[情報] 捷克 Palacky 大學法學院兩星期暑期班 (歐盟法與人權法)

看板studyabroad標題[情報] 捷克 Palacky 大學法學院兩星期暑期班 (歐盟法與人權法)作者
時間推噓 推:0 噓:0 →:2

意者可私訊,直接請洽 Palacky 大學法學院國際事務組組長 Radana K. 和 秘書 Martin V.

暑期校供午餐,學校會盡量安排宿舍 (不包含於學費),請註明需要協助安排住宿。


Dates of the academic program: 1 July to 12 July 2024

Venue: Palacky University in Olomouc, Faculty of Law – 17. listopadu 8, Olomouc, Czech Republic

Full fee: 490 EUR (includes academic program and catering during the academic program –
2 coffee breaks and lunch each day)

Summer school tentative program:

Morning session with an expert (9-12 a.m.) (1 coffee break in the morning)
Lunch (12-13)

Independent work on a group project, practicing and development of competences relevant for
human rights policy work (13-15) (1 coffee break during the independent work)

Joint feedback and reflection (15-16)

Optional social program

每日行程 (暫定)

Monday 1st July: Cross-Cultural Awareness and Respect, Universality of Human Rights

Tuesday 2nd July: Evolutive Interpretation and Comparative Perspective of Human Rights

Wednesday 3rd July: Writing a Submission to the ECtHR

Thursday 4th July: Investigating mass human rights violations

Friday 5th July: Human Rights, Misinformation and Credibility

Saturday & Sunday 6th and 7th July: free time, sightseeing, sleeping ?
Monday 8th July: The right to housing and people in precarious housing situations

Tuesday 9th July: People with disabilities in institutions and the right to independent living

Wednesday 10th July: Protecting and compensating victims of gender-based violence

Thursday 11th July: Forced migration and international protection

Friday 12th July: Access to Justice and Climate Litigation


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choulu03/22 03:45Olomouc 位處中歐,去布拉格,維也納,波蘭或斯洛伐克

choulu03/22 03:46都不遠,物價比西歐國家低,大學城治安好。