg 06/19 00:292我大概看了兩次 完全忘記在演什麼

XXXaBg 06/19 00:31漫威沒幾部1是好看的

chiayu81 06/19 00:36我應該是少數覺得2最好看的 3改人設有夠母湯

ejru65m4 06/19 01:232我好像只記得洛基

Lizus 06/19 01:402就雷神和洛基的互動 洛基比較搶戲 反派就很虛不

Lizus 06/19 01:40重要

Lizus 06/19 01:412我是覺得沒很差 但漢斯沃覺得差很正常 因為2洛基

Lizus 06/19 01:41存在感更高

celebleaf 06/19 02:083用搞笑來包裝悲劇的手法很厲害

yujimin 06/19 06:49雷神4加碼跟項羽打個架我就進電影院看10次

Jerrylin121206/19 07:083好看,漫威早就變搞笑片調性,拍正經生離死別沒意

Jerrylin121206/19 07:08

alkahest 06/19 11:47一是那種連道具都爛 擺明敢進度拍avenger的

mysmalllamb 06/19 15:30但一可是整個雷神世界觀與美術調性的奠基者

BF109Pilot 06/19 18:16我後來也學他帥氣的摔杯子,但只敢摔紙杯

neos042 06/19 19:55索爾2當年我還看好幾次,覺得沒那麼糟

Luos 06/19 23:172 至少還有一些笑點

nothing0524 06/20 00:202.3我都忘記在演什麼 期待4

killeryuan 06/20 18:24雷2 影評不喜歡 觀眾不喜歡 演員也不喜歡...