[情報] 中佛羅里達大學招收工程類博士生

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UCF Research Assistantships opportunities for potential PhD students

Dr. Patrick Sun's research group in the Department of Civil, Environmental,
and Construction Engineering at the University of Central Florida (UCF at
Orlando, ) is looking for motivated Ph.D. students
starting in Spring/Fall 2021. Multiple Research Assistantships with full
financial support are available immediately. We encourage applications from
highly self-motivated students with a solid background in infrastructure and
human sensing (e.g. sensor development, image/signal processing), sensing
system development (e.g. computer vision with coding experience in python,
C++, or matlab), data science (e.g. machine/deep learning, data analytics,
and simulation), or a related experimental or analytical field, and a strong
interest in applying these tools to tackle research problems in smart
infrastructures and smart cities. We will aim at publishing our research on
well-known structural sensing journals (e.g. Structural Control and Health
Monitoring, Smart Materials and Structures, ASCE Journal of Structural
Engineering), top computer vision/computing conferences (IEEE conferences andACM conferences, e.g. CVPR, WACV, BMVC, CSCW, etc.).

Successful candidates will conduct thesis research in one or more of the
following areas:
1. Quantifying human activity using deep learning-based computer vision
2. Sensing and analyzing social dynamics in both public open spaces and
in-door built environment
3. Characterization and development of strain sensors for civil
infrastructures using nanomaterials
4. Designing MEMS-based thin-film sensors to measure structural response,
human health and activity-related responses

To express your interest in joining the group, please email your complete CV
and a short cover letter to Dr. Patrick Sun ([email protected], website: ). Applications for research interns and visiting
scholars/students are also welcome.




※ PTT留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (美國)
PTT 網址
※ 編輯: Dkuei ( 美國), 06/11/2020 15:12:46

Sulstan06/11 15:12校園很不錯。Orlando好地方

illousion06/11 16:18我目前在UCF就讀中,對校園跟Orlando生活有問題可以問

illousion06/11 16:18我。不過我想要給一個誠實的意見,有其他選擇的台灣人

illousion06/11 16:18看到排名是絕對不會來這裡念PhD的。當沒有更好的選擇

illousion06/11 16:18,來了之後要有覺悟,PhD的三件事:研究+教學(optiona

illousion06/11 16:18l)+學術服務(recommend)請努力做好做滿增加自己的能見

illousion06/11 16:18度,消弭排名帶來的影響,publication才是實力的證明

illousion06/11 16:18。還有到UCF念PhD,系所資源networking相對都不重要了

illousion06/11 16:18,最重要的是你的老闆跟實驗室的學長姐。我自己還沒畢

illousion06/11 16:18業去向不明,無法做任何結論,只是想說如果只有敝校給

illousion06/11 16:18你全獎老師又合的話,不要太排斥到排名後面但給錢的學

illousion06/11 16:18校。另外因為排名的關係這裡可能你要找同溫層的台灣朋

illousion06/11 16:18友機率很小,沒什麼台灣學生,連中國學生都不多,具體

illousion06/11 16:18影響是我朋友都非亞裔。另外本校工學院獎學金很多,還

illousion06/11 16:18有校方給開會的補助很大方,我每年有$1400的預算,這

illousion06/11 16:18還是不需要老師從自己的fund出。Orlando天氣真的很好

illousion06/11 16:18,冬天完全不冷,夏天就是台灣,UCF學生買各個遊樂公

illousion06/11 16:18園票都有折扣,總之,對校有問題歡迎問我。

darkbishop06/11 18:41每年1400?

leaveleft06/11 19:29開會1400補助算多了!

illousion06/11 20:27是的每個academic year研究生含碩士可以申請到合計1400

illousion06/11 20:28這1400是由三個單位核發 只要能證明會議接受你的摘要

illousion06/11 20:29就可以 其中$500是我們自己系上的 剩下$900是校級單位

illousion06/11 20:29另外敝校對國際學生找到暑假實習做CPT的 由於CPT暑假

illousion06/11 20:30仍然要求選實習學分 也有對應的獎學金全額支付暑假學分

illousion06/11 20:32另工學院每年都有獎學金可以申請 這些獎學金是由校友捐

illousion06/11 20:32贈或成立基金會 有好幾個開放國際學生可以申請

illousion06/11 20:33每個人每年可以申請 數量無上限 只是每年只會中一個

illousion06/11 20:33然後得過的不可以再得,我已經連續兩年得到不同的獎

illousion06/11 20:34申請也不困難就是CV+推薦信 得到後寫感謝函 然後是額外

illousion06/11 20:35的 有TA/RA也可以申請 金額不高當外快 我今年中$5000的

tynse7186406/11 23:44佛州推一個

VichanGer06/12 00:22一年1400...

x013x06/12 14:02推,有越多資訊越好

Organizer06/12 22:061400 開會不算多吧...

illousion06/13 02:36Organizer在尊貴的商學院當然看不上 但是我開會遇到的

illousion06/13 02:37同儕很多是老師自己fund出而且只給到某個上限 比方500

illousion06/13 02:39以OR/OM領域來說 商院老師最大的差別就是沒有申請錢的

illousion06/13 02:41壓力畢竟MBA學費那麼貴資金充足 當一個博班生不需要從

illousion06/13 02:41老闆掏腰包還可以有破千的開會補助時 你可能覺得沒什麼

veru06/13 07:15我一直以為開會老闆要全額補助說 就像出差一樣 因為是老闆

veru06/13 07:16叫我去投的 像我去年ㄧ口氣去了三個會 加起來花了老闆快一萬

illousion06/13 10:26veru大 那是你老闆人好 但不是每個老師都願意這樣做的